Chapter 638

After Yuan Gun Gun found the mud ball, he walked around the Longting Water Mansion a few times, but he didn't find any treasures again.

That's right, even if the ancient gods abandoned the water mansion, even if there were good things, they would have been picked up long ago after countless people worked tirelessly to pick up the junk.If the mud ball was not in the rubble, it was too inconspicuous, and it probably wouldn't be able to find it.

Gongliang himself also walked around the water mansion a few times, seeing that there was really nothing good to do, he left Longting water mansion.

The owl-faced man who had been staring at him then chased him out.

Onozawa is vast, with lush aquatic plants and a wide variety of aquatic species.

After Gongliang walked out of the water mansion for a while, he saw several waves of fish swimming past him.Perhaps it was because of the water-repellent beads that cut off the breath, those fish were not afraid of people, some of them swam out of the water-repellent beads curiously, rubbed their heads against the mask, and some even flapped their tails.

After several rounds, seeing that there was no movement in the mask, the fish swam to the distance.

Seeing these fish being so aggressive, Mi Gu wanted to spit them to death, but was stopped by Papa.

"Papa, why don't you let me spit out fish? These are all bad fish, not good at all." Mi Gu said dissatisfied with his small mouth.

The little guy's saliva was extremely poisonous, spit it into the water and spread, and Ohnozawa didn't know how many fish would die.God has the virtue of loving life, it is better not to kill or not to kill, not to mention that he wants to collect some fish and put them in the lake of space to raise them. If they die, where can they find them?

So, he said to the little guy: "Later, Dad will catch fish and put them in the space to raise. If he vomits to death, Dad won't have any fish to catch."

Mi Gu tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: "Okay! Then I won't spit out these bad fish. Baba must catch more, and I will eat these bad fish in the future."

"it is good."

Gong Liang stroked the little guy's head, and responded lovingly.

In the bottom of the water, there are not only fish schools, but also many shellfish, such as mussels, snails, sand clams and the like.

I don't know if these shellfish have been caught by anyone, they have lived for too long, and they are all extremely large.Take those mussels as an example, the smallest ones are the size of two palms, there are many that are the size of one hug, some are the size of two hugs, and there are even giant clams that are the size of three hugs.And those snails are also very big, the size of a palm.

No matter in his previous or present life, Gong Liang had never seen such a large shellfish in fresh water.

After looking at it, he collected all of it into the lake in the space, and also collected some algae by the way.

The [-] lakes dug out of the seed space can be described as poor and empty, with nothing but fish and a piece of dragon beard.

So much so that the fish raised in it had nothing to eat, and each one was starving and skinny, looking very pitiful.

In addition to shellfish and algae, Gongliang also collected some freshwater prawns, fish, etc. Anyway, as long as he could see them, he collected them all.

Where he walked, it can be said that not a single blade of grass was left, and it was cleaner than the inside of Longting Water Mansion.

The owl-faced man followed Gong Liang out, looked at the direction he was leaving, and instead of continuing to chase down, jumped out of the water and rushed towards the shore.

Walking out of the bottom of Onozawa, Gong Liang stayed by the water for a while, harvesting some aquatic plants from the shore and planting them on the edge of the space lake.There are not only aquatic plants on the shore, but also large and small hairy crabs and loaches. (Note: hairy crabs are hairy crabs)

The hairy crabs here are not as small as his previous life, the largest one is as big as a palm alone, and the small one is as long as two fingers.

And the loach is also very big, it is almost the size of two palms, and it looks like a fish.

Gongliang has also seen big loach, but it is about [-] centimeters at most, and he has never seen such a big loach.

He doesn't care about that much, anyway, it's all put away to enrich the fish in the lake in the space.He intends to build a complete biological chain in the lake. Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, shrimp eat aquatic plants and soil, and aquatic plants grow with fish and shrimp excrement as fertilizer.In this cycle, there is no need to feed.

In order to prevent the hairy crabs, loach, and aquatic plants collected by the shore from being unsuitable for the space environment, Gong Liang directly collected a thick layer of soil from the shore and placed them on the shore.

Collecting the soil on the shore is not like other things, you have to be careful, so he is very dedicated to it.

Mi Gu was flying beside him, quietly watching Papa doing things.

Suddenly, Gong Liang felt something strange behind him, turned his head to look, and saw a man with an owl face sneaking up with a knife.Seeing that his whereabouts were discovered, the owl-faced man jumped up and slashed down with a knife.

"Suffer to death!"


When Mi Gu saw that someone dared to spank, he immediately spit out a mouthful of saliva, and hit the man with the owl face in the face.

The venom quickly seeped into the owl-faced man's body and fermented.

The owl-faced man was poisoned to death while still in the air, and fell from the air with a "bang".

Gongliang had already noticed this guy's sneaky appearance in the Longting Water Mansion, but he didn't expect that he would dare to kill him, he really didn't know what to do.He went over to search and found a storage bag from his clothes, which contained nothing but a few changes of clothes and a few spirit stones, a poor ghost.Gong Liang was speechless, and directly threw him into the small black pool to decompose him into nutrients for space growth.

Until now, Gongliang finally discovered that the biggest function of the small black pool is not to transform things into nutrients for the growth of space, but to destroy corpses and traces.

He collected some aquatic plants, hairy crabs, and loaches from the shore before he left Dayeze.

At this time, he remembered the middle-aged man who gave him something to eat, and remembered that he didn't seem to have entered the Longting Water Mansion.

This is really weird, come here and not go in, is it just to appreciate the monsters crossing the catastrophe, is it really weird?

They just met by chance, so what about the middle-aged man is none of his business, so Gong Liang just thought about it and then forgot about it.

It's getting late and it's not suitable for traveling.

Gong Liang found a place overgrown with weeds by the lake and burrowed in, taking Mi Gu into space.He plans to sleep in it tonight, so as not to be plotted by others while resting in the wild.After entering the space, he was not in a hurry to rest, but took out the baby mud ball that Yuan Gungun found and studied it.

When Migu went inside, he flapped his little wings and went to play with his good friends.

She has many stories to tell them today.

The mud ball that Yuan Gun Gun found was a lump of mud wrapped in layers of soil, as if it had been left for too long and was covered by heavy dust.

Gong Liang took a look, then took out the Wandu steel hammer that was used to forge iron, and struck the mud ball.

Although the mud ball was hard, it still slowly cracked under the wild hammer of Wanduan Steel Hammer.

After a while, the mud ball on the top was removed, revealing a single-eared crescent halberd about [-] meters inside.On the upper end of the halberd shaft is a ferocious triangular spear head engraved with blood grooves, and on the lower end of the spear body are four ferocious hooks, and on one side of the halberd shaft is a sharp crescent blade with one ear.The top and bottom of the halberd were all engraved with mysterious lines, which looked like the animal lines of some kind of ferocious beast.

Perhaps it was wrapped in heavy soil and hadn't been in contact with the outside world for a long time. The short halberd was not rusted, but was stained with soil and was a bit dirty.

Gongliang washed it with water, then wiped it carefully with a cloth.

The short halberd after washing looks like a newly cast one, and its divine light is brilliant. When you wave it a little, a ferocious and wild light is reflected on the crescent blade.

I don't know if it's sharp or not?

Gong Liang walked to the edge of a forest and waved a short halberd at a thick branch at will.

The blade of the halberd passed by, as if there was nothing, the branches fell in response to the hand, and the wound was smooth, as if made by nature.

Amazing!Gong Liang admired it greatly, then took out another metal ingot, and chopped it down with a short halberd in his hand, the sharp halberd blade slashed across the metal ingot in an instant.

For a moment, Gongliang was dumbfounded, feeling really incredible.You must know that the metal ingots are the things left after the small black pool decomposes various objects. The texture is extremely hard, and ordinary objects are hard to hurt.I don't want to be cut in half by the short halberd so easily now, I can't imagine it.

Gong Liang touched the short halberd, felt the lines on it, and exclaimed: "It's really a treasure."

Maybe not just babes, but superbabes.

At this moment, he admired Yuan Gungun's treasure hunting ability so much.

Suddenly, he remembered the Tianxing Iron he had obtained in Dayu Kingdom.I remember that the star iron was also extremely hard that day, not only the small black pool could not be melted, even the real fire of life could not be refined, and I don't know which one is stronger, this short halberd or the star iron?

Thinking about it, I went to the sealed warehouse to take out the Tianxing Iron, and chopped it off with a short halberd.

With a sound of "Keng", the short halberd struck the Tianxing iron, and penetrated about three centimeters into the body, and could no longer move forward.

Gongliang nodded slightly, it seems that both are good.After the test, he reached out and pulled out the short halberd.

Unexpectedly, the crescent blade of the short halberd was stuck on the star iron, no matter how hard he pulled it out, he couldn't get it out.He didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of breaking the crescent blade on the short halberd.After pulling it out for a while, he couldn't pull it out, so he grabbed the crescent blade stuck on the star iron, injected his true energy, and pulled it out forcefully.

Who knew that after injecting zhenqi, the short halberd seemed to come to life, and a mysterious suction force came out from the halberd body towards Tianxing Tie.

Under the effect of this suction force, the Tianxing iron actually began to gradually shrink.

Gongliang was dumbfounded, and quickly let go of his hand. As soon as his true energy was gone, the suction of the halberd dissipated and returned to its original state.

This short halberd is too evil, it can absorb things by itself, it's really weird.It seems that the short halberd must be refined first, and after refining, the halberds will be connected with each other, so that such strange things will not happen.Immediately, he transported the true fire of his life and burned it on the short halberd.

Once the real fire entered the body of the halberd, it disappeared without a trace like a dragon entering the sea.

Not only that, but there is also a mysterious and mighty force coming from inside, constantly absorbing the real fire.

Gongliang was terrified, how could this thing be like Tianxing Iron, it was so evil, it likes to absorb real fire.

At the same time as his real fire entered the short halberd, the Tianxing Iron actually began to slowly melt and was absorbed by the short halberd.

A piece of good stuff just disappeared, Gong Liang's eyebrows twitched, but there was nothing he could do.The short halberd was still absorbing real fire, and he couldn't believe how much it could absorb.At the moment, he didn't care about other things, and concentrated on transporting the real fire to the short halberd.

(End of this chapter)

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