Chapter 66

The red bonfire ignited the passion between the adult Yanbu warrior and the Asabe girl. While eating and drinking, the two chatted casually.

Perhaps it was true that "the bastard looks at mung beans" rightly. After eating and drinking, the Yanbu warrior did not leave immediately, but sat at the banquet and chatted with the Asabe girl who had the right eye.

Isa, the girl who brought the dishes just now, wanted to go up to chat with Gongliang several times, but unfortunately, he didn't understand the style at all. After eating, he sat there and slowly tasted the mellow low-alcohol wine from Asabe. Glanced over to her.

Yuan Gungun was so full that he lay on the ground, not wanting to move.

Dan and Erbo, who were sitting on the main seat, looked at the men and women of the two tribes who were fighting fiercely, and felt very relieved. They believed that the tribe would definitely increase its population by a lot in the near future.

In this vast wilderness, a sufficient population means sufficient capital for survival.


The two men and women and the close mature warriors had a heated chat at the banquet, when suddenly there was a roar of beasts outside.

The Asabe warrior standing on the wall of the stronghold shouted from above: "The herd is coming, it's the tooth jackal."

Dan heard the words and stood up.The warriors of Yanbu stood up one after another.

Looking at the enthusiastic Yanbu warriors, Dan said loudly: "Yanbu warriors, since you have enough food and drink, let the Mabe girl take a good look at the bravery of my Yanbu people. Go, get rid of the herd of beasts outside the gate. Killed."

Hearing this, the warriors of Yanbu became emotionally excited, and they patted their chests and shouted, "Ula, Ula, Ula!"

Gong Liang was also moved by the heated scene, and shouted loudly.

After shouting, the Yanbu warriors took up their weapons under the leadership of the leader and walked out of the stronghold.

When he came outside, he saw jackals the size of dirt dogs, and Gong Liang felt bored.These things are not ferocious beasts, and eating them can't add any energy to his body, so he doesn't even bother to kill them.But Wu had already ordered, and he couldn't disobey, so he rushed forward with the giant bone.Yuan Gungun might give a shit when he sees a large beast, but he has no problem dealing with a small beast like a jackal, so he also followed him and chased after him.

Under the guidance of Erbo, Dan went to the wall of the stronghold to watch the tribal warriors hunt and kill the beasts.

Some girls from the Asabe also followed, seeing the bravery and strong body of the Yanbu warriors hunting the beasts, their eyes almost burst into stars.

After Dan saw it, he frowned unconsciously and said, "Is it these herds of beasts attacking the village?"

"Of course not." Erbo took a torch from Asabe Warrior and threw it far away.Suddenly, a huge beast appeared in the field of vision.

"Sniper (read: Ge Ju)?" Dan nodded and said, "That's about the same."

Erbo didn't know what to say when he heard it beside him. Even if it was a group of tooth jackals that could not be called ferocious beasts, their tribal warriors would inevitably be hurt if they dealt with them. I didn't expect that the Yanbu people would look down on them directly.


Dan looked down, suddenly surprised.Erbo looked over, and in an instant, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Gong Liang rushed into the group of tooth jackals with a huge bone in his hand, but for some reason, the tooth jackals ran away when they saw him, and none of them dared to go forward, which made him very strange.He didn't care, and continued to catch up.It's just that he chased Ya Jie, but Ya Jie ran away when he saw him. Anyway, he just didn't want to confront him, which made him very depressed.Even Yuan Gungun who was following him was dumbfounded.

Since he didn't like to confront him, Gongliang stopped chasing him.He simply stood next to the tribal warrior and threw the thousand-forged steel short spear towards the tooth jackal in the distance, with every throw being accurate.

He only carried three short spears on his back, and after throwing them, Yuan Gun Gun would bite them back, and so on.After a while, a pile of tooth jackal corpses piled up beside him.


At this time, a beast roared from the side.Hearing the sound, Ya Jackal ran forward quickly.Then, everyone in Yanbu saw a group of snipers running in the distance.

The body of the sniper is the size of an ox, with the eyes of a red-headed rat. It looks a lot like the wolf that Gong Liang has seen in his previous life. He likes to eat people.

A toothed jackal that hadn't come and ran away was caught up by the scorpion. It was so frightened that it clamped its tail tightly behind its buttocks, bowed its head on the ground, and flattered the scorpion in front of it.The sniper didn't care about it, stepped forward to bite it, and threw it to the side vigorously, hitting a boulder, it seemed to be dead.

"Everyone be careful."

The leader of the tribe gave a reminder, and rushed to the sniper first.The Yanbu warriors followed, and Gongliang was no exception.

Herds of ox-sized snipers also flew over, and the scene was huge, deducing the tragic survival of the wilderness jungle.

The Yanbu warriors in their prime, the old hunters in front, and the new adult warriors in the back, formed a half-moon formation to resist hunting and killing snipers.

Gongliang was at the corner of the formation, sniping wildly at the adult warrior next to him, but skipped him when he got to his side.

This time the sniper didn't run away when he saw it, but he didn't pounce on it either. He just backed away and stared at him from a distance, or he would pounce on others.

Gongliang didn't know what was going on, but no sniper dared to come over.Suddenly, he remembered that when he went hunting last time, he didn't seem to have encountered a single prey.I remember that he also carried the giant bone at that time, but after putting away the giant bone, the prey seemed to increase.

Is it because of the giant bones?

Gong Liang looked at the giant bone in his hand, with a question mark on his forehead.

However, this is obviously not the time to think about these things. Since these guys don't want to come over, then he will go over.Yuan Gungun didn't dare to face this group of ferocious beasts, but followed Gongliang closely to take advantage of it.

The sniper group watching seemed to be enraged by the rushing Gongliang, and one of the sniper rushed over first.Gongliang swung his stick away, and it was instantly smashed to pieces, not even a broken leg remained.

It seems too strong, it needs to be lighter.Gongliang reflected on himself.

The snipers onlookers were already irritated by him, but when they saw this situation, they ran away with their tails between their legs.

"Hey, why did you run away again?"

I didn't expect that I only smashed one sniper, and then they all ran away. Can I still have a good time?Looking left and right, he found a small group of sniper standing in the distance, and their heads were bigger than the sniper he just smashed to death.These scorpions guarded the snow-white-haired scorpion behind them, and they seemed to be the king of the scorpions.

When Gongliang saw it, he ran over.

To be the king of the herd is more or less wise. When he saw Gongliang running towards him with a giant bone in his hand, King Yidi raised his head and gave a long roar, asking the guards beside him to meet him, but he turned around and ran away.

Seeing that it was about to run, Gong Liang picked up two short spears and threw them at it, and then held the giant bone to meet the guards.

"Whirlwind Hammer"

He only heard a loud shout, grabbed the tail of the giant bone with his right hand, and spun it rapidly.

The oncoming snipers were hit by his spinning bone club one after another, blood and flesh flew all over the place, and the ground was in a mess.The gravity of the giant bone itself plus Gongliang's power to rotate the giant bone, few sniper can bear it.In a moment, a small group of guards were smashed to death by the whirlwind hammer.

King Yi Sniper was lucky, he was not directly stabbed to death by Gongliang's short spear, but was hit by a short spear on his hind leg, dragging blood all over the place, and ran away in embarrassment.

When Gongliang saw it, he threw the giant bone over.

The giant bone flew towards King Yisni with the loud sound of the wind, and came in front of King Yisni in an instant.

Seeing the giant bone flying towards him, King Yi Sniper wanted to run immediately, but the nameless coercion from the giant bone made him dare not move at all. He could only watch helplessly as the figure of the giant bone grew bigger and bigger, and finally screamed. Before he could make a sound, he was crushed to death.

Seeing the death of King Yisni, the sniper group ran away one after another.

In just a moment, there was no longer a sniper on the plain in front of Asabe.

(End of this chapter)

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