Chapter 487

Now is the best time to dig cicada flowers.

After this period of time, when the cicadas bloom, the aura contained in the body will return to heaven and earth and become useless things, so many people come to Cangwu County now.Although it is not exaggerated to the point of sweating profusely and rubbing shoulders, it is still crowded.

Gongliang walked on the street for a while, bought a few delicious pastries, asked the locals where to pick cicada flowers, and walked to the north gate of Cangwu County.

“Da da da da”

The inn where Gong Liang stayed was at the north gate, so he thought about going back and explaining to the shopkeeper, so as not to go back late.At this moment, a burst of thunder and crash came from behind.

Turning his head to look, he saw a person riding a merma covered in scales and with a one-horned head running quickly from the south gate, without paying attention to the crowds in the city.

Pedestrians on the street saw the shark approaching and dodged to both sides.

Suddenly, a girl got out from the crowd on the left and ran to the right.At this time, the shark came galloping, and it was about to collide with it.


There was a scream from the crowd on the right, a woman ran out from the crowd and hugged the girl tightly, and a maid on the left also squeezed out from the crowd and stood in front of the woman.

The shark was so fast that it had rushed in front of the three of them in an instant, and the tragedy was about to happen.

Suddenly, Gong Liang appeared in front of the three of them, and pressed his hand on the shark's head.It's just that he underestimated the strength of the shark itself and the inertial force that came galloping, and his body was almost knocked out. .

"Urgent report from Yu Ma Tang, those who stand in the way will die."

Seeing that his mount was being blocked, the rider on the shark yelled loudly, drew out his long knife, and slashed forward.

The radiant light of the saber, like a wild river, or like a bright neon, is coming straight towards Gongliang.

When Mi Gu saw that someone was going to kill Papa, he couldn't be polite, and spit out a mouthful of water, hitting that person's face.Mi Gu's saliva immediately corroded a small hole in his face, and the poisonous gas spread all over his body in an instant, and he fell to the ground, dead.

Gongliang waved his hand and put away the man and the mount.

"Thank you, son, thank you son."

The woman who escaped the catastrophe hurried forward to thank her, and the maid even knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

"It's just a small effort, not worth mentioning." Gong Liang waved his hand.

Even so, the woman is still very grateful.After thanking him, he reminded in a low voice: "Young Master, the person killed by Yu Ma Tang was the flying hoof of Yu Ma Tang. Yu Ma Tang will definitely not let it go. Please leave Cangwu County immediately, so as not to be murdered by Yu Ma Tang."

It's Yumatang again, I have a predestined relationship with this gang!

However, Gongliang didn't care at all.It's just a small local gang, he didn't take it to heart, nodded immediately and said: "I will deal with it myself at this time, you go away first!"

"Thank you, young master." The woman thanked her again and hurried away with the child in her arms.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong, Gong Liang also left the place, went back to the inn and talked to the shopkeeper, and then walked towards Tianqiong Mountain.

According to the shopkeeper, the cicada of the best grade in Tianqiong Mountain is produced in a sea of ​​bitter bamboo beside Tianqiong Mountain.

Bitter bamboo, bitter bamboo, as the name suggests, that bamboo is bitter.But it is also strange, as long as the bamboo shoots produced by the bitter bamboo have not emerged from the ground, they are extremely sweet, as if the taste of the bitter bamboo itself has been captured by the bamboo shoots.

Gong Liang led Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun out of the north gate, and went up along the trail beside the Tianqiong Mountain Range.At this time, people come and go on the road, they are all digging cicada flowers.But many people just dig below and dare not go up.Because there are hordes of poisonous snakes and ferocious beasts in Tianqiong Mountain, if one is not good, the cicada flower has not been dug yet, and the person is already dead.

Yuan Gungun ran in front very lively, while walking, he also urinated on the side of the road to make marks.

Sitting on Papa's shoulder, Migu flapped his wings and looked here and there from time to time, curious about everything.

I don't know what to see here. Could it be that there are so many strange flowers and plants in the wilderness that haven't seen enough?

The deeper you go in Tianqiong Mountain, the fewer people are digging cicadas, and sometimes you can hear the laughter of digging cicadas not far away.


Suddenly, Gong Liang saw a corner of white flowers emerging from the pile of fallen leaves under a towering old tree nearby, and hurried over to push the leaves away, only to see a single horn like a corolla emerging from the soil.He took out the big dog-leg knife and wiped the ground, digging out all the cicada flowers and soil underneath.Remove the soil above, revealing the golden body of the cicada flower, with aura on it, it should be a middle-grade cicada flower.It is said that the top-grade cicada flower is like gold silk jade, crystal clear, very rare.

Gongliang didn't expect to be so lucky. He dug up a middle-grade cicada flower on the side of the road and got ten spirit stones in his account. This business is good.

Someone who was digging cicada flowers passed by and saw that he had dug up a mid-grade cicada flower by the side of the road, their eyes were full of envy and hatred.

"Papa, what is this little bug?" Mi Gu asked looking at the cicada flower in Papa's hand.

Yuan Gungun surrounded him curiously.

Gong Liangjie said: "This is a middle-grade cicada flower, and there is another top-grade one, which is very valuable and can be exchanged for many, many delicious things."

When Mi Gu heard that one little bug can be exchanged for a lot of delicious things, his eyes suddenly widened.

Yuan Gun Gun listened to it, his eyes rolled around, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Gong Liang kept the cicada flower in a Lingshi box, looked around and found that there was no cicada flower, so he continued to walk forward.

In Tianqiong Mountain, there are towering ancient trees, and the forest is gloomy.In the forest that has just rained, there are some low-lying areas where the water has not yet dissipated, and sewage splashes when stepped on.Yuan Gungun accidentally stepped on it a few times, and his black and white body turned gray and ugly.

Going forward for a while, a bamboo forest appeared in front of you.At the beginning, there were some ancient pines and cypresses mixed in the bamboo forest, but looking from a distance, the trees were completely gone, leaving only a vast green bamboo sea.

A gust of wind blows, the bamboo sea fluctuates with the wind, blue waves roll, deep, shallow, bright, dark, all kinds of green shadows are faint, dazzling.

When he reached the Bitter Bamboo Sea, Gongliang stopped moving forward.Because there are already many people in front of the bitter bamboo sea, all sitting, lying, or standing, all staring at the direction of the bitter bamboo sea.He didn't know what was going on, so he wanted to stay and find out.

Not far from him, a middle-aged man asked a half-century old man, "Old Qin, why don't you go in?"

"Why don't you go in by yourself." The old man said angrily.

"Aren't I just following the example of you, old brother Qin?" The middle-aged man laughed.

"Humph" the old man snorted and said nothing.

The middle-aged man was bored, so he could only turn his head away embarrassingly.

A man dressed in blue looked at the direction of the bitter bamboo sea, and said to a man in gray next to him, "Brother Yu, let's go in!"

"Now is the time for paederus to be active, let's wait until dark before going in!" The person called Brother Yu hesitated.

"A few worms, what can I do. Don't worry, nothing will happen if I'm here." The man in the green shirt said proudly.

The man called Brother Yu thought for a while, and then walked into the forest with the man in the green shirt.

Not long after the two entered the bamboo sea, they found a few cicadas, and cheered immediately.It's just that when the man in the blue shirt was digging the cicada flower, he accidentally touched the bitter bamboo beside him, and the paederus resting on it were disturbed and flew down one after another.The man in the green shirt snorted coldly, and a layer of air mask was released from him, covering him and the man called Brother Yu.

Gong Liang has been observing the situation outside, and found that each of the paederus is as thick as a ring finger, eight centimeters long, and they are frighteningly large.

The man in the blue shirt released the gas mask, thinking that the two of them were safe and sound, but suddenly saw those paederus spit out a mouthful of turbid yellow liquid from their mouths, sticking to the gas mask.

The turbid yellow liquid seemed to have the effect of corroding true qi, and the qi mask became thinner little by little under the corrosion of the turbid yellow liquid.

The man in the green shirt who was so proud turned pale with fright, and hurriedly shouted: "Brother Yu, leave quickly."

The two quickly headed towards the sea of ​​bitter bamboo, and those paederus flapped their wings and chased after them.

As long as it reaches the bitter bamboo sea, the paederus will not chase after it.

They did not go deep into the forest, and soon reached the edge of the Bitter Bamboo Sea.Seeing to be out of danger.Unexpectedly, at this moment, the air mask on the man in the blue shirt was corroded, and the two of them instantly lost their protection against the paederus.The paederus chasing after them landed on them one by one and bit them hard.

In an instant, shrill screams echoed in Tianqiong Mountain.

Under the attack of the paederus, the two kept rolling and screaming on the ground, but after a while, there was no sound.

The people standing outside the bitter bamboo waiting for the dark to enter the bamboo grove heard the screams of the two, trembled in fright, and quickly stepped back a little.

After a while, Gongliang saw that the flesh of the two men had been corroded by the venom of the paederus little by little, leaving only a pile of gray and white skeletons lying in front of the bitter bamboo sea.

For a moment, Gong Liang swallowed in fright.

This paederus is too ferocious.

Originally, Gongliang had the idea of ​​digging up cicada flowers to earn some spirit stones, but now that the paederus was so ferocious, he thought of leaving.He doesn't lack this spirit stone flower, so it seems that there is no need to take such a dangerous risk.It can be seen that ordinary people without any cultivation base are still staying here, and they have no intention of leaving at all.It seemed that there was no reason for my fear, so I wanted to stay and see the situation, and if it didn't work, I would leave.

Seeing the paederus spitting, Migu's eyes lit up, and he flew towards the bitter bamboo sea.

The speed was too fast, and Gongliang didn't have time to catch it. He became worried and wanted to go over to have a look.

Unexpectedly, the little guy flew back with a whoosh, but he had already caught a paederus in his hand.

The paederus didn't succumb to the little guy's despotic power, it kept struggling, Migu punched it dizzy.

This little kid just likes to catch these weird things.Gong Liang complained secretly, and asked, "Mi Gu, why are you grabbing this thing?"

Mi Gu said very seriously: "Baba, Chong Chong spits water, and occasionally spits water, I want to see if it spits water more or Ou spitting water more."

Can this thing compare?Gongliang felt bad all over.

The paederus woke up quickly, and seeing that it couldn't break free from Migu's clutches, it spit out a mouthful of turbid yellow liquid.Mi Gu dodged it, and then spit on the paederus.A small hole was immediately corroded by her poisonous saliva on the paederus, and then died of poisoning.

"Baba, Baba, my Shuishui is amazing! Let me tell you, I'm so powerful, so powerful." Mi Gu shouted joyfully holding up the dead paederus.

Gong Liang rolled his eyes, is this a competition?

Although the paederus died, Mi Gu didn't give up. He brutally broke the paederus into two pieces and chewed it in his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Papa, I want to eat insects."

Gongliang's face suddenly drooped, this little guy likes to eat poisonous things, but it's not easy to catch them!

"Dad can't help you catch this thing. If you can catch it, Dad will cook something delicious for you."

"Yeah," Mi Gu nodded repeatedly after hearing this.She is so powerful, she will definitely catch a lot of worms for Papa to cook for her.

Seeing Mi Gu's cruelty, the people nearby quickly moved away from them.

But when someone thought of his status as a desolate man, he didn't take it seriously.In the eyes of the natives of the East, barren people are representatives of nouns such as reckless, rude, powerful, stupid, etc. There are even private rumors that barren people like to eat people, so no matter what they do, it is normal in the eyes of the natives of the East .

(End of this chapter)

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