Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 578 Color Silk

Chapter 578 Color Silk

Naturally, Gongliang couldn't stop Mi Gu from looking for Dandan, if he dared, the little guy would dare to cry for him.Although she had never cried, at most she just pouted her lips, making a look like she was about to cry.

So, he and Yuan Gungun walked forward led by the little guy with an excited expression on his face.

But after a while, they came to a dark cave. The soil in the cave was soft and slightly damp. Thousand-legged dragons curled up and lay in the soft soil.

Gong Liang held up the fire beads and saw white eggs under their curly bodies.

After watching for a while, he found that each thousand-legged dragon was hatching with its eggs in its arms, unlike birds or other things, which laid a nest and lay on it to hatch.

How to get this?

"Baba, Baba, I want balls, I want balls." The little guy danced happily.

The thousand-legged sky dragons that were hatching saw someone coming in, but they didn't rush over immediately, but started to eat the eggs they were holding.Yes, Gongliang was sure that he read it correctly, those thousand-legged dragons were indeed eating their own eggs.

For a moment, Gong Liang and Mi Gu were dumbfounded.

What's going on here?

Gongliang frowned, he had already killed so many adult thousand-legged dragons, if he killed these thousand-legged dragon eggs again, wouldn't the thousand-footed dragons in Congling Ridge become extinct because of him?

Everything has its own rules.

Although poisonous snakes are poisonous, they can eat poisonous snakes, rats, insects, and birds to prevent them from growing.

Although cockroaches are harmful, they can eat many things that ordinary people cannot see, and they are also the food of many species.

Although the humid weather in spring and summer is disgusting, the mold it breeds can mildew all kinds of things and turn them into a pile of powder.

Therefore, there is nothing superfluous in the world. If the thousand-legged dragon is removed because it is harmful, something may happen.

Of course, these are not what Gongliang needs to consider. He just can't bear to see these thousand-legged dragons eat some of their eggs, and he doesn't want the thousand-legged dragons to become extinct.So, he took Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun out of the cave.

"Papa, I want to eat balls, I want to eat balls."

Mi Gu pouted, almost crying.

She hasn't eaten balls for a long, long time, and she wants to eat balls.

Seeing the little guy's appearance, Gong Liang quickly hugged her in his arms and comforted her, "We don't eat those bedbug balls. Later, Dad will find you little bird eggs to eat. The little bird eggs are sweeter than the eggs." Those bedbug balls are much better."

When Mi Gu heard Papa's words, he felt a little better, but he pointed his fingers and said, "Then I have to eat a lot of balls."

"Okay." Gongliang nodded affirmatively.

"cluck cluck"

Mi Gu laughed happily again, hugging Papa's neck and rubbing her pink face against Papa's face, Papa treats her the best.

Leaving the valley and entering the forest, Gong Liang was not in a hurry to find the big gourd and Jiuquan, but first looked for the little guy's balls that she liked to eat.Otherwise, she would get upset and ignore him again.

But the little guy doesn't eat all eggs.

She eats eggs because she likes the taste of eggs, and because she absorbs the blood essence and aura in the eggs for her own use.

Otherwise, how could she keep clamoring for balls, and she likes to eat balls of the spirit snake the most.

Although part of it is due to nature, the spirit snake fetus is indeed a very good thing.

In this way, the eggs that Gongliang was looking for could not be the eggs of those ordinary birds in the mountains, but must be of the raptor level, or else they should be the eggs of monster birds.

After asking Xiaoji to help him find it for a long time, he finally found the target on a nearby high cliff with strange rocks.

It was a group of Luoluo. Luoluo looked very similar to a vulture. It should be a kind of vulture. It is not a good bird. It likes to eat dead things. It will actively attack animals smaller than it, and even attack people. Dire birds of prey.

But even for such a ferocious bird of prey, it is quite helpless to meet the two egg thieves, Gongliang and Migu.

When he found the target, Gong Liang put away Yuan Gun Gun and took Mi Gu to the high cliff where Luo Luo was.

When Luo Luo saw someone coming, he immediately flapped his wings and flew up, rushing towards him ferociously.

Migu had been prepared for a long time. When he saw these stinky birds, he immediately opened his mouth and spewed out a large mouthful of saliva. The saliva fell on Luo Luo's body and penetrated into the body through the pores.Luo Luo was immediately poisoned and fell down.

In just a few moments, Luo Luo on the high cliff was completely dealt with by them.

Mi Gu happily flew to the high cliff, and happily picked up the eggs in the bird's nest made of tree branches and bird feathers.

I saw her excitedly grabbing this ball to have a look, picking up the other ball to have a look, and commenting in a serious manner: "This ball is delicious, but this ball is not delicious."

She was picking up eggs, and Gongliang was picking up Luo Luo, who was poisoned by Migu, and threw them into the small black pool in the space, where they were decomposed and turned into the nutrients needed for the growth of the space.

After the thousand-legged dragons in the valley were taken in and disassembled, the space was fully expanded to about [-] mu, which is an astonishing progress.It seems that this kind of business can be done several times in the future.

After picking up Luo Luo's body, Mi Gu also picked out the balls she wanted, and filled his storage bag to the brim.

Gong Liang would help her keep the rest of the eggs and keep them, and give them to her when she wanted them.

These eggs are enough for her to eat for a while today.

After collecting the things, Gong Liang took Mi Gu off the cliff and flew down, preparing to continue searching for Big Hu and Jiuquan in the Congling Mountains.

In fact, he could also fly in the sky to look for it, but he might be able to find the big gourd up there, but Jiuquan couldn't find it.Because there is absolutely no Jiuquan in the ordinary streams in the mountains, it is most likely to exist in the gurgling streams or invisible dark springs in the Congling Ridge.

Even a big gourd is hard to find in the sky.

Because there are two kinds of big gourds, green and yellow, and the green one is no different from the green grass. How can you tell them apart?And the yellow gourd is no different from the soil, hidden in the green bushes, in the mountains and valleys, from a high altitude, the eyes are full of yellow, yellow, green and green colors, and the eyes are dazzled. How can it be possible to distinguish which one is the big gourd? Hu, which one is not?

What's more, searching for them in the air takes a lot of energy.

Therefore, Gongliang has always insisted on searching down-to-earth in the mountains and forests.

Flying in the air, looking down, the green trees are connected one after another, which is too beautiful to behold.The mountains are rolling and rolling, with different distances and different views.

After a while, Gongliang found a place and was about to escape into the forest, when he suddenly saw a big tree with colorful silk leaves growing in the mountains in front of him, so he flew over quickly.

After a while, when I came to the foot of the mountain, I saw colorful silk fluttering on a big tree.

These trees are big enough to be hugged around, and the small ones are waist-thick and thin, and they are not very thick, but the bark is mottled and old, and it has obviously gone through countless years.

The colored silk on the tree is like the thin vines of dodder, or the new branches of weeping willow without leaves, hanging down a little bit, like strands of blue silk that a girl has just washed.

The breeze blows, and the soft and slender colored silk sways in the breeze.All of a sudden, the various colors on the colored silk swayed, yellow, green, white, red, purple, all kinds of colors mixed together, colorful, colorful and dazzling.

There are records in the classics of Dahuang and Dongtu: "Heshen Kingdom's real estate is a big gourd, and the gourd contains five grains. It is not planted. The water spring is like fine wine. Drink too much to get drunk. The climate is often like late spring. The leaves are all colored silk. For clothes, it is a real fairyland. It can be said that you can eat without farming, make clothes without weaving, and drink without brewing."

Among them, Gongliang has already seen the big gourd and Jiuquan in Heshen Kingdom, but he has never seen the colorful silk leaves that can be called clothes, and he has seen them today.

(End of this chapter)

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