Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 479 I Want To Be A Buddha Jumping Over The Wall

Chapter 479 I Want To Be A Buddha Jumping Over The Wall

Back at the restaurant where he was staying, Gong Liang took a nap, and woke up almost noon.

After lunch, he wandered around the city.

Because Zhen's family was building a house and had to dispose of the goods entrusted by others, they were very busy.

Now that Feng Heng is in good health, he went to help, and Gu'er naturally followed.After all the calculations, only Gongliang is the most idle.

After walking on the street for a while, Gong Liang saw a bookstore next to him and walked in.

The book seller is an old man, sitting on a rocking chair and reading a book.Seeing Gongliang coming in, he didn't go forward and call out Lord Huang flatteringly like the others, and after glancing at him, he continued to read the book.

On the bookshelf, classics, history, literature, and collections are divided into categories, and there are all kinds of books.Gong Liang glanced at it, and suddenly found that there was a pornographic book in the corner. He took it out and looked through it. The illustrations in it were colorful and coquettish, and the movements were lifelike.

Migu entered the store and flapped his wings around. At this moment, he found that Papa was so engrossed in reading, so he flew over quickly, wanting to see what good things Papa was looking at.

Gong Liang snapped the book shut.

Just kidding, how can a child see this thing.

After taking a few deep breaths, he managed to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

I can't look at this thing, and my mind is full of reverie.Now that his cultivation base is still shallow, he must maintain his boyish body. Seeing that this thing is clearly doing something wrong!

But you still have to buy this book, because the illustrations on it are so good, such a rare art treasure, you must take it out and think about it when you have time.

After looking around, Gongliang brought down a bunch of books, no matter what kind of books, as long as he didn't have one, he bought a copy.One is to expand his own bookstore, and the other is to avoid showing Yuangungun and Migu to read when they are bored on the road, so as to prevent the two guys from being too idle and having conflicts.As for himself, he felt that his knowledge was already very high, so he didn't need to recharge.

Furthermore, reading too much of this kind of classical Chinese books will really give you headaches.

When the old man saw that he, a barren man, had actually bought so many ancient books from the East, his eyes were as weird as they wanted.

Gongliang didn't care about him, and left immediately after buying the book.

I continued to walk on the street, looking at the shops left and right, I have already been to some, and I have already bought what should be bought. It seems that there is nothing to shop.

Suddenly, a seafood dry goods store appeared in front of him, which reminded him of the famous Fujian dish Fotiaoqiang.

He had eaten that dish before, and as long as he had eaten it once, he would never forget the taste. He secretly swallowed, and decided to try to make the Great Wilderness version of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

There are dozens of ingredients for Buddha Tiaoqiang, and Gongliang now has shark fins (Jiao fish fins), turtle skirts (giant turtles), hens (rare chickens), ling bamboo shoots, mushrooms, large abalone, and pork belly (Small fragrant dolphin), ham (marinated barren animal legs), and other things such as scallops, fat duck, fish maw, sea cucumber, fish lip, sheep elbow, tendons, pigeon eggs and so on.

Gongliang went into the dried seafood store, looking for what he needed, and bought some dried seafood that didn't have enough space. Otherwise, if he went to the inland area, he might not have it if he wanted to buy it, and it would be too expensive to have it.

When the shopkeeper saw Gongliang coming in, he hurriedly greeted him and introduced him.

"Lord Huang, what do you want to buy, as long as it's sea animals and fish, the small shop has everything you need, and the goods are complete, Lord Huang, please take a look."

Gong Liang took a look, the fish maw, scallops, fish lips, and sea cucumbers he wanted were all in the store, but they were not the same as in the previous life, I don't know how many times bigger.

Fish maws are fish maws, but the fish maws here are not known what they are made of. The big ones are several meters long, the smallest ones are half a meter long, and the smaller ones are nonexistent.

Dried scallops, also called scallops, are the adductor muscles of shellfish. In previous lives, the largest ones were only as thick as a little finger, but here they are all as big as a hug. I don’t know what kind of shellfish it is, but it has such a large adductor muscle.Sea cucumbers are not called sea cucumbers here, but jade ginseng, each of which is as white and flawless as jade, about [-] centimeters in length.According to the shop owner, no matter whether this kind of ginseng is alive or dead, whether it has swelled or not, the size is about the same.

Gongliang looked around, and with a wave of his hand, he packed everything he wanted.

The gold in his space is piled up like a mountain, it can be said that he is rich and powerful, and the shopkeeper almost laughs his eyes away with joy.

Gongliang didn't just buy the ingredients for Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, he also bought a bunch of fish and shrimp that are usually seasoned in soup.Anyway, the price is decent, and he has money, so he can buy as much as he wants, that's how willful he is.

He not only bought from this store, but also bought from other stores. As a result, the price of dried seafood in Zhuya County was raised several times, and it did not recover after a long time.

After buying a lot of things, Gong Liang had to sigh that the things in Zhuya County were really cheap, and he could pay with gold and silver.

If it is in Zhenhai City, then the store will ask you to barter, or else it will ask for Lingshi.Of course, the dry seafood over there is also better than here, at least at the level of beasts, or monsters, and most of them here are ordinary things, which are really useless to his health now except for a taste.

Some of the goods that Zhenniang picked up were merchants in Zhuya County who asked them to help escort them to other places, and some of them were merchants who came to buy from other places. To avoid trouble, they put them here directly and asked her to help transport them there.

Because of her identity as a Dayan and her recklessness, the business of helping people deliver goods has always been very good.

It was also because of this that she was able to afford the high cost of Feng Heng's nourishing medicine over the years.

Now, because she is going back to the Great Wilderness, she needs to return the goods she entrusted to escort. The merchants in Zhuya County are fine, but those merchants who came to buy from other counties have already returned, and she can't find anyone to return them even if she wants to.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhenniang decided to send the goods there.

Feng Heng didn't go out for a long time, and wanted to go for a walk, so he followed along.Gu'er was worried about being alone at home, so they took it with them.

When they heard that Gong Liang was going to the capital of Dayu, they happened to have a batch of goods to be delivered there, so they invited Gong Liang to go on the road together.

Gong Liang shook his head when he heard the words, he came to Dongtu to see the scenery of Dongtu and the customs of the people here.Walking with them, the speed is bound to be very fast, and there is no time for him to stop and enjoy the local scenery.So I politely declined.

"Gongliang, you really don't want to go with us?" Zhenniang asked Gongliang again, riding on a huge triangular rhinoceros.

"No, I want to walk slowly alone, see the scenery of other counties and towns, and enjoy the local delicacies by the way."

"What's there in this place, it doesn't make you strong after eating it, and it's not as delicious as our wild animal meat at all." Zhenniang said in a rough voice.

What she said is indeed true, but besides gaining strength, at least she can taste the taste.

Seeing that Zhenniang wanted to continue, Feng Heng persuaded him next to him: "Zhenniang, since Gongliang wants to go alone, let him go by himself. What is he afraid of for such a big man?"

When Zhenniang heard Feng Heng's words, she stopped talking.

After a few days of getting along, the bold Zhenniang seems to have treated Gongliang, a clansman from the ancestral land, as a relative.

"Then let's go! Be careful yourself, there are many thieves on the road. This place is not as safe as ours." Zhenniang said again.

"Got it." Gong Liang nodded.

Zhenniang glanced at him, then urged the mount and walked forward.Feng Heng and Gong Liang cupped their hands and followed.The three-cornered rhinoceros transporting the live animals started slowly, and some barbarians from the lower tribes or wild tribes followed closely, correcting the three-cornered rhinoceros' walking route.Gu'er, who was sitting on the cargo in front, kept waving to Gongliang.

Migu, who was sitting on Papa's neck, didn't know what he was doing, but when he saw him waving his hand, he also scratched the air twice, which made Gong Liang laugh straight away.

Watching Zhenniang and the others leave, Gongliang followed him on the road.

This trip is not only to see the customs of the East, but also a kind of practice for him.At the moment, the gravity of the spirit pattern treasure armor is fully open, stepping on the dust on the ground, step by step, walking forward.

After walking some distance from Zhuya County, he released the chicken.

And the black mammoth Duoji, in the space, helps the people of the Longbo country to work.

If people found out that he used an ancient real head to plow the land, he didn't know if he would be beaten to death.

I don't know if it's because I didn't read the almanac when I went out, but in the afternoon, the weather was sunny and it started to rain.

At this time, Gongliang was walking on the narrow mountain road, surrounded by vast mountains on the left and right, and there was no place to stay.So, he asked Migu to see if there was any shelter from the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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