Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 601 Migu wakes up

Chapter 601 Migu wakes up


Yuan Gun Gun woke up when he heard the sound, and looked at the place where the sound came from with his black and white panda eyes open.But I saw a petite pink fox struggling to get up from the pile of fallen leaves. Its beautiful hair was covered with leaf debris, and it looked very embarrassed.

Not knowing what was on his mind, it stood up and slid down the nose of the black mammoth Dorji, walking in front of the little pink fox.

"Hey, what's your name?" Yuan Gun Gun yelled.

"Ow Oo"

The little pink fox was not afraid at all when he saw Yuan Rolling over, and barked in a low voice in response, like a newborn puppy, with a smell of milk.

Gongliang sat on Duoji's back and listened carefully to their conversation, but unfortunately he didn't understand animal language, so he didn't understand it.If it weren't for the telepathic connection between him and Yuan Gungun with the psychic flame pattern as a bridge, it is estimated that he would not even be able to understand Yuan Gungun's cries, he could only hear them coming and going.

Chubby's howl is more powerful and sonorous, while the little fox is lower and petite.

"Where's your mother?" Yuan Gun Gun yelled again.

"Ow Oo"

"Where is your home?"

"Ow Oo"

Yuan Gungun asked a few words, and didn't know what kind of connection he had established with the little pink fox, so he turned around and led it towards the black mammoth Dorji.

When he came to Duoji, Yuan Gungun turned his head and yelled at the little pink fox, "This is Duoji, my good friend." After speaking, Yuan Gungun introduced to Duoji again: "This is my good friend, Duoji, don't bully me." it."


Dorje let out a cry, stretched out his nose and rubbed against the little pink fox.

The little pink fox also howled and rubbed against Duoji's nose, as if they had established a relationship.

Yuan Gungun said to Dorji again, and Dorji lowered his nose to let Yuan Gungun sit on it.The little pink fox was still shy of strangers, looked at Gong Liang who was sitting on it, and finally, under the urging of Yuan Gun, sat up on it, and then slid onto Duoji's back with Yuan Roll.

Yuan Gungun brought the little pink fox to Gongliang and introduced him, "Gongliang, this is my good friend Xiao Xiangxiang. Don't bully it, or I will bite you."

Gong Liang said helplessly, "Since when have I ever bullied someone?"

"You keep bullying me, pinching my face, and putting your feet on me, don't think I don't know." Yuan Gungun ruthlessly exposed the truth.

"It's because I like you that I pinch your face and put my feet on you, otherwise why would I pinch you when I don't pinch others." Gong Liang argued shamelessly.

But Yuan Gungun obviously didn't want to bother with him, so he just yelled: "Just don't bully Xiao Xiangxiang, it has no father or mother, it lives in the woods by itself, so pitiful."

The little pink fox timidly hid beside Yuan Gungun, poking his head out to look at Gongliang from time to time.

Yuan Gungun turned his head and said to it: "Xiao Xiangxiang, this is Gongliang. He won't eat you, but he likes to bully me. If he bullies you, tell me and I'll bite him to death. From now on, I'll ask him for food when I'm hungry. , There are many, many delicious things on him."

Hearing Yuan Gun Gun's words, Gong Liang really wanted to slap it to death, because he likes to bully it.

If you want to pretend to be big in front of your friends, you don't need to use yourself as a negative example.This idiot, he remembered.It's not easy to tear things apart with good friends in front of me now, and when this thing is gone, I'll settle accounts with it.

In line with meeting Pink Fox for the first time, I want to make a good first impression.

Gong Liang picked the most delicious green mulberry fruit from the space, put it in front of the little pink fox, and let him eat it.

The little pink fox hid behind Yuangungun's buttocks in fear, poked his head out again after a while, glanced at the green mulberry fruit, and looked back at Yuangungun again.

"Eat it! Eat it! Green mulberries are delicious."

Yuan Gungun said to the little pink fox, then yelled, "Gongliang, I want to eat too."

Gongliang glared at it angrily, "Don't you have it yourself?"


This shit.

In desperation, Gongliang had to give it another one.Yuan Gungun grabbed the green mulberry fruit and began to eat it with big mouthfuls.The little pink fox looked at it, glanced at Gongliang, and then ran to the green mulberry fruit to sip.

But it still seems to be worried about Gongliang, watching while eating, probably if it finds that something is wrong, it will run away immediately.

Gongliang was too lazy to bother with this little thing, so he took out a green mulberry fruit and ate it.After eating, he lay on Dorje's back and let Dorje carry him forward leisurely.

The little pink fox is only the size of a palm, very petite and cute.He doesn't eat much, and his stomach bulges even after eating a green mulberry fruit.

Although the green mulberry fruit was not finished, it had no intention of returning it to Gongliang. It regarded it as its own food, and dragged it to his side vigorously, staring at it all the time.

Yuan Gungun fell asleep on his stomach after eating, and the little pink fox curled up next to its belly and fell asleep together.

I don't know if it's because there is a new good friend Yuan Gungun here, or because there is food and drink, the little pink fox actually stays, and has no intention of leaving at all.Later, after getting along for a long time, when Yuan Gun Gun was dissatisfied with Gong Liang, he would defend him and yell at Gong Liang, which was very funny.

In the blink of an eye, Mi Gu has been sleeping for almost a month, but there is still no movement.

Gong Liang entered the fruit space, looked at the thick poisonous mist around it, and frowned, wondering if something would happen to this little guy.

Just when he was worried, the poisonous fog suddenly changed, like the waves of the sea, ups and downs.

After a while, the ups and downs of the poisonous mist became more and more violent, and suddenly spread like a whirlwind, scaring Gongliang to back away.But the poisonous mist shrank back quickly, gradually thinned and faded, and Mi Gu's figure appeared in front of Gong Liang's eyes.

After a while, the poisonous mist completely shrank into Mi Gu's body, and the little guy finally moved, and she stretched her waist "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" and opened her eyes.

Gong Liang was overjoyed, he stepped forward and hugged her tightly, kissed her forehead, her nose, her face, then hugged her in his arms, rubbing against her pink face.

"cluck cluck"

The little guy laughed happily, she likes papa the most, she likes papa so much.

Tired of kissing for a while, Gong Liang hugged Mi Gu to his eyes, looked at it carefully, but found no change, he couldn't help but tapped her little Qiong's nose, and said: "Little thing, I'm so worried about my father. "

Mi Gu flew up and hugged Paba's neck, rubbed his face against Paba's face, and kept calling "Baba, Baba", as if he couldn't express the love in his heart.

After getting bored for a while, the little guy raised his head, and said to Papa with a serious face: "Papa, I have become stronger, I am so good now, I can help Papa fight bad guys."

This little thing, every time he wakes up, he says that he has become so powerful, but he doesn't know how powerful he is.

But no matter what, just wake up, the stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.Otherwise, he would worry day and night, and he would lose several strands of his hair.

It's different with this little guy around, and he feels a lot better. This little guy is his joy.


 got windy



(End of this chapter)

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