Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 532 Actually I Don't Like Fighting and Killing

Chapter 532 Actually I Don't Like Fighting and Killing

Gongliang has never experienced it before, so he doesn't know how powerful Migu's poison is.

When she was still young, her saliva had already made people motionless.

It was at that time that Yuan Gungun got immobilized saliva, so he knew the horror of that saliva and left a shadow in his heart.

If you die, it will only be for a moment, but lying on the ground, you can't move, you can't speak, but you can still hear, see, and think.At that moment, countless distracting thoughts entangled in the brain, echoed in the brain, resonated in the brain, and the boundless terror was magnified countless times and released, eroding your heart at that moment.

That feeling is more terrifying than being locked in a small dark room, more terrifying than experiencing life and death.

When he was a little older, the little guy created this kind of saliva that not only made people unable to move, but also made people's body throbbing, which was more terrifying than a hundred claws scratching the heart.

This kind of saliva makes people want to live and die.

That feeling has never been experienced and will never be understood.

The man in black did this because he felt it.For them, this spit is more torture than torture.

Gongliang didn't care how this person behaved, and asked, "Who sent you to kill me?"

"Lord Huang, it's King Ji. King Ji sent us to kill Lord Huang because he saved Master Huang's granddaughter and ruined his plan. Lord Huang, spare your life! We really didn't mean to kill Lord Huang, Lord Huang "The man in black cried bitterly, as if his parents had died.

Gong Liang watched him perform coldly. If he was killed, he would probably be lying in the arms of the brothel woman, drinking milk comfortably.

"Who is that man?" Gong Liang motioned to the man in black for the corpse of Master Bing lying on the ground.

The man in black hurriedly replied: "This is Immortal Master Bing, enshrined in Prince Ji's Mansion."

"Are there many offerings like this in the palace?" Gong Liang asked again.

"Not many, just two people. One is Immortal Master Bing, and the other is Immortal Master Du Lie."

"Is the other person also in the palace now?"

"I don't know, Immortal Master Bing usually comes out to walk around, and Immortal Master Du Lie stays in the room to practice all day, and is deep in the inner house, we can't see it at all."

The man in black was frightened out of his wits, he just asked a little, and he explained everything.

After Gongliang heard this, he became thoughtful.

He has always disliked fighting and killing. In this world, hello, hello, hello, everyone, okay?Why do you have to kill me and I will kill you?

But this doesn't mean that anyone can shit and pee on his head.

I don't offend anyone, but if someone offends me, there is only one word "kill, kill, kill".

Gongliang thought for a while, gave Mi Gu a few words of advice, then grabbed the man in black and left the space.The people in the space didn't know what he was going to do, and looked at the rest of the men in black.The twin brothers and sisters, Shuangzhi, ran to Migu, jumping and jumping happily "Yiya, yaya", seeing their good friends, they were very unhappy.

Also happy to see the master's unicorn and fairy horn.

I saw it flying to the side of its owner, gently rubbing against it with its big horns.

It's a pity that Migu didn't appreciate it at all, grabbed its horn and threw it out forcefully.

The unicorn and fairy horn thought its owner was playing with it, and after being thrown out, it flew back quickly flapping its wings.

Migu still had things to do, so he didn't have time to play with it, so he immediately spit out a mouthful of saliva that he couldn't move.The unicorn and fairy horn immediately lay on the ground, motionless, with only a pair of eyes flicking around anxiously, looking very funny.

Suddenly transferred from the space to the room, the man in black froze for a moment, his thoughts wandering.

Suddenly the neck was grabbed by a big hand, and Gong Liang said in his ear: "Take me to Prince Ji's mansion. If you dare to say one more word, I will cut your neck off."

Hearing his words, the man in black felt the coolness below and wanted to pee.

Gong Liang didn't give him a chance to speak, he opened the door and left Luan's mansion, he didn't fly in the sky, but imitated the man in black who hid in a dark corner and rushed towards Ji Wang's mansion quickly.

After escaping several waves of soldiers and watchmen patrolling the street, he came to Prince Ji's Mansion.

It was late at night, and there was no sound around. Gong Liang didn't know where King Ji was, so he asked the man in black, "Where is King Ji?"

"The villain doesn't know either, the villain can't get in the inner house." The man in black said with a sad face.

Gongliang frowned, his eyes were slightly cold.

The man in black hurriedly said: "But he usually goes to bed very late, and he might still be drinking in the nave now, Master Huang, you can go and have a look."

"Better so."

Gong Liang glanced at him and called out Mi Gu.Originally, he just wanted to kill King Ji to settle the matter, but if there was an accident on the way, he might just push him across.

On the square in front of the nave, a group of soldiers guarded with spears, and there were soldiers patrolling around. Several eunuchs and maids were waiting in front of the door. It seemed that it was too late, and some of them were drowsy and drowsy.Inside the hall, the lights were brightly lit.King Ji sat high on the main hall, tasting delicious food and wine.

Suddenly, King Ji put the bronze wine cup in his hand on the ground fiercely, and cursed: "Bastard, you are obviously a compatriot from the same mother, why are you a king and I am a subject, why do I see you want to pay respects, why, why, Why!"

The eunuch and maid waiting outside the door heard the roar from inside, looked back, and stood up again, as if it was commonplace.

At some point in the sky, a few white clouds floated from afar, covering the bright white moon.

For a moment, a large shadow enveloped the palace.

A gust of drizzle fell pattering down, drenching his face, refreshing and cool.The guard touched it, um, why is the rain black.Suddenly, dizzy and dizzy, fainted.

But in a short while, the little guy stunned all the people near the nave, and then flew in front of Papa, flapping his wings vigorously and flicking his tail.A lovely expression of papa, please praise me, papa, please praise me.

Gong Liang patted the little guy's head and said, "Our Migu is the best."

"Yeah," the little guy was so happy that his eyes turned into crescent buds.

The man in black was useless, so Gong Liang knocked him out, threw him into the fruit space, and walked in with Mi Gu.

King Ji was not drunk. When he saw them coming in, he shouted sharply: "Who are you waiting for? How dare you break into the palace privately. Come and take them down."

Gong Liang didn't bother to talk to him, Bai Hao's needle pierced through his body, passed through his body, and died immediately beyond death.Going forward to put the corpse into the fruit space, Gong Liang said to Mi Gu, "See if there is any place to hide things down there?"

In this era, most people choose to hide their most precious things underground, which gives Migu the opportunity to use his vertical eye ability.

Mi Gu put on the awning with his obedient hands and looked down.

Gongliang was afraid that someone would find the comatose people outside, so he went out and took them all into the fruit space.

At this time, Migu also found the place where Prince Ji's mansion hid his things, and quickly said to Baba: "Papa, there is a very big place below, there are many things in it, and there is an old man in it."

Old man, could it be the Immortal Master Du Lie that the man in black mentioned?

Gong Liang rubbed his chin and thought in his heart: Since he came, he couldn't return empty-handed. The so-called "horse has no night grass and no fat"!

Immediately, he asked Migu to find out if there were any stairs leading to the basement.

Mi Gu took a look, pointed to the wall behind King Ji's drinking and said, "Papa, you can go in there."

Hearing what she said, Gong Liang walked over and knocked.The wall is solid, it seems that there should be organs.

So, he took away all the things in Ji Wang's drinking place, and wanted to see where the mechanism button was.Suddenly, he found that a half-meter-high incense burner next to him could not be moved.After looking carefully, the copper bead on the top of the incense burner was particularly smooth, as if it was often touched by people, so I tried to press it.

The incense burner sank immediately, and the wall behind it slowly slid back, revealing a passageway that could accommodate two people.

Looking inside, the two walls of the passage are inlaid with a night pearl at a certain distance, which can be described as extremely luxurious.

Gong Liang didn't know if there was a mechanism in the passage, so he called out the spirit pattern armor to be careful, and took out the small round shield used by Immortal Master Bing from the space, gave it to Mi Gu, let him follow behind, and then walked in cautiously. go.

After walking not far, the door slowly closed again by itself.

Gongliang didn't care, and continued to walk forward.Migu held the small round shield and happily flew beside Papa, not to mention how happy he was.

After walking down for about ten meters, the passage turned left, and after walking for a while, a huge bronze gate appeared in front of us.

"Papa, there is an old man inside." Mi Gu reminded Papa in his ear.

"Understood, you hide behind."

Migu listened to Papa's words and hid behind, sticking out a small head, looking forward furtively.

Gong Liang took out the Heaven-reaching Hammer and lightly bumped it in front of the huge bronze door.There is no mechanism on the giant gate, and it slowly opens back.

A gust of spiritual energy spewed out, and an old man sitting behind the huge bronze door suddenly opened his eyes and shot two rays of light.

Gongliang was prepared long ago, and the Baihao needle immediately flew out, stabbing at the old man.Suddenly, a simple three-legged cauldron appeared in front of the old man, blocking the Baihao needle from the outside.Seeing that Bai Haozhen's sneak attack failed, Gong Liang grabbed the magic hammer and rushed forward with all his strength.Although the cauldron was strong, it was no match for Gongliang's sturdy strength, and the old man was knocked backwards and flew out.

In the basement, the space is too small to fully use the Heavenly Hammer.

Gong Liang put away the magic hammer and rushed towards the old man, using both hands and feet.

All of a sudden, Xingyi Wuxingquan, Dayanhuoyiquan and Sanda boxing techniques poured down on the old man like a violent storm.

How could the old man be able to resist such a wild punching technique, he was hit a few times for a while, and was dizzy from the beating, but he immediately came to his senses, jumped up, and left the attacking range of his fists.

Gongliang seized the opportunity and used the four forms of land reclamation to chop the sky, chopping upwards.

In an instant, there was a burst of thunder, panic, like the sky, the space was turbulent, and before the hand arrived, an invisible force had already pressed the old man to the ground.

The old man felt inexplicable palpitations and hurried back to the ground.

Gong Liang strode forward, his fist changed, his hands turned sharply like wheels, and Xiu Ran appeared in the four forms of opening up wasteland "Turning the River".

In an instant, the old man felt as if he was in a millstone, being crushed back and forth by two strange forces, which made him almost out of breath. go down.If this continues, he will really die, the old man didn't dare to be careless, he quickly called out the three-legged cauldron that appeared earlier, turned it over and covered himself in it.

In this way, the feeling of being out of breath just now weakened.

Gongliang didn't expect him to come up with this trick, and was a little bit at a loss for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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