Chapter 648

After resting in the small town for a day, Gong Liang took Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun to continue on the road.

The old lady of the Qiao family saw that he was walking around empty-handed, and felt sorry for her daughter, so she paid for a beast cart to take them to Chenyang, and bought a lot of food for the road, filling half of the carriage.

Gongliang looked at it without saying anything, and took Migu and the others into the car.

The old woman helped her husband to send them out of the town. Seeing the animal cart slowly going away, the tears finally flowed down her eyes.

If it is not a last resort, who would be willing to entrust their daughter to the care of a stranger who has only known each other for two days?Now that things have happened, she can only hope that her daughter can reach her brother safely.

There are many mountains in Cangwu, the climate is warm and the water veins are vertical and horizontal, so there are many beasts on both land and water in the county.

Such as water scorpions, salamanders, turtles, turtles, squids, golden-haired horned frogs, dragon toads, otters, etc., and there is another animal that looks like the hippopotamus that Gong Liang has seen in his previous life.

This kind of animal has a gentle temperament and is often domesticated by the people of Cangwu County to pull carts and loads.

Gongliang and the others were riding in a cart pulled by animals shaped like hippopotamuses.

The driver was an old man in his fifties. In his previous life, he might have been considered middle-aged, but in this ancient world like his previous life, this old man has already entered old age.The hardships of the years have carved mottled marks on his face, which makes people sigh.

Gongliang and Mrs. Qiao's family had no common topic, so although they were sitting together in the carriage, neither of them spoke.

He simply hugged Mi Gu and leaned against the carriage, squinting his eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing his appearance, Qiao's wife felt relieved.Lonely men and widows are in the same room, which is already arousing criticism.If she continues to chat and spread the word, her innocence will be ruined.Just imagine who would marry a woman of such disrepute?

After a while, Gong Liang opened his eyes and said to the old driver, "Old man, please let me know when you arrive at Wangliang Mountain?"


The old man responded without asking any questions.

He has seen a lot of people driving from south to north, and he has a little vision.Gongliang and his party, among other things, the little girl with wings and long tail doesn't look like a mortal.What's more, he also heard from Qiao's family that this son was the one who got rid of the ghosts and rescued Qiao's wife.

Needless to say, this kind of person also knows that he has a good skill, and he may also have high magic power.

Therefore, he wished that Gongliang would get rid of the ghosts entrenched on Wangliang Mountain, so why would he ask questions.

The weather in Cangwu Land is always gloomy, and it is the same today.

Gong Liang lifted the curtains of the car and looked out. The sky was gloomy and dark, as if it was going to rain at any moment.

The old man driving the car looked at it, and said with a smile: "Young master, don't worry, even if it rains, we are not afraid. It is rainy in Cangwu, and the little old man had already thought about it when he built the car, so he specially asked someone to paste a thick layer of oil paper between the walls. , it can be said that the water can't get in. If it rains, it will delay some efforts at most, and it will never let the young master get wet by the rain."

Gongliang nodded and said nothing.

Hippo walked forward slowly, gradually away from the town.Because of the rain, patches of fertile fields outside the town were soaked in water.

Fortunately, it is winter now, and crops cannot be grown in the fields, otherwise the local people would lose a season of food.

In this food-based world, missing a season of food means that countless families are ruined and displaced.

Mi Gu lay on Papa's body, but did not sleep.At this time, seeing Papa looking outside, she also lay on the edge of the window and looked out.It's a pity that there is nothing outside except the flooded farmland.

But this didn't bother the little guy. When he saw her, he set up the awning and looked into the distance.

The vertical eyes between the brows appeared quietly, and a shadowless and invisible light shot out from it, piercing through the obstacles and fleeing into the distance.

In the valley in the distance, on a piece of soft ground where not a single blade of grass grew, suddenly stretched out a withered hand, and then saw a corpse with ragged clothes and a withered body struggling to get up from the ground, followed by one, two, and three.After staying in place for a while, these corpses staggered forward.

The little guy's eyes grew big, and he quickly reported to Papa, "Papa, there are many, many zombies over there."

"Where is it?" Gong Liang asked hastily.

"Over there, it's so far away, there are so many mountains to climb." The little guy pointed to the distance.

"Then just ignore it." In this gloomy weather, even if Gong Liang hugged Mi Gu to sleep, he didn't want to run so far to kill the zombies.


Hearing Papa's words, the little guy didn't take this matter to heart, turned around and lay on Papa's body, squinted his eyes and fell asleep.

The wife of the Qiao family couldn't understand what Mi Gu said, so she wasn't afraid at all.

Not long after walking, the rain finally started to fall, pattering like wool.It's small, but extremely annoying.The old man driving the cart took out the coir raincoats and bamboo hats he had prepared and put them on, and continued to drive the animal cart forward.

The dirt road was muddy, potholed, and rickety all the way.

Maybe it was because of being too tired from the car ride, or maybe it was because of waking up too early. With the swaying car, the wife of the Qiao family leaned against the wall of the car and fell asleep.

Wangliang Mountain is not very far from the town, two hours later, the car arrived at the foot of Wangliang Mountain.

Gong Liang jumped out of the car, held up a silk painted umbrella and walked up the mountain with Mi Gu.The two mountains are not high, and when viewed from a distance, there are large and small graves everywhere on the mountain. These graves are hidden in the weeds and bushes, and they look eerie.

The rushing old man and Mrs. Qiao's family looked at Gong Liang's figure slowly walking up the mountain, and their hearts arose.

After a while, Gong Liang came to the mountain, but found that there was not even a ghost here except a pile of graves.I don't feel strange in my heart, didn't I say that ghosts are rampant here?

In order to determine whether there were ghosts on the mountain, he specially replaced the Yazi beast soul and walked around the area, but he didn't even find a ghost.

Since there were no ghosts, he took Migu down the mountain.

Seeing him coming down, the old man driving the car hurried forward and asked, "Young Master, did you get rid of those ghosts on the mountain?"

Gong Liang shook his head and said, "There are no ghosts up there."

"How is it possible? The little old man has seen the ghosts above more than once. Once he was driving a car at night. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been killed by those ghosts." Hearing what he said, the old man didn't believe it at all, but he saw it with his own eyes. Gongliang went up the mountain, so what?

After thinking about it, the old man driving the car felt that those ghosts should be afraid of him, so they didn't dare to show up.

So, he said to Gong Liang: "Perhaps those ghosts dare not appear because of the power of the young master. Otherwise, the little old man will go up and have a look, maybe the ghosts will come out because the little old man is easy to bully. It's just the little old man." But I don’t have the young master’s ability, if the ghost comes out, I hope the young master will reach out to rescue him.”

In order to get rid of the ghosts in Wangliang Mountain, the old man who drove the car also went all out.

Gongliang naturally knew that there were no ghosts on it, but to reassure the old man, he nodded in response.

Seeing that Gongliang agreed, the old driver picked up his whip and boldly walked up the mountain.

Just waited for him to go up the mountain, except for a pile of old and new graves, but he didn't see a single ghost.

The old man driving the car was stunned, and thought in his heart: Could it be that these ghosts ran away when they saw the young master coming?

After thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't figure it out, so the old man driving the car had to go down the mountain and continue driving.

 There was originally another chapter, but it was too late. I will post it together tomorrow, and there will be a little more.



(End of this chapter)

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