Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 636 7 Star Dragon Loach

Chapter 636 Seven Star Dragon Loach

The people guarding the edge of Onozawa saw that the thunder and lightning had changed direction for no reason and struck at Gongliang, and cast their gazes over.

Gong Liang found that what he realized was extraordinary, so he dared not say anything, and looked at Onozawa pretending to be nonchalant.


A bolt of lightning that was even bigger than the previous thunderbolts blasted down from the sky and sank into Ono Ze.

It's very strange that the huge lightning did not split even a splash in the water, as if it passed directly through the water.

The people on the bank of Onozawa saw that the thunderbolt did not strike Gongliang again, so they turned their heads and continued to look at Onozawa.


Suddenly, from the middle of Onozawa, a huge fish head covered with scales drilled out, followed by a dorsal fin that seemed to be pierced with countless sharp arrows slowly rising from the lake, and then an extremely large fish body It came out of the water and appeared in front of everyone.

The body of the fish is hundreds of meters long, and there are seven spots arranged in a patchwork pattern on it. Under the sunlight, it looks like stars twinkling.

"Seven Star Dragon Loach."

Someone on the shore shouted.

Hearing his words, Seven Star Dragon Loach turned its head to look, and two icy and ruthless gazes shot out from its huge fish eyes, making people feel like they were in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, as if they were about to be frozen.The person who shouted was also timid, and flew back in fright, disappearing in an instant.

The Seven Star Dragon Loach is a species left over from ancient times, and because it feeds on dragons, it is also known as "Eating Dragon Loach".

This bloodline has always been tabooed by heaven and earth, so there are many people who die halfway, and few survive.

But all the seven-star dragon loaches that can live to adulthood are bullying the waters and dominating one side.

However, even if he lived to adulthood and became the overlord of one side, Seven Star Dragon Loach still faced countless crises.Who made it feed on dragons.In the world, no matter whether it is a real dragon or a miscellaneous dragon, or a beast with dragon blood, it will not be let go.Because of this, the seven-star dragon loach in the world is so rare that it is almost inaudible.

The reason why the person who just shouted was afraid is because the Seven Star Dragon Loach is the most vengeful and extremely ferocious, those who are recorded by it have almost no chance of surviving.

When the Seven Star Dragon Loach appeared, Kui Long poked his head out from Gongliang's wrist and looked towards Onozawa.

Seven Star Dragon Loach seemed to have sensed something, glanced at Kuilong wrapped around his wrist, and quickly turned back.

That glance was quick, but Gongliang and Kuilong still read two words of disdain from its eyes, "Miscellaneous dragon."

Kui Long's body wrapped around his wrist felt tight, which made Gong Liang feel a burst of pain.After a while, Kuilong loosened his body again.Gong Liang heaved a sigh of relief, if he continued to strangle like this, his wrist would have to be strangled.

Kuilong stared straight at the Seven Star Dragon Loach in the center of Onozawa, with murderous intent in his eyes.

From birth to now, it has never been so blatantly contemptuous.

It, Kui Long swears here, must eat this ignorant Seven Star Dragon Loach.


A huge thunder slammed down from the sky, cutting a deep wound on the Seven Star Dragon Loach.

Those thunderbolts in front are just a precursor, and from now on, the real chapter will be seen.The Seven Star Dragon Loach did not dare to be sloppy, and concentrated on welcoming the thunder disaster.If this catastrophe passes, you will be free from now on.If not, it is inevitable that the body will turn into flying ashes, and maybe the flesh body will become the meat in his mouth.

Seven Star Dragon Loach turned his head and glanced at the people guarding the bank of Onozawa, with a sinister smile on his lips.If it passed the thunder calamity, then these people would be the meat in its mouth.


Another thunderbolt strikes down, followed by another thunderbolt, like a sharp arrow or a giant axe, it continuously strikes down on Seven Star Dragon Loach.

Even though the seven-star dragon loach's scales were hard, it was also cut with huge wounds, blood and blood flowed horizontally, and the bloody giant bones were gradually exposed, and the piercing pain kept provoking its nerves.

The Seven Star Dragon Loach looked up at the sky, if it endured a little longer, the tribulation thunder would pass.


With a loud noise, the thunder crashed down from the heavy dark clouds, split open the bloody giant bone, and penetrated into the internal organs.


Seven Star Dragon Loach finally couldn't bear it anymore, opened its mouth and let out a loud roar.

Streams of bright red blood flowed out from its eyes, nose, and gills, bright in color, like flowers of death.

After the thunder passed, the thick dark clouds in the sky suddenly swirled, forming a deep vortex, in which a mysterious and inexplicable force was brewing, which seemed to be terrifying.

The Seven Star Dragon Loach looked at the sky, it knew that the last tribulation thunder was brewing in the vortex, if it passed, it would live, otherwise it would die.Now it is covered with scars, and all the preparations have been used to rob the thunder ahead.With the current strength, it is really impossible to survive the last thunder and murder.

It seems that we can only find another way.

Suddenly, the seven-star dragon loach's star tail slapped in the big wild lake, and a huge wave rose into the sky.

The Seven Star Dragon Loach then touched the water surface and leaped into the air. When it was above the huge waves, the Star Tail was on the top of the waves again, using its strength to leap upwards.Its speed is fast, as fast as wind and thunder, and it is under the dark cloud vortex in an instant.

Seeing that he was about to dive into the vortex, break through the clouds of thunder calamity, and be at ease from now on, Seven Star Dragon Loach was overjoyed.

But just as its head approached the vortex, Xiuran shot out a huge thunderbolt from it, hitting it heavily.

"Empty Long"

The thunder was so loud that it resounded in a radius of thousands of miles.

The Seven Star Dragon Loach was instantly knocked out of its wits by the thunderbolt, and its body was also split into a ball of coke, which fell from the air.The huge fish body smashed into the middle of the lake with huge waves, spraying out countless sprays.

Kuilong has been watching the Seven Star Dragon Loach crossing the robbery, seeing that it was struck to death by the lightning, he immediately slipped off Gongliang's wrist and burrowed into the big wild lake.

When I came out again after a while, I saw that its belly was distended.

Gongliang and Kuilong are connected with each other, so they don't know what it is going to do. Afraid of being discovered, they quickly put it in the fruit space.

After the catastrophe, the thunder scattered and the clouds disappeared, and the gloomy sky was no longer, revealing a sunny sky with a clear sky.

Seeing that the robbery cloud had dispersed, the people guarding the shore went into the big wild lake one after another to find the body of the seven-star dragon loach.

Seven-star dragon loach is full of treasures, even though it was chopped into coke by thunder, but it's just the appearance, the meat is definitely fine.What's more, even if there is no meat, the muscles, bones and marrow of the Seven Star Dragon Loach are still very useful.This is not an ordinary monster, but a monster that has not yet completed the catastrophe. It contains a lot of power of catastrophe and thunder. If it is refined with other herbs, it will be a rare treasure medicine for cultivation.

"Where is the Seven Star Dragon Loach? Why is it missing?"

The first person to get into the water came out, stood on the surface of the lake and roared.

"Strange, why is the Seven Star Dragon Loach gone?" Someone got out of the water and muttered to himself.

"It's really weird. He was struck to death by lightning, why did he disappear? Could it be that he's still alive?"

More and more people came out of the water and began to discuss the whereabouts of the Seven Star Dragon Loach.There are also people who are not reconciled and continue to search in Onozawa.It's just that this matter is destined to become an unsolved case, because the body of Seven Star Dragon Loach has been swallowed by Kui Long without anyone noticing, where else can I find it?

(End of this chapter)

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