Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 664 Yuanzhuan Wants to Learn Pipa

Chapter 664 Yuanzhuan Wants to Learn Pipa

You Shidan tried to play the pipa after listening to Gongliang singing Fireworks Yichi.

It was not smooth at first, but gradually became round and free, and it was natural.

One sound of the pipa, three or two plucked strings on the rotating shaft, the strings suppress their voices and think, as if they are telling infinite things in their hearts.

Gong Liang listened for a while, and found that the pipa played by You Shidan was not as sonorous and powerful as in his previous life, but a little more gentle and tender, clear, crisp and clear.

As You Shidan's understanding of the song "Fireworks Is Cold" gets deeper and deeper, his playing techniques become more and more proficient, and he gradually brings in emotions. The big strings are like torrential rain, and the small strings are like whispers. The chaotic sounds are like big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate, so melodious and moving.

As he listened, Gongliang sank into it unconsciously, thinking of his family and hometown in his previous life.

In fact, he is casual and peaceful, with a heartless temperament, and can live anywhere.But when people have been in a strange place for a long time, it is inevitable that they will think of the past, miss their family and parents, and the hometown where they were born and raised.

The sad music, like weeping and complaining, penetrates into the heart.

Gong Liang thought of his childhood laughter and his mother's love, and felt sad. Two lines of tears slid from his eyes to his cheeks, and dripped down his chin to the ground.

Little Migu felt Papa's sadness, but he didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only step forward and hug Papa's neck, flapping his wings and shouting anxiously: "Babababababababa"

This little thing!

"Dad is fine."

Gong Liang wiped away his tears, and hugged the little guy tightly in his arms.Seeing that Papa was fine, the little guy laughed happily.

Yuan Gun Gun is not as sentimental as he is, and he is not as anxious as Mi Gu.

After hearing the sound of You Shidan plucking the pipa, this idiot walked up to You Shidan in a desperate manner, stretched out his panda head to look at the pipa, and saw his fingering quickly plucking the strings, suddenly It feels like the cymbals I'm hitting seem a little low.

At the end of the song, Gong Liang was still intoxicated by the sound of the pipa, and You Shidan was still in the mood of playing the pipa.

Yuan Gungun turned around and ran to Gongliang and yelled, "Gongliang, I want to play the pipa."

Gong Liang gave it an angry look, and said, "Don't you like knocking on cymbals? What kind of pipa!"

"I don't like knocking on cymbals anymore, I like the pipa. Gongliang, I want to play the pipa." Yuan Gungun yelled.

"I can't play the pipa."

"He will, let him teach me." Yuan Gungun pointed to You Shidan and said.

You Shidan couldn't understand what Yuan Gungun was yelling at all, but he could understand what Gongliang said, and knew that the matter should have something to do with him.Seeing Yuan Gungun pointing at him, he asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

Gong Liang said helplessly: "Seeing that you play the pipa well, this idiot clamored to learn. But I don't know how to play the pipa, so he wants to learn from you."

"Small things."

You Shidan waved his hand grandly and said: "If it really wants to learn, it can come over in the future. Anyway, it's fine to stay in the boat, and it's just to relieve boredom. But if it really wants to learn the pipa, it has to cut its claws so that it doesn't get caught. Break the strings."

Gongliang didn't expect that he would agree to teach Yuangungun the pipa, so he quickly said, "Thank you, don't look at him as a fool, he is actually very smart, and he might teach him quickly. I'll cut his claws when I get back, and wait until the ferry to rest. Get off the boat and buy a pipa and come here to ask you to teach it."

"If you don't have a pipa, you can teach music first. By the way, can it read?" You Shidan looked at Yuan Gun Gun and asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it, this guy knows everything."

Gongliang chatted with You Shidan for a few more words, then took his leave and left.

Back in the room, he solemnly asked Yuan Gungun: "Do you really want to learn the pipa?"

"Yeah," Yuan Gungun nodded affirmatively.

Seeing its firm attitude, Gongliang didn't stop him, but told him: "Since you want to learn, you must study hard. Don't be half-hearted. If you want to learn today, you can go. If you don't want to learn, don't go tomorrow. In this way, you will never go fishing for three days and drying the net for two days." Can't learn anything. Do you know?"


Yuan Gungun understood that Gongliang was treating it well, so he nodded in response, and then wailed, "Gongliang, I want to cut my nails."

Sometimes when Gongliang sees its long nails, he will cut it for it, but it is not fixed.Since he wanted to learn the pipa, it would definitely not work to deal with him like this.So he took out the scissors and cut it for him.After cutting, take out the stones and grind off the sharp corners of the nail edges so as not to scratch the strings.

Yuan Tuan Gun usually looks lazy, but he is very persistent in the things he likes.

Early the next morning, when Gongliang was still drowsy, he got up in a hurry and ran to knock on You Shidan's door.

You Shidan didn't say that there was a tuition fee for teaching the pipa, but Gongliang, as the master, didn't want to learn other people's things for nothing, so he picked some low-grade spiritual fruits that are beneficial to ordinary people's bodies from the space, and took some pine nuts and arrow chestnuts. Give him a snack.

You Shidan didn't say anything, just nodded politely and continued teaching Yuan Gungun.

At first, he taught Yuan Gun Gun just because he was very idle and bored, but later he saw that Yuan Gun Gun was very smart, so he began to treat it with caution.When the boat stopped at a big city ferry, Gong Liang went to buy a pipa for Yuan Gun Gun.

Since that day, the sound of pipa has been heard from next door.

Although Gongliang likes the pipa, he gets tired of listening to it every day.Especially the untuned sound of the pipa makes me dizzy.

Migu is even more unhappy, even if he wants to sleep well.If it wasn't for Papa not letting them go, she would have flown over to spit them out with a sip of water.

There was really no way to stay in the cabin, so Gongliang had no choice but to go outside to relax.

At this time, the banks of the river are not like in the previous life, where there are tall buildings and crowded people everywhere.Here, many places retain their original features, with undulating mountains, towering ancient trees and dense vegetation.

After watching it, Gong Liang felt bored, so he took out the fishing rod he had made before, took a piece of marinated animal meat as bait, and leaned against the side of the boat to catch fish.

Mi Gu was sitting by the side of the boat, watching Papa fishing curiously.

Delicious marinated animal meat has always been the favorite of fish in the water, this is Gongliang's experience from fishing countless big fish.

Sure enough, after a while, there was movement on the fishing line.But Gongliang didn't move.When the fish bit the fishing line and dragged down, he grabbed the fishing rod and swung it up.A big fish flew out of the water immediately, and fell on the deck with a "bang".

The big fish landed on it, jumping up and down unwillingly.

When Mi Gu saw it, he immediately took out the pumpkin hammer from the storage ring, and stepped forward to smash it randomly.The fish suddenly stopped tossing and turned dead.

Gong Liang stepped forward to take a look, and found that this fish was a bit like the scorpion seen in the Great Wilderness, but with a slightly longer mouth.This fish is not very big, about four meters, which is considered small among the big fish he has caught.

The people on the boat found that he had caught a big fish, and they all gathered around to watch.

When Mi Gu saw someone coming, he held up two small hammers and stood majesticly on top of the fish with his stomach full, so as not to steal the fish that Papa had caught.

Her cute little appearance made everyone around her burst into laughter.

Gong Liang ignored her, took out another piece of animal meat, hung it on the hook, and threw it into the water to catch the fish.

Generally speaking, the boat should not be able to catch any fish when it is moving, but the bait given by Gongliang is so fragrant that the fish below can't help but want to eat it.

After a while, there was movement on the fishing line again, this time the movement was bigger and more violent than last time.With just a movement, the fish under the water dragged the hook and sank.With great strength, Gongliang accidentally let go of the fishing rod, and quickly grabbed it hard, trying to throw the fish below.It's just that the fish below seems to be so big that it can't be thrown up.

Gongliang quickly grabbed the fishing line and pulled the big fish up.

The fishing line is made of dragon viper ancestral tendons, so there is no danger of it breaking.

There was a lot of movement underwater, and the biting fish slapped the water waves and struggled vigorously, causing the water waves below to churn.

Gongliang didn't care, just grabbed the fishing line and pulled it up. When the mouth of the fish came out of the water, he pulled it up violently.In an instant, a big fish with ten bodies jumped out of the water and flew towards the deck.

(End of this chapter)

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