Chapter 545

Since the sect exists, of course it must recruit disciples to pass it on.

Therefore, every year, Dongtu Zongmen will find a day to recruit disciples.

It's just that most of these people are princes and grandchildren, children of rich families, and ordinary people account for less than one layer.

These people grew up in a honeypot, and it might be okay to let them fly as eagles and lackeys and fight intrigues, but it is very difficult to let them practice Taoism hard.Therefore, among the people recruited, there are often not one in ten who can really join the sect.

Therefore, the major sects sent out disciples from the outer sects to various places to find some disciples with good temperament and good bones.

These people try their best to turn into wandering Taoists, down-and-out beggars, peddlers, or masters, and every time they find them, they will teach them some superficial introductory methods.If they succeed in cultivation in the future, someone will naturally lead them into the sect.If not, you can only live a mediocre life.

Momen is actually the eyes and ears set up by Kui Suizong to recruit disciples from outside.

Most of the people with a good heart and bones will be given mental methods, but most people don't know it.

Mo Siyin was taught by her grandpa since she was a child, and she didn't achieve success until recently.

Just happened to encounter the matter of Momen, so Mo Ru decided to let Mo Siyin leave, just to hone her.

The bag that Mrs. Zi gave her contained the token of the Kuicui sect. No matter where she went, she would be noticed by people of the same clan. As the sect guide, Yong Zizhou chased after getting the information.

"You said that you are a disciple of Kuicui Sect, how should I believe you?" Feilong asked.

Although he already believed in his heart that he was a disciple of Kui Cui Sect, he still needed something to prove it.There are too many cunning Dongtu people, and it's not like he hasn't been fooled by people pretending to be disciples of various sects before.

Yong Zizhou took out a jet-black token from the storage bag, handed it over, and said, "Brother, please take a look."

Feilong took it over and took a look, and there was indeed Kuicuizong's unique imprint and his aura left on it.This kind of token is the exclusive secret system of each major sect, which not only has the seal of the sect, but also leaves a trace of spirit connected with the soul card of the sect.Once something happens to a disciple, the sect immediately learns that the so-called "cards exist when people are alive, cards are broken when people die", it is very difficult for outsiders to imitate.

After Feilong inspected it, he returned the token to Mo Siyin, and said to Mo Siyin, "He is indeed a disciple of Kuicui Sect."

Yong Zizhou said sincerely: "Sanniang, I have already met your family members, if you are not at ease, I can go back with you to have a look."

After all, Mo Siyin was a little worried about him, and said to Feilong: "Brother Feilong, can you go over there with me to have a look?"


The next day, accompanied by the flying dragon, Mo Siyin caught up with the animal cart that Aye's grandma and father were riding in.

After asking them about what happened, he resolutely decided to go to Kuicuizong to practice.Not for anything else, just to be able to be with brother Eleven Lang when he sees him again.

Otherwise, when we meet again, Eleven Lang's elder brother is already a fairy riding the clouds and fog, while he is still a delicate little girl.

This is unavoidable.

Floating in the sky, wearing the stars and wearing the moon, all the way forward.

On Feicha, Gongliang would either drink with his new acquaintance Ji Wuyong, read the idle books Ji Wuyong brought, or tease Mi Gu, round and sleep, stealing half a day of leisure, but also at ease.

"Eleventh Lang, Eleventh Lang, wake up, wake up."

Gongliang was sleeping with little Migu in his arms, when he heard Ji Wuyong's voice next to him, he opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

"Are you still sleeping? The Nightless Kingdom is coming soon."

In the past few days, while chatting with Ji Wuyong, Gongliang learned that Fukong Feicha would stay in Wuye Country for a few days for repairs and supplies, and by the way unload the things brought from Dayu Country, and transport away the local specialties.Flying in the air and carrying people to make money is actually only a small profit, the big one is the freight, and the huge profits of staying between countries and dumping goods from other countries.

"How do you know?" Gong Liang asked.

Looking down from the sky, everything on the ground looks smaller than ants. Gong Liang doesn't think his eyes are better than his.

"Didn't you smell it?" Ji Wuyong took a deep breath and said intoxicated.

"Smell what?" Gongliang asked strangely.

"Flower fragrance, the fragrance of no night flowers."

After Ji Wuyong finished speaking, he closed his eyes and breathed, with a fascinated look on his face, how wretched and wretched the expression looked.

Seeing his appearance, Gong Liang also tried to smell it, and found that there was an elegant fragrance in the air.I can't help but feel strange, they are floating in the sky now, and there is a scent of flowers wafting over, it is simply amazing.

"Papa, I also smell the fragrance." Mi Gu said in Papa's arms.

"Gongliang, I smelled it too." Yuan Gungun also yelled.


Gong Liang responded, standing on the edge of Feicha and looking down, there was a lot of green below, and he couldn't see anything clearly.It's just that as Feicha flew forward, the fragrance became more and more intense.

Maybe it was really approaching the place, the flying plane slowly descended, and the scenery on the ground became bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, Gong Liang saw a city standing on a large plain surrounded by high mountains.

In the majestic city and on the plain, tall trees are planted with flower buds on them, some of which have already bloomed, like holy magnolias.

It's just that the flowers are very big, like kapok.

Floating in the sky, the more the flying boat falls, the stronger the fragrance of nightless flowers becomes.

After savoring it carefully, Gong Liang felt that the fragrance of this flower was not as unacceptably fragrant as roses, nor as pungent as lilies. It was a natural, friendly and fresh fragrance.

Looking down, the Wuye flowers in Wuye Kingdom are in different shapes, some are flower-boned flowers, like little dolls who have not yet woken up; some are half-opened and half-closed, like girls who want to refuse to welcome; The soft petals, graceful flower shape, and tender yellow stamens look like a delicate girl, beckoning to you.

Gongliang stood on the edge of Feicha and looked down at the beautiful scenery of Wuye Kingdom. Suddenly he saw Ji Wuyong walking beside him, looking at the void outside, shaking his head and reciting poems.

"There are no night trees in the nightless kingdom, and there are no night flowers on the nightless trees.

There is no night under the flowers without night, and it is difficult to meet again when you are passionate. "

Gongliang didn't expect that the guy in front of him who was as fat as a pig could also compose poems, he was not surprised and said, "Brother Ji is really good at writing!"

Ji Wuyong quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't dare, I didn't write this poem, but I wrote it because of my feelings when a great Confucian from Qingyang Academy passed by Wuye Country when he was still a Confucian student."

Gongliang raised his eyebrows, feeling that this was the right thing to do.

If this guy can also write poetry, it doesn't look like he's not good at it.

Floating in the air and falling, the distance from the Nightless Kingdom is getting closer and closer, and gradually the pedestrians on the road can be seen.As soon as they were about to arrive, someone in front suddenly shouted: "The Wuye Kingdom has arrived, Feicha will stay here for three days, everyone can go to the Wuye Kingdom for a walk, and leave on time at Chenshi in three days, and we won't wait when it's over."


The floating plane slowly landed in the open space in the corner of Wuye Kingdom, the hatch slowly opened, and the people on it got tired of being carried inside these days, and they stepped off the boat one after another.

Gong Liang was also very curious about this place, so he took Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun down.

 I wrote the poem by myself, but in fact I still have such a little bit of talent.In the last sentence, "It's hard to meet again when I'm passionate." I also thought about the sentence "It's rare to meet again when I'm passionate." After thinking about it, I feel that the previous sentence is better, what do you think?There is only one update today.



(End of this chapter)

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