Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 540 8 Dragon Vultures

Chapter 540 Eight Dragon Vultures

In a pool of clear blue sky that is almost bottomless, there are two slightly pointed flying rafts floating in the air.

In the blue, a few white clouds float leisurely, as if they are within reach.

When Migu arrived on the boat, he and Yuangungun lay beside Feicha, looking down curiously.A white cloud happened to float over, and the little guy reached out to fish it out.

I don't know what's fun, so I danced for joy.

Standing next to them, Gong Liang looked around, and found that the inside of the floating flying boat was just like the ancient wooden boat of the previous life, except that the two ends were tapered, the board was thicker, and the edge was higher.The people who took the Feicha went to the top and sat on the ground one by one.These people are either merchants, traveling Confucian scholars, and some wealthy children.

Among these people, Gong Liang accidentally saw a few barren people.

It's a pity that I don't know each other, so I don't bother to say hello, so I just sit down and rest.

The little Migu just came up and felt the novelty. After playing around for a while, maybe he was tired, so he lay down in Papa's arms and fell asleep soundly.

Yuan Gungun also fell asleep beside Gongliang.

The sky is infinite.

Sitting on the flying boat and looking out, he realized that the world is so vast. No wonder some people say, "The more you know, the more you feel ignorant." The more I see, the more I feel small.

After flying forward for a while, the sky suddenly darkened.

Someone shouted: "There are thunderstorm clouds ahead, Feicha is about to go up, everyone be careful."

As soon as the words fell, a layer of light mask floated on the flying boat, covering the whole flying boat inside.

Then, Gongliang saw the flying plane tilted and flew upwards.

Because the slope was a bit steep, some people who took the flying boat couldn't sit still, and their bodies suddenly slid to the lower side, screaming in fright.

A fat man who didn't look much bigger than Gongliang rolled towards this side like a ball, so he gave him a hand.

After a while, the floating flying boat stabilized.

Ji Wuyong wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat down, cupped his hands and thanked Gong Liang: "Thank you for your help."

"It's just a little effort, you're welcome," Gong Liang said.

"I don't know what to call my brother?"

"In Xia Gongliang, people in Dahuang are called 'Golden Armored God of War', you can call me Eleven Lang!"

When Ji Wuyong heard Gongliang's introduction, he had a weird face, but he was not rude, and quickly said: "In the next season, Wuyong will be the fifth in my family. Everyone I know will call me Dayong."

"Brother useless."

The two politely announced their names, but Ji Wuyong knew how to be a man, so he ran to take out a jug of wine from the luggage he brought to drink.Gongliang felt that drinking alone was tasteless, so he took out a crispy roasted anchovy chicken, cut it into pieces, and put it on a plate to serve the wine.

Ji Wuyong's eyes lit up.

"I didn't expect you to have phoenix chicken from Donglin Restaurant, so I have to try it."


Ji Wuyong was not polite, he grabbed a piece of anchovy chicken and stuffed it into his mouth, and was instantly moved by the crispy, crispy and tender taste of the anchovy chicken.

"As expected of Donglin Restaurant's signature, it's really delicious."

Ji Wuyong sucked the fat on his fingers, and said with emotion: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. Although my family is considered a little rich in Dayu, I don't dare to go to Donglin Restaurant often."

"The things there are indeed a bit expensive." Gong Liangshen felt the same way.

Ji Wuyong waved his hand and said, "Actually, it's not too expensive. The main reason is that you and I have no money. If we have money, how can we put that little thing in our eyes."

Gongliang felt quite reasonable.

"I don't know where Eleven Lang is going?" Ji Wuyong asked while eating.

"Go to Daxia, but you should disembark halfway." Gong Liang replied.

"I'm also going to Daxia. You don't know, Eleven Lang, that Daxia people think they are from a big country. They all have their nostrils turned upside down, and they think they are superior. They don't take us small country people seriously. If it weren't for the uncle in the clan The letter said that there is a lot of wealth waiting for me in Daxia, and I don't want to go. It's great to be in Dayu, although it's not a big fortune, but it's still a small fortune, so there's no need to go to Daxia to suffer the bird's anger."

Seeing that the wine in Gongliang's cup was empty, Ji Wuyong quickly filled it up for him, "Eleventh Lang, if you have something to do in Daxia, you can come to Dongdu to find me. Although I am useless, Ji's family still has a few friends in the capital." Save face."

"Thank you very much then."

When they met by chance, Gong Liang would not take his words to heart, but he still had to be polite.


Suddenly there was an explosion of thunder, and Feicha was shaken a bit.

Gong Liang stood up and looked down, and found that the floating flying boat they were sitting on had already reached the sky above the thunderstorm clouds. Lightning bolts flashed above the dark clouds, and thunderbolts rumbled below, as if they were performing a catastrophe of the end of the world. , very appalling.

Perhaps it felt that the flight was too low, and the helm of the floating flying boat continued to fly upwards with the flying boat.

Ji Wuyong was caught off guard, leaned back, and was about to roll down.

Gong Liang pulled him back, and protected the jug and a plate of anchovy by the way.

After flying up for a while, Feicha continued to fly forward steadily.

At this time, there is no white cloud in the sky above Flying Cha, only a piece of azure blue, boundless azure blue, so blue that people have nothing to say, move people, and make people feel emotional.And below, pieces of clouds float, making people feel like entering a fairyland.


Suddenly, a burst of chirping resounded through the sky and the earth.

Mi Gu opened his eyes suddenly, flew up, put on the awning and looked forward.After a while, I turned around and reported: "Papa, there is a big, big bird in front of me, much bigger than a chicken."

Needless to say, Gongliang has already seen it. In the distance, a big bird like a dragon or a vulture, with a back like a tall mountain, and wings like a cloud hanging from the sky, pierced through the clouds and soared up to the blue sky.

Such a great figure is so shocking that it takes one's breath away.

"Eight Dragon Vultures," Ji Wuyong said in a fascinated way, with frenzy in his eyes.

The big bird, like a dragon or a vulture, was fast and went up quickly, but disappeared into the sky in a moment.

Gongliang asked Ji Wuyong puzzledly, "What did you say about the eight dragons and vultures just now?"

Hearing his words, Ji Wuyong woke up from the shock just now, and said: "Eleventh Lang, you don't know that the Babu Cage Vulture is actually one of the Babu Clans. , Yonghe, Longan, Henggongyu, Tiger Jiao and other seven tribes were all the pioneers of the Yaozu who conquered the world back then. It is a pity that the Yaozu sought their own death. First they fought against the Gods, and then they clashed with the Immortals, and finally broke the world. , the vitality was seriously injured, and I had to leave this world. However, it is also the case, which led to the rise of my human race. Speaking of which, I have to thank them."

"I see!"

Gong Liang nodded, and asked again, "Where did you know this?"

"There are records in ancient times, and I usually like to read this kind of idle books."

Ji Wuyong ran to find a book from the pile of luggage and showed it to him. Gong Liang flipped through it, and it was true.

(End of this chapter)

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