Chapter 514

"Gongliang, I want to eat meat too."

Hearing Mi Gu's words, Yuan Gungun also yelled beside him.

For two guys who like to eat meat, eating spiritual fruits and dry food for several consecutive meals is a terrible thing.Especially chubby, let it eat the food that he had saved with great difficulty, it is his life!

"Wow, what a cute child! Master, can Qi'er give her a hug?"

Suddenly, there was a sound of surprise, and it was Qi'er who was hiding in the wooden tablet of Shenhuai tree.

When Migu and Yuangun heard the sound, they both looked curiously at the wooden sign in Gongliang's hand.

After hearing what Qi'er said, Gong Liang said, "You are now a soul body. If you come out during the day, you will be burned by the scorching sun. If you come out at night, you will be fine."

"Oh" Qi'er replied dejectedly.

Gong Liang said again: "In the future, it's best not to talk when you have nothing to do, or it's not good for people to hear you."

"Understood, son."

Seeing that she understood what he meant, Gong Liang didn't say anything more.The peace card made of sacred locust wood was too cumbersome to hold in his hand, so he poked a small hole in it, strung it with animal tendons and hung it on his chest.Then, they found a place and cooked delicious food for Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun.

If they don't give them meat anymore, these guys will probably be in trouble.

He was not in a hurry to hurry, and at night, he found a cave to rest and began to practice.

Having obtained so many spirit stones, thinking that the dantian is already half filled with true liquid, and that half of it can be inscribed with the Dao pattern of heaven and earth, and enter the realm of the inscription pattern, my heart can't help but feel passionate, wishing to practice every day.

In the cave, Gong Liang held a top-quality spirit stone in his hand, and absorbed the surging spirit energy inside bit by bit.

Do not inhale too much Reiki at one time, too much will cause damage to the meridians.The inhaled aura enters the body along the meridians, and is immediately absorbed by the fruit space, refined and refined into the dantian. The condensed true qi in the dantian surges, and drops of true liquid begin to condense.

Because of the impetus to be promoted soon, and a large number of spirit stones in his hands, Gongliang took out the spirit stones and held them in his hands to practice when he was idle along the way.

Under his non-stop practice day and night, a large amount of spiritual stones were consumed by him, and in the end there were only a thousand high-grade spiritual stones, ten thousand middle-grade spiritual stones, and a hundred low-grade spiritual stones.

However, the real liquid in his dantian was barely seven tenths, and he was still three times short of being able to engrave the Dao pattern of heaven and earth to advance.

If he absorbed the remaining spirit stones, he should be able to advance, but at this moment Gongliang stopped.

Because with the soaring zhenqi, the strength increased, and the muscles were beating non-stop all the time, which made him have a passionate and manic impulse.This is the sequelae of the soaring power, so he did not let the black mammoth Dorje carry it next, but turned on the gravity on the spiritual pattern armor, like an ascetic, carrying the weight step by step, so as to temper the body and consolidate the foundation.It can also be said to be used to vent the strength of skyrocketing.

On the way, when he was free, he refined the Hundred Poison Banner.

The Yin wood used for the flag pole of the hundred poison flags belongs to Yi wood.

There are not many other things in Gongliang Space, but there are all kinds of trees, among which the highest grade is the undead branch.

Immortality means endless life, so it is perfect to make a poisonous flag pole.

Therefore, he cut off a branch from a thick undead branch to make a banner pole.The streamers are made of spirit silk.When passing by the Green Mulberry Department before, Mrs. Can gave him some spirit silk, because he didn't need it, so he kept it, and it came in handy today.

Refining the Hundred Poison Banner is actually quite cumbersome.

First of all, the flagpole must be refined, but to be honest, the undead branch can't even be broken down in the small black pool. How can Gongliang Hede refine the undead branch? This is simply impossible.So, the matter skimmed over.

The next step is to refine the spirit silk, use real fire to refine the impurities in the spirit silk little by little, and then use the mind to control things to weave the refined spirit silk into a streamer.

Fortunately, it wasn't very complicated, and Gongliang was barely able to do it. To his surprise, the streamers that had been refined actually flashed with Daoist spirit patterns, which seemed to be of extraordinary quality.

In the end, it is to refine the flag pole and the flag face together, so that they can be combined into one, a seamless whole.

This is difficult.You must know that the undead branches cannot be refined at all, let alone combine them into one.For a while, Gongliang was helpless.Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly thought of the Lingpo he had dug from Jiao Yubu.This spirit amber not only has good viscosity, but also has a good spirit-guiding effect.Although the utensils glued with it are not as powerful as the refining function, they are only [-] to [-] percent weaker.

After thinking for a while, Gong Liang took out the spirit amber, intending to use the liquid refined from the spirit amber to glue the pole and the flag face together.

Finally, I tried it, and the effect was good, but it couldn't be absorbed into the body.

This is for Migu, the little guy said it's okay, and even flaunted it majestically with a hundred poisonous flags, it's really stinky.

Because he didn't walk on a black mammoth, and Gongliang had the gravity of the spirit pattern armor on his body, his walking speed was very slow. After a few days, he could barely reach the last county seat of Qionglong County.After passing this county, you will enter the third county of Dayu Kingdom, Wei'an County.

Dayu State belongs to the landform of mountains and hills, with many mountains and few lands, and the roads are rough and bumpy.

Most of the roads that Gongliang walked were narrow mountain roads, with potholes, winding and undulating roads.It's okay to walk on your feet, but if you sit in a car, you may fall apart.

The most important thing is that along the way, it rains and rains almost every day, and I don’t know what the weather is. It rains on a few days, and it rains on a few days, endlessly.

Sometimes it feels like the sky is sunny, but it rains in the afternoon; sometimes I think it is raining, but it is just overcast, making people completely unable to understand the change of the weather, very helpless.

After resting in the county seat for one night, Gongliang continued on his way.

It just rained heavily the day before yesterday, and the road was muddy.

Fortunately, he is smart, and he used dragon viper leather to make a pair of waders like those used to catch fish, so he is not afraid of anything.

The roads near the county seat are quite spacious, but after a certain distance from the county seat, they start to enter the rugged mountain road again.On the right side of the mountain road is a raging river with a drop of 30 meters, and on the left side is a steep cliff. Looking up, the mountain is shrouded in mist.When the wind blows, the clouds and mists roll up, creating a unique scenery.

"Tweet Tweet"

Suddenly, there was a reminder call from the chicken flying in the sky.

Gong Liang quickly focused his attention, looked down through the eyes of the chicken, and saw a group of black-clothed men rushing out of the forest at the narrow mountain road not far ahead, and started fighting around a group of people.

If you read correctly, that team should be the team of soldiers he met in the manor.

It's just that at this time, the number of soldiers in that team has decreased a lot, and there are only a dozen or so people left.The four soldiers surrounded by the rhino chariot showed deep scars, and some had broken arms.And the armor rhinoceros pulling the cart in front is also covered with wounds of various depths.Even though they were so seriously injured, the four of them still stood upright like puppets.

Gongliang looked weird from above, could it be that these armored soldiers and armored rhinoceros are not living people.

Looking further down, other soldiers had already fought with the man in black.The general fought the enemy bravely, but the enemy was too powerful and gradually failed.

"Little lady, let's go." The general turned his head and shouted at the rhinoceros.

I don't know if the little lady in the car heard what he said, the rhinoceros started to move and walked forward.

"Where are you going?"

With a loud shout, several people were separated from the team of men in black and rushed towards the rhinoceros.When they got close, several people took out a few crossbows behind them, shot hooked arrows with ropes and hooked them on the carriage, and then flew into the nearby forest, and tied the ropes tightly to the trees, so that the chariot rhinoceros could not move forward at all. a cent.

When the general saw it, he turned around quickly, wanting to cut the rope, but the man in black chased after him, and it was difficult for him to separate himself.

For a moment, the two parties were stuck together, and neither could do anything to the other.

"A bunch of trash, they can't even take down such a small number of people."

At some point, a man in white appeared on the tree next to him, holding a folding fan and fanning it slightly, looking elegant.


The general frowned when he saw the man in white.There were no monks among those who were assassinated in the previous waves, and it seems that they appeared in this wave today with the intention of taking them all down.No, even if you die, you can't let the little lady be taken away by them, or the lord will be in danger.

The general thought about it, and after making a reckless move with the man in black opposite him, he stepped on the ground with both feet, and his body suddenly shot up into the sky.

When he was at the same position as the man in white, a cold gleam suddenly appeared from the long knife in his hand, as if to cut through time and space, he slashed at the man in white.

"Wu Xiu? I underestimated you, no wonder you killed the previous wave of people. But with Niu here today, there is no luck."

As the man in white said, he suddenly swung the folding fan in his hand vigorously, and a gust of wind suddenly swept through the calm air.

The wind was so violent that it hurt people's skin.

The general's sleeves danced wildly, his eyes were blown so hard that he couldn't keep his eyes open.In such a situation, it is no longer possible to cause harm to the man in white.The general made a decisive decision, a kite turned over and fell suddenly.The man in black rushed forward immediately, and the general rushed to meet him.

While fighting, the general frowned even more while looking at the man in white.

The person who came here has a very high level of cultivation, and he is not an opponent at all. It seems that today is more or less auspicious.But no matter what, you can't live up to the lord's entrustment.

The man in white slowly flew down from the tree and landed in the carriage.

As soon as the toes touched the car, sharp short arrows shot out from the car immediately.

The man in white unhurriedly pressed down the folding fan, and those sharp arrows shot sideways one after another.

The soldiers escorting on both sides of the carriage saw someone approaching and immediately stepped forward with spears to attack.The man in white jumped into the air, dodging the attack of the soldiers, and then swept the folding fan vigorously, several beams of air flew out from the fan, pierced the heads of several soldiers, and immediately shattered.

No blood, no brains, just a bunch of organs, obviously inhuman.

At this moment, the general saw the opportunity, and after fighting with the man in black, he suddenly jumped up and stabbed the man in white with a knife.

The speed is as fast as a storm.

A blade glow flickered on and off at the tip of the blade, shooting out an icy cold glow.

"I knew you would be like this."

The man in white sneered and pushed his right palm forward.A gust of true energy rushed towards him, and the general flew back as if being hit by a hammer, and fell to the ground, with a sound of "uh", he spurted out a mouthful of blood from his heart.

The man in black came from behind with a knife, and the general rolled over to avoid the attack. The knife in his hand immediately flew, turning into pieces of light.

"Useless things." The man in white cursed angrily, and flung out his folding fan.

The folding fan whirls away, dancing like butterflies and falling like flying flowers, the beauty hides murderous intent.

The general stood up and fought with the man in black, when he suddenly felt a chill in his neck.In an instant, the head fell to the ground, and a stream of hot blood gushed out from the throat cavity.After the general died, the few remaining soldiers could hardly block the attack of the men in black, but they were all killed within a short while.

The man in white put away the folding fan that had come back from flying, shook off the blood on it, jumped out of the carriage gracefully, walked to the side and respectfully said: "Little lady, come with me! Don't worry, I have no intention of harm."

As soon as the words fell, the man in white heard a sound from inside, secretly felt something was wrong, and flew back quickly.

Suddenly, sharp arrows were shot from all around the carriage, and the man in black behind the man in white was unprepared, and was shot by the sharp arrow, foaming at the mouth and dying.

Looking at the dead man in black, the man in white said coldly: "As expected of being the direct descendant of the Mo Sect, even the body of the car is covered with machine crossbows. Since you don't eat toast and fine wine, don't blame Niu for being ruthless."

(End of this chapter)

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