Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 680 The alley where the monsters live

Chapter 680 The alley where the monsters live

Seeing that Guilao and Ji Yuyong were talking interestingly, Gongliang didn't interrupt and just watched from the sidelines.

Mi Gu and Four-Armed Nezha were holding a big Guoguo each, sitting on his shoulders and gnawing non-stop.

Yuan Gungun sat on the ground with Xiao Xiangxiang, and turned to look around.

Old Gui gave Ji Yuyong a few words, and then asked Gong Liang: "Boy, do you still have spirit snake embryos by your side? If so, Old Gui will exchange some things with you."

Hearing what it said, Migu immediately put down the fruit in his hand, stared at Papa with big eyes and said: "Papa, we don't have spirit snake balls anymore."

The little guy likes to eat spirit snake eggs the most, but since she arrived in Dongtu, she hasn't eaten them for some time.Not only spirit snake eggs, she has not even eaten beast eggs, small bird eggs, big bird eggs, insect eggs, anyway, as long as they are eggs, she has never eaten them.


Gong Liang nodded and said, "But I still have a few jars of fruit wine, do you want it?"

"Yes." The old man grinned.

Everything produced by Dahuang is a treasure, how could it not want it.

Gong Liang took out two jars of fruit wine for it.

These myriad fruit wines are not the myriad fruit wines grown in Maorenbu Grottoes mixed with the elixir spirit fruit, but he brewed from the low-grade spirit fruit in the space.Although this self-brewed Wanguo wine is inferior to the Maorenbu's Wanguo wine in terms of taste and efficacy, it is still a great thing in the east.

After all, it is brewed from all kinds of fruits, and the essence wine made by blending and converging the flavors of various spiritual fruits is also extraordinary.

Gui Lao took it, and couldn't wait to slap open a jar of fruit wine, and a mellow fruit wine fragrance wafted out immediately.

Looking down, the color of the wine in the altar is like golden amber, with noble and luxurious spirit in the crystal, take a sip, the taste is mellow, soft and smooth, rich and fragrant, which is really rare.

"Good wine." Gui Lao praised and put away the two jars of wine.

"This wine is good, and the old turtle doesn't take advantage of it. Let's go, I'll show you the magnificent scenery of Dragon City, and buy some good things along the way."

Gui Lao walked forward with a pitch-black crooked stick, and Gong Liang didn't know what it wanted to do, so he took Mi Gu and the others followed.Ji Yuyong naturally followed behind.

There are countless stalls on both sides of the street, and there are a lot of things on them, and there are all kinds of things.

But Mr. Gui seemed to dislike these things very much, and continued walking on crutches without even looking at them.

Not far away, Gong Liang saw some desolate people gathering together and walking quickly out of the city.Not just barren people, but also some eastern natives and foreigners.

"What are they doing?" Gong Liang looked strange and asked Ji Yuyong next to him.

Ji Yuyong took a glance and said, "They went outside the city to challenge the monsters."

"Challenge? Isn't it hunting?" Gong Liang asked in surprise.

Ji Yuyong explained: "The major sects have orders that all beasts that arrive at Qifeng Mountain outside the Dragon City are not allowed to be killed, otherwise they will be killed without mercy. But they can be challenged, and the challenger is at his or her own risk. It is exactly like this, every day So many people went to Qifeng Mountain to challenge monsters. Everyone didn't dare to mess around. Most of them challenged some ferocious beasts and birds, but those beasts and birds that seemed to have aura were afraid to do it. Because these things arrived at Qifeng Mountain, It is waiting for the sects to recruit the spirit beasts and mounts to guard the gate next year, if all of them are killed and the sects have nothing, then it will be a disaster."

Gongliang didn't expect this to happen again, no wonder he saw so many ferocious birds and beasts running up the mountain when he was approaching Longcheng, it turned out to be like this.

Walking forward for a while, Gui Lao suddenly turned into an alley that was enough for two people to walk.

The alley is dimly lit and the vision is not very good.

Fortunately, Gongliang has good eyesight, so there is no problem.

Ji Yuyong reminded: "Be careful what you say later, this is the place where the monsters gather. Although some monsters have transformed into forms, they are not well-cultivated, and the transformed figures are weird. Don't be surprised when the time comes. So as not to make those people unhappy, and fool people by passing things off as good ones."

"Can the Yaozu also do business here?"

Gong Liang's eyes widened upon hearing this.Don't everyone yell to fight and kill when they see monsters?Why is it so harmonious in Daxia.

"Why not, as long as it doesn't violate the laws of Great Xia, it doesn't matter if it is a monster or a ghost. Besides, the monster clan lives in the deep mountains and ancient swamps, and they have a lot of elixir treasures in their hands. Buying and selling here can also help you and me. Provide some rare elixir treasure ores. Sometimes, some monsters who have just come out of the mountain have little knowledge and will sell good things, and they are also very cheap. You have to look carefully later and buy them if you feel good. Mr. Turtle It's very face-saving here, as long as it shows up, it will definitely save a lot of Lingshi. I have known him for so long, but it only brought me here once."

At the end, Ji Yuyong's tone was a little sour.

Walking in for a while, a tall archway appeared in front of me, with two characters written on it.With Gongliang's knowledge, he can't even tell what the word is.

Go through the archway and go inside, the darker it is.

After walking not far, oil lamps lit up on both sides of the alleyway, illuminating the alleyway brightly.Slowly, an avenue that can accommodate roads appeared in front of it. There were many shops on both sides of the street, and there were small stalls in front of it. There were everything from spiritual herbs, spiritual fruits, exotic spiritual plants, ores, etc. on them.

Mi Gu and Nezha Four Arms didn't expect such a strange place in the alley, so they couldn't help turning their heads to look around.

Yuan Gungun was so curious that he stood up and stretched his neck to look into the distance.

Suddenly, it found an arm-sized black stone on the booth in front of it, and felt a faint throbbing in its heart, so it ran over and put its nose on it to smell it.After smelling it, he was about to turn his head to call Gongliang, suddenly remembered what he said before, and quickly communicated with his heart: "Gongliang, come here quickly, this stone is a treasure."

Gong Liang told it earlier that if you find a baby, you must not shout around.

Because there are people around who can understand the animal language, if people listen to it, it will be bad.

Hearing what it said, Gongliang walked quickly to the side of the stone and looked carefully, but found nothing special.It just feels extremely smooth, with traces of being burned by the fire, much like a meteorite.

But he believed in the chubby feeling, because this guy didn't know how many treasures he found along the way.

After looking at it, he asked the stall owner who was incompletely transformed, with a human body on the bottom and an animal head on the top: "How do you sell this stone?"

"Not for sale, but for food." The stall owner said in a low voice.

Gong Liang thought for a while, took out a piece of marinated monster meat and a jar of self-brewed fruit wine, and asked, "How about these two things?"

"Yes." The stall owner nodded.

Gong Liang took out some animal meat and ten altars of fruit wine and exchanged them for dark stones, and threw them into the small black pool to decompose.Then, just keep going.

After a while, they came to another booth. There were not many spiritual bones, about five, but each one contained complex spiritual patterns, like a bright starry sky, with supreme brilliance. Be mesmerized.

"You barren boy, you barren people are good at using precious bones, see if they suit you, and if you like them, take them and let him give you some benefits." Gui Lao said beside him.

Gong Liang squatted in front of the booth, picked up one lightly, and probed it with a little qi.

In an instant, he felt a fiery flame that was about to burn the heavens and the earth from the bones of the spirit pattern and penetrated into his hands along with the true energy, as if it was going to burn his hands into ashes, so frightened that he quickly withdrew his true energy. The flame that was about to burn the sky and the earth disappeared immediately.

If it weren't for the burning sensation coming from the meridians in his palm, he would have thought that what happened just now was just an illusion.

 Last night, I coded more than 4000 characters and wanted to divide it into two chapters. Who knew that I pressed the forward button and it disappeared, which made me not in the mood to write.Checked it in the morning and found nothing wrong.This kind of thing has happened several times, I am really helpless, I can't do this anymore if I change to a writing software in two days.



(End of this chapter)

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