Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 653 Rune Sand

Chapter 653 Rune Sand

After breakfast, Gongliang and the others continued on their way, while Lao Sutou and Jihu didn't leave until evening, so they stayed behind.

It's just that when Gongliang and the others sleep until midnight, they often follow.

After bumping on the road for three days in a beast cart, Gong Liang and the others finally arrived outside Chenyang City.

Chenyang City looks quite weird, the outer city wall is engraved with mysterious runes everywhere, and the runes seem to be smeared with blood, the blood is still wet, half red and half black, exuding a fishy smell.

And the wall stacks above the city wall are nailed with pieces of talisman carved from peach wood.

The wife of Qiao's family who lived here for a while explained that it was made by Master Chenyang to prevent ghosts, and ordinary ghosts would not dare to approach after seeing it.

Old man Gui drove his carriage to the city gate, and saw a stone-carved god general holding weapons on the left and right sides of the city gate. The god general was engraved with countless mysterious runes, his eyes were blood red, and he looked very mighty.

After entering the city, the situation inside became even more weird.

In Chenyang City, paper talismans are pasted around every house, and the statues of the ancient gods Tu and Yulei, who exorcise evil and ward off evil, are pasted on the door. On the door.

At this time, Gong Liang remembered that the two statues at the gate of the city were also Shen Tu and Yu Lei.

And above the city, there is a huge sky lantern floating.

The side of the sky lantern is connected with ribbons extending from every corner of the city, and the belts are covered with paper symbols, covering the whole city.

Gong Liang didn't even know what to say, some ghosts, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?

Although Chenyang City looks very strange, the streets are the same as other places, there are many shops and restaurants, people who buy things buy things, people who sell things sell things, and people go shopping.

Old man Gui drove the animal cart for a while in the city, then turned into an alley, stopped at the entrance of a small courtyard in the middle, lifted the curtain of the car, and said, "Miss Qiao, brother Ling's residence is here."

The wife of the Qiao family looked out and got out of the car.Gongliang and the others also got out of the car.

The servant in the yard heard the movement, opened the door and stuck out his head. Seeing that it was his wife, he was a little surprised, but then he opened the door and shouted: "Little lady is here!"

"Is my brother at home?" Qiao's wife asked.

"Lang Jun has gone to the Yamen." The servant replied.

The elder brother of the Qiao family's wife is a county official. Although he is a low-level official, he is very powerful in the county.Now the land of Cangwu is full of ghosts and ghosts, and some thieves took the opportunity to cause chaos and harm the village, so the history of his arrests is that he is busy all day long.

In the house, Qiao Shi, the wife of the elder brother of the wife of the Qiao family, was surprised when she heard the servants report that the sister-in-law had arrived.

One must know that the wife of the Qiao family has just returned from Chenyang, and she came back so soon, could something have happened at home?Thinking of this, she hurried out.

"Er Niang." From afar, Mrs. Qiao called out.


The wife of the Qiao family called out respectfully, then turned around and introduced, "Sister-in-law, this is Er Niang's savior. If it wasn't for him this time, I'm afraid I would have been captured by ghosts." Thinking of the sad place, the wife of the Qiao family cried like pearls. The line is normal, going down.

"Don't cry, don't cry, as long as people are fine."

Qiao Shi didn't expect her to encounter such a thing, so she hugged her to comfort her.

After a while, when Erniang's mood stabilized a bit, Qiao turned around and said to Gongliang: "I'm just waiting to talk, but I've neglected my benefactor. Please sit inside for a while, benefactor, and when I call someone to the county office to call back my husband, I will definitely meet you." Repay your benefactor well."

Didn't Gongliang send Erniang back for some reward, besides, did he lack something?

So, he said: "It's just a little effort, don't worry about it. Now that Mrs. Qiao has arrived home, Gong Liang has finally lived up to her trust. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." We met by chance, and he didn't want to have too deep contacts with these people, so as not to get too entangled deep.

"Benefactor, let's go slowly," Qiao's wife hurriedly called out when she saw that he was about to leave.

It's just that Gongliang had already made up his mind to leave, she couldn't keep it, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the end of the alley.

Qiao Shi hurriedly asked his servants to follow him to see where he was staying.If the benefactor is allowed to leave just like that, and if people find out in the future, wouldn't it be a joke that the Qiao family knows how to be kind and never repays stingy people.

After the servants caught up, Qiao turned around and asked, "Er Niang, what's going on?"

"Sister-in-law, let's go in and talk about it!" Erniang said, and said to the old man Gui who was driving the car: "Uncle Gui, why don't you stay at home tonight and go back tomorrow!"

"No, no, no." Old man Gui waved his hand and said, "The little old man has an appointment with a friend, and we have to go and talk about it. If there is nothing wrong, the little old man will leave."

Qiao quickly asked his servants to reward old man Gui with money.Old man Gui thanked him and drove away in the animal cart.

After the beast cart left, Mrs. Qiao and Erniang turned around and entered the house.When he came to the house, Mrs. Qiao asked, "Er Niang, what's going on? I'm at a loss."

The lady of the Qiao family told the story of how she was almost caught by a ghost and married by a ghost when she returned home. Qiao had never seen such a thing before, and she was so frightened that she didn't speak for a while.

After leaving Qiao's house, Gongliang wandered the street.Chenyang is a medium-sized county with more than [-] households. It is not very big, but because the county is rich in talisman sand used for drawing talismans, the business is prosperous and there are many people.It's just that now because of the zombie ghosts in the wild, the mines are closed, and there are fewer businesses, the market looks a bit depressed.

Rune sand is divided into two types, one is mortal sand and the other is spiritual sand.

Fansha has three grades: upper, middle and lower, which can be used as pigments and draw talismans, but the grade is low, and it is only effective for ordinary ghosts.

The spiritual sand has extraordinary functions and is very rare. A powerful person can use it to draw symbols that can shatter heaven and earth, and shatter mountains and rivers with one talisman.

Gongliang saw a lot of stalls selling talisman sand on the street. Some talisman sand has been ground into powder, which can be used for painting and making talismans just by mixing it; For people to wear.Because the talisman sand is the most upright and yang thing, wearing it on the body can drive away ghosts and evil spirits.

When Gong Liang walked over, he saw many people wearing talisman sand pendants.

However, he, Mi Gu, and Yuan Gungun don't need these at all, and he wished to have a few more ghosts for Yazi to eat, so that it can advance early.

Gong Liang took a look and found that there was almost no spiritual sand on the booth, and what was there was just waste spiritual sand with a lot of impurities.

After turning around, I first found an inn to settle down.

He walked towards the largest wine shop in Chenyang City.It was almost noon, and many people in the restaurant were eating.Gongliang found a place to sit at random, ordered a bunch of dishes, and ate while listening to the gossip of the diners in the restaurant.

"Hey, I don't know when the ghost will leave. If this continues, I'm probably going to drink the northwest wind."

"How can it be so fast? Our side is okay. There are mages to help defend the city and block those zombie ghosts. Some other cities have no mages. It is said that they have been attacked by zombie ghosts. People in the city are either killed by zombies or ghosts. Eat it up, it's horrible."

"real or fake?"

"Can something go wrong? Not to mention other places, even the remote villages nearby are not spared. Fortunately, our Chenyang produced talisman sand, the county lord is wise, and there are mages to help us, so we can block those ghosts. Otherwise, our Chenyang would have been destroyed by those ghosts like other cities."

"It is said that the county lord brought out the talisman sand from the treasury to invite the mage, so they came."

"But it's not the way to go on like this. After being surrounded by ghosts for a long time, the rune sand will always be exhausted. It's a pity that all the rune sand mines are occupied by ghosts. Otherwise, people can dig some back."

"It's not that simple. I heard that the bottom of the mine is full of dead bodies. Some people have been there, and they were almost bitten to death. Now who goes to those places and who dies, who dares to dig?"

"It's also strange, this talisman sand is the most rigid and yang thing, how dare those dead bodies die in it?"

"Who knows, there may be other reasons."

"You guys don't understand this. Although the talisman sand is the most rigid and yang thing, to really work, it must be prepared with pure yang beast blood to truly exert its effect. If it is a talisman, it must have a certain Mana is the only way to do it, or do you think that talisman can be drawn by anyone?"

"I see."

Gongliang listened to them while eating, his heart moved slightly.

Now that I have come to Chenyang, I want to buy some local specialties.Now that the mine is occupied by ghosts, isn't it just a chance for him to make a move.At that time, go in and dig some high-quality talisman sand and come back, and you can sell it at a good price when you change hands in the Great Xia Emperor Capital or other places.It would be even better if we could dig out spiritual sand.

Thinking of this, Gongliang listened more attentively to what those people were saying.

After they finished eating, they followed one of them out.

(End of this chapter)

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