Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 598 Here comes a bigger guy

Chapter 598 Here comes a bigger guy

In the cave, it was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water.

Even if the big-headed monster left, no one dared to make any sound, and some even held their breath, fearing that the breath they emitted would be noticed by the big-headed monster.

After a while, Gong Liang saw that the Moon Mother and Daughter Chinese people in the cave had no intention of pushing the huge rock at the entrance of the cave, so he wanted to ask questions.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from a distance, like the sound of a giant stepping on the ground.

"bang bang bang bang"

A loud noise continued to come from a distance, and it was felt even in the cave.Mother Yue and her daughter, who were originally relaxed, hugged each other again in fright, staring nervously at the blocked cave entrance.

This time the sound was louder than that made by the huge monster with big head last time. Gong Liang frowned when he heard it, and looked out intently.

The consciousness penetrated the stone wall and was covered in the canyon outside the cave.

At this time, the canyon was completely chilled, and there was no sound of wind, only the loud "bang bang" sound remained.

Limited by what his spiritual sense could see, Gong Liang could only wait impatiently for the thing that made the sound to arrive.The sound got closer and louder, and suddenly, Gong Liang saw a tall figure standing in the canyon.

This is a bigger monster with a bigger head than the previous one. It is holding a thick wooden stick, blue-faced fangs, and a spiral horn on its head. It looks extremely ferocious.

From a rough look, this big-headed monster is at least ten meters tall, with thick arms and a big waist, even bigger and burly than the Longbo people in the space.

But this time only one big-headed monster came, and the group of big-headed monsters from last time was gone.

The big-headed monster with a green face and long fangs came to the hole that Ah Han dug in the blue mud, lowered his head and smelled it, and suddenly smashed down the thick-headed wooden stick hard.

In just a short while, the pothole was smashed into a shapeless shape, and then, it didn't know why it went crazy, and even held a thick wooden stick and smashed it to the left and right mountain walls.

The cave where the mother and daughter of Yue lived was on the mountain wall. The cave wall was smashed and there was a loud "bang" sound. There were many rocks falling on the stone wall.

Gongliang didn't expect the big-headed monster to make such a move, fearing that it would hit again, he hurriedly ordered Bai Haozhen to rush out of the cave and shoot at the big-headed monster.

The needle is like a hair, and the speed is like lightning, piercing the dark canyon, cleaning up a stream of air, and piercing into the big head of the big-headed monster.


The big-headed monster let out a shrill scream, and beat the big head with both hands, as if it wanted to beat the pain from Bai Hao's needle, but unfortunately it was of no avail.

Gongliang didn't expect the big-headed monster to be so stiff, so he quickly sent the Baihao needle to stab the big-headed monster again.When the white thorn pierced through the head of the big-headed monster again, the big-headed monster finally calmed down, fell to the ground, and dissipated in a cloud of smoke.

Seeing this, Gong Liang felt even more weird.

Because nothing automatically dissipates into smoke after death, and neither can ghosts.

Fortunately, this thing has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

After a while, seeing that there were no more big-headed monsters coming, the mother and daughter of the moon pushed away the huge boulder blocking the entrance of the cave and continued to dig the green mud.

Ah Han returned to the place where he dug the green mud, with a dejected expression on his face.

Because the pothole he was in was smashed into a mess by the big-headed monster, and the wooden bucket and wooden shovel filled with green mud were also smashed.It can be said that all previous efforts have been wasted, and it took so much effort to dig the green mud in vain.Moreover, all the wooden barrels he stored in the potholes were smashed, and there was nothing to put them in if he tried to dig.

Gong Liang made a few iron thorn wood shovels for him, and took out a few super large wooden barrels from the space to fill him with green mud.

These wooden barrels are the rice barrels for the people of Uncle Long to eat, and one barrel is worth several of his wooden barrels containing green clay.

It was getting late, and in order to prevent Ahan from getting nothing during this trip, Gong Liang helped him dig green mud and filled two large buckets.

In fact, there are still wooden barrels, but if you dig too much, the suspended spaceship will not be able to fit or carry them.

The sun was setting, and the canyon was plunged into darkness, and gusts of biting cold wind kept blowing from the depths of the canyon, getting bigger and colder.

When the mother and daughter of the moon saw it, they put the wooden barrels full of green mud on the airship, and lifted the airship to the sky above the canyon, waiting for the same clan to go back together.

The wooden barrel of the Longbo people was too big for Ah Han to carry, so Gong Liang helped him carry it to the spaceship.

After all the spaceships had ascended to the sky above the canyon, a horn sounded, and all the suspended spaceships flew out one after another, creating a spectacular scene.

The mother and daughter of the month seemed to know that their loved ones were coming back, waiting in front of the door one by one, looking up at the void in the distance.After a while, I saw the floating spaceships returning with clouds all over the sky, and a happy smile appeared on their faces.

Gongliang helped Ah Han carry two large buckets of green clay into the house, and was about to say goodbye to leave, but was forced into the house by Anuerniang.

Dinner was naturally eaten at their house.

Today, Anu'er's family did not bring out the green mud to entertain guests, but picked vegetables from the backyard that were not grown much, and the air-dried bacon that Ahan hunted and had been reluctant to eat, fried a few hot dishes, and brought them out. The unique fine wine of Moon Mother and Daughter Kingdom was brought out to entertain Gongliang.

Although these things can be described as shabby for Gongliang, they can be described as rich for Ahan's family and even the Moon Mother and Daughter Kingdom.

Because the Moon Mother and Daughter Kingdom is on the top of the mountain, it is not easy to grow something, and it is not easy to pick and fry the few vegetables in the backyard.

The rice is also rice, which was bought by Anu'er's mother in exchange for the fine wine unique to the Moon Mother and Daughter Country.

"Eleventh Lang, come, have a drink. This is the delicious nectar unique to our Moon Mother and Daughter Country, which is not available outside." Anuer's mother enthusiastically poured a glass of wine for Gong Liang.

"Thank you, Ma'am." Gong Liang thanked him with his cups in both hands.

"What are you being polite about?" Anu'er said with a smile.

After eating and drinking, Gongliang didn't feel embarrassed to leave immediately, so he sat and chatted with their family in the yard.

"Eleventh Lang came to our country for the sake of the emperor!" Anu'er asked mother-in-law.

"Emperor Ointment?"

Gong Liang shook his head and said, "I wanted to go to Da Xia, but I was afraid of going in the wrong direction, so I stopped here temporarily to ask for directions. I didn't expect to go to the Moon Mother and Daughter Country, and it was fate to meet my wife's family."

"That's right, you barren people seldom come to our side. The two barren men who guard the temple were found by our lord from other places. It is said that they spent a lot of spirit stones. Otherwise, the two barbarians People who are not famous are not willing to come to our country?" Anu Er mother gossiped.

"Didn't expect this to happen?"

"you do not say."

Anu Erniang paused for a moment, and then said: "Although you are not here for the emperor, don't miss it. Tomorrow is the time when the mother of the moon is bathing in the moon, and the emperor will appear. You might as well bring Yuan Roll to Get it from the side. You must know that this emperor liquid is not a mortal thing. It is said that those of you who practice can purify their souls and avoid the suffering of demons when they get it; .”

"How does Madam know this?" Gong Liang wondered.

"I heard what people said. Don't think that I don't know anything because I am a woman. I know a lot more than you." Mother Anuer said proudly.

Ah Han and Anu'er saw their mother's airy expression and smiled at each other, not daring to say that their mother had actually heard the news from the wine shop on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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