Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 494 Fragrant and Crispy Hidden Wingworms

Chapter 494 Fragrant and Crispy Hidden Wingworms

Hanzi and the rest of Yumatang looked at Wubao engulfed by raging flames, with inexplicable expressions in their eyes, including sadness, excitement, and helplessness.

But when he saw Gongliang, all his eyes were filled with fear.

"Why do you Yumatang have so much food and weapons?" Gong asked curiously to the man.

The man replied respectfully: "I heard that our hall master is a diner in the house of the Marquis Yan in the capital, and he was ordered by the Marquis Yan to develop his power here in case of future troubles."

Gongliang nodded. It is understandable why there are so many things in the grain depot and armory, and why the people from Yumatang dared to ambushe him in the county seat. It is estimated that the officials of Cangwu County are also under the Yanhou. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant.

He didn't want to ask who this Marquis of Yan was, he was probably another poor man coveting the throne.

To be honest, sitting above those ten thousand people may not be that good.

Although he is in charge of the world, life and death are in his hands, and there are all kinds of beauties from the 72 concubines of the Sangong Sixth Court to taste at will, but in the end it will inevitably become a cup of loess.

Furthermore, with great power comes great responsibility.

When you sit in that position, you have to think about all the people in the world. You worry about the rain for a long time, and the drought for too long. Qi, just thinking about it makes people's hair turn gray. It's better to find a few good wives and beautiful concubines by yourself to be at ease with the mountains and rivers.

It’s just that one kind of rice supports all kinds of people, and some people are just obsessed with power and cannot see through it, so they can’t help it.

Gongliang took out a Tianxiang fruit from the fruit space and threw it to the man.

"This is the antidote, and you'll be fine if you take it. Yumatang is gone, but you guys can form another gang, as long as you don't oppress the good and do more things that are beneficial to society. Don't let me go back to the wilderness When I passed by here, but found that you have become another Yumatang, then don’t blame me for being rude.”

After Gongliang finished speaking, he left regardless of their reactions.

Having seen his majestic power, the man and the group of gangsters dared not form any gangs, and went home to farm one after another. In the end, many kind-hearted families with a good reputation in the countryside came out.

After getting rid of Yumatang, Gong Liang never returned to Cangwu County, but walked along the official road leading to the county seat of Qionglong County.

Cangwu County and Qionglong County are separated by a boundless Tianqiong Mountain Range, so the road is full of towering ancient trees and jungles, and the mountains are rolling up and down, and the cries of monkeys and birds are constantly on both sides.

Although it is an official road, people who pass by here are all cautious, in addition to guarding against beasts that come out of the mountains or dense jungles; there are also guards against birds of prey that suddenly jump down from the sky; guard against the green grass on the roadside, hanging on the branches , the giant python coiled on the roadside trees, it is even more necessary to guard against some bandits blocking the road and robbing.

I don't know if Gongliang was lucky, but he didn't even meet a bandit along the way.

When the sun was setting, he found a hillside with a wide view beside the official road to spend the night.

The day before yesterday, Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun helped a lot when digging cicada flowers, but when they were on the hill beside Wubao, in order to avoid being discovered, Gong Liang did not fulfill the promise he made in the bitter bamboo sea.

Migu made great efforts again yesterday, so Gongliang planned to cook something delicious for her today.

So he took out the cooking stove, poured a pot of oil into it and heated it up, took out more than 100 paederus, washed them, dried them, put them in the frying pan and fried them.


It didn't take long for the paederus to be fried until it was golden and crisp.

Gong Liang put the deep-fried paederus in a basin, sprinkled a little crystal spiritual salt and a little wild pepper powder on it, then scooped it up, and placed it in front of the little guy Migu.

Seeing the big bowl of delicious food in front of him, little Migu's saliva drools.Immediately, he grabbed a fat paederus with one hand, put it in his mouth and began to bite. "Crack, click", extremely crispy, with a slightly spicy taste, delicious and delicious.

Mi Gu was so happy that his eyes turned into crescent buds.

At this moment, she felt so happy, so happy, Papa treated her the best.

The little guy flapped his wings happily and rubbed his pink face against Papa's face. It was greasy, and was pushed away by Gongliang in disgust.

But the little guy didn't mind at all, and continued to eat the paederus happily.

"click, click"

The fragrant and crispy smell spread into Yuangungun's nose, and this guy was already salivating.It's just that it dare not eat it, because the insect is poisonous, and it is afraid of killing the panda.

Seeing that the little guy likes it, Gongliang laughed happily, fried a little more, and kept it as a snack for the little guy, so he picked up the frying pan and started cooking dinner.

Yuan Gungun also worked very hard when digging cicada flowers, so he used the sapphire snake meat peeled from the bitter bamboo forest, plus animal meat and big abalone to stew a big pot of delicious food.The sweet soup and the deliciously cooked five-color rice filled their stomachs with fat.Especially the little guy with the paederus eating, eating with a sharp belly.

After eating, Gongliang went into the fruit space to pack his things.

First of all, he asked the newcomers from the Long Bo Kingdom to pick out the weapons they could use from a pile of weapons, and throw the rest into the small black pool to decompose.

And those grains are all collected in the warehouse.

In fact, this kind of common food does not help the Longbo people's body much, at most it only satiates their stomachs.

But the food output in the space is not very high now, so in order to avoid running out of food at that time, we will put it aside for a rainy day.

During the day, Gongliang found that there were many mountains outside, and there were probably many beasts hidden inside, so he wanted to let Longbo Qianqiu and the others go hunting tomorrow and save some meat.Otherwise, the things stored in the space will be eaten up by these guys sooner or later.

Gongliang asked the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi to plant the elixir obtained from Yumatang, and put away all other spiritual objects and gold and silver treasures, and threw all other miscellaneous gold and iron objects into the small black pool.

He looked into the small black pool and found that a lot of metal ingots had settled in it during this time.

After dealing with the things in the space, Gong Liang went back outside. He wanted to sleep, but suddenly remembered the book that the store gave him that recorded the herbal diet of cicada flowers, so he took it out and looked at it through the raging flames on the hillside.

On the front of the yellowed old book, there are two words "Tao Chef" written impressively.

Gong Liang raised his eyebrows when he saw it, and thought in his heart: Isn't it the way of cooking?Is it written backwards?

Turning the pages of the book, there was a big word "Preface" written on it, and the text below.

"For those who enter my door, forget everything, throw away life and death, and concentrate on cooking, so that you can understand the true meaning of Taoist cooking. As a cook, the first thing is virtue, holy virtue, merit, merit, morality, yin virtue, five virtues One of them can be learned by those who are alive, and those who are immoral cannot learn, otherwise they will be punished by heaven."

Seeing this, Gongliang couldn't help complaining.

Aren't the five virtues gentle, courteous, thrifty, benevolent, righteous, propriety, wise and trustworthy?When did it become holy, meritorious, meritorious, moral, and negative? Are these still the five virtues he knows?

After complaining, he continued to look down.

"The second one is to clarify nature, the one who is Judan is to distinguish medicine, and the one who is cultivating is to know Qi.

The world is so big that there are many edible things.Some grow in the mountains, or hide in the soil, or hang high in the sky, or hide in the abyss.The place where it grows is different, its nature is different, and its taste is different.Therefore, a cook has to understand its reason, and must distinguish its nature, otherwise it will not be good for food, and good things will become poison.

Once again, sword skills.

A chef must pay attention to knife skills, because knife skills are the only way to obtain and improve ingredients.

The heavy sword skill first focuses on strength. Those who are powerless can find a quiet place. When the Yongri Golden Crow seems to be rising, face the east, and keep your mind on the ground three inches below the navel. When you feel hot, quickly sink down The yin enters the tailbone and goes up along the dragon's spine, directly entering the brain. This method can enlighten people's understanding and make people intelligent.

After walking for a few days, when you feel that your brain is hot, use your mind to drive it into your brain, and move down to the center of your mind, the center of your eyebrows, and the bridge of your nose.

Doing this method every day can increase your strength and prolong your life.

If the strength is successful, you can practice sword skills.

Before practicing the sword, one must have a precious sword for the sun and the moon to observe, so that it can be connected with one's own blood and enter the realm of the unity of human and sword."

Gongliang looked at the preface, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was not a cooking book, but a martial arts secret book.It was not until I ignored the preface and turned to the back that I saw some records of cooking and the preparation methods of various dishes.

I flipped through it, and looked again when I was not in the mood, so I put it away.

It was getting late, and he lay on the round sleeping animal skin, hugged the guy's fluffy body, and fell asleep.

And Mi Gu had already fallen asleep on Yuan Gun Gun's body.

The little chicken has not been taken into the space by Gong Liang recently, and it stands resting on a big tree next to it. The dark night gives it the best invisibility, making it impossible to see that there is a big bird there.

The bonfire on the hillside is blazing, and the mountain wind blows, swaying slightly, like an amorous girl swaying her graceful waist.

Suddenly, two figures appeared on the mountain ahead.

"Hey, there are people there. Brother Lang Ting, how about we spend the night here and continue on our way tomorrow."

"Alright." The man named Lang Ting nodded.

The two moved forward quickly, and within a moment, they were standing by the campfire on the hillside.

Gong Liang glanced at the two of them, then continued to sleep with Yuan Gun Gun in his arms.

The person named Lang Ting was very polite, he cupped his hands and said, "Little brother, I'm sorry to bother you."

Gong Liang waved his hand, saying that you're welcome, and continued to sleep.Seeing his appearance, the two didn't take it seriously, and sat down by the campfire.

"Brother Lang Ting, hurry up and take out those two grouse. I spent a lot of effort on this thing, and I'm just waiting for your skill."

"You!" Lang Ting shook his head, and took out two colorful grouse from the storage bag.

The other person saw it, and hurriedly grabbed it and plucked it out quickly.

This man's hands were fast, and in the blink of an eye, the two grouse were plucked by him.

"Brother Lang Ting, it's up to you now. I've been waiting for you for two full years for this."

Lang Ting shook his head, took the two grouse that he handed over, skewered them with branches, put them on the bonfire and roasted them.

(End of this chapter)

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