Chapter 704

"It is said that the two guards, Owl and Xiong, surround this place. If anyone appears, they will be killed without mercy."

The thin old man gave an order, and within a short while, a guard riding a bear, wearing heavy armor, and armed with magic weapons came over to replace the soldiers who poured into the garden, and surrounded it tightly.Another soldier of the guards was riding on the owl, flying over the garden, looking down ferociously.

After the two guards surrounded the back garden, the thin old man flung his sleeves and left angrily.

Gong Liang entered the space and took a nap, but did not leave immediately.

Because he was worried that there would be people guarding outside and something would happen if he went out, he started patrolling the space and planned to go out in two days.

Now the land area of ​​the space is [-] mu, surrounded by mist, it looks like a vast and boundless scene.

Now the five elements of the space are gathered together, and the sun and the moon are floating in the sky, which seems to have the conditions to become a paradise.If he wanted to become a blessed place full of spiritual energy, Gongliang had to work hard to inject a few spiritual veins from the outside.Otherwise, if you want the space to naturally evolve into a world full of aura, you don't know how long it will take.

It's not easy to just want to collect the spirit veins of the earth.

The spiritual veins distributed in the mountains and rivers are like the blood of the earth. If the blood is drawn, it will inevitably become weak in a short time, and it will take a long time to recover.It is also true that most of those who collect spiritual veins will be backlashed by heaven and earth.At this time, it is necessary to suppress it with merit and virtue.Otherwise, those who are serious will die, and those who are mild will lose their lifespan.

Gongliang doesn't have any meritorious instruments, at best, he only has some merits, which can't be compared with the backlash of the huge world.

So he has never dared to collect the spiritual veins easily, otherwise, he has encountered many spiritual veins along the way from the wilderness, so how could he let them go easily.

After patrolling the space, Gong Liang came to the medicine garden.

Because more and more herbs are planted in the medicine garden, the area is expanding again and again, and only the small spirit pool where Fei Chongchong stays has not changed much.

No way, although it is a wine worm, its ability is limited after all, and it cannot turn more water into wine.Even if it can, it is very dull and the alcohol is not strong enough.

Therefore, Gongliang let him stay in the pool, but he didn't dare to expect extravagantly.As long as the wine worm can make a pool of Biancheng medicinal wine blended with the medicinal power of various medicinal materials in the garden every month, he will be very satisfied.

The white sycamore, a spiritual vegetable bought in the West Market last time, was also planted in the medicine garden. Under the careful care of the twin brothers and sisters, the white scorpion that had been chopped off and only had the body of the cabbage had sprouted. Straight stalks emerge from the middle, revealing flower buds.It seems that the seeds should be harvested in the near future.

Not far from Baisong, there are flower buds that Gong Liang took out of the seeds from the jade amber that Gongliang got from the chief of the Jiaoyi tribe.

This flower bud is getting more and more weird, the whole body is surrounded by aura, swallowing multicolored rays of light, flickering indefinitely, as if it is nurturing supreme life.

As early as after the flower buds had grown in size, Gong Liang let Mi Gu see them with his third eye.

It's just that this flower bud is so weird that even Migu can't see through it. The little guy was so angry that he took out two small pumpkin hammers and was about to smash it up. Fortunately, Gongliang stopped it in time, otherwise the thing would be destroyed.

Although the little guy couldn't see it, Zhuji, who was an innate god, sensed some breath from the flower buds.

It is said that it has the same innate divine aura as him, but the required aura is not enough, and it needs to be cultivated, and it is far from the time to be born.

Hearing Zhu Ji's words, Gong Liang would visit here every time he entered the space, and sometimes he would talk to see if he could communicate with the innate gods inside.It's a pity that it's just in vain.

After turning around and returning to Linghu Lake, the little guy was telling her stories with his friends again.

But this time she is not telling the story of herself and Papa, but the "Stone Monkey Seeking Taolu" written by Papa.

What Gongliang told her was the condensed version for children, and here the little guy is another version, simply the condensed version of the condensed version.

But the little guy talked vividly, and sometimes he would take out a stick and wave it like Monkey King holding a golden cudgel, which made everyone very happy.

Behind it, six-legged pearl soft-shelled turtles and four octopuses floated on the surface of the lake, and a group of golden eels came out of the water from time to time to breathe.In the icy cold lake next to it, under a clump of nine-hole jasper lotus, a group of icy fish are swimming comfortably underwater, which seems to have a bit of fairy atmosphere.

Next to the little guy, there are unicorn horns and little dragon mastiffs lying on the left and right, as well as Yuan Gungun and Xiao Xiangxiang.

In front sat the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi and Xiao Dai, and behind them were the people from the Longbo Kingdom and those who had been captured before.

Those people are now loyal listeners of the little guy's stories. Whenever the little guy tells a story, they will come to listen to it as soon as possible.I just don't know if I understand it, after all, only Gongliang and animals can understand the babbling words that the little guy said.

Gongliang stayed in the space for three days, feeling that there should be nothing wrong outside, so he quietly escaped from the space by stealth.

In the garden, there is a mess, except for a deep pit, there is also a piece of dust.

Having learned a lesson last time, I didn't dare to use my spiritual sense to spy, so I ran out quickly.

It's just that they didn't go far, and found that the back garden was full of dense crowds, not only the back garden, but also owls flying in the sky, and there were people sitting on it, bowing their heads and going down.

These people's cultivation is not very good, but Gong Liang is not afraid, he is afraid that the thin old man will come again.

Gongliang was not so stupid as to show his figure, he just walked out incognito.

Fortunately, the graduates guarding the garden were not as powerful as the thin old man, who could see through his invisibility, otherwise they would have been guarding foolishly, even if they walked past them, they would not have noticed.

Gongliang walked out of the encirclement of these people without any risk, jumped onto the wall of the back garden, and went outside.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the sky, "Where are you running?"

Hearing the sound, Gong Liang knew that the thin old man was coming, so he jumped out immediately, and then quickly entered the space.This way you won't be caught, and you won't be seen through if something goes wrong inside.

After a while, the thin old man rushed over angrily, and when he saw that there was no one there, he was furious.

Gong Liang stayed in the space until night, and then came out from the sky and landed on the ground.

There are also soldiers guarding the outside, but obviously not as tight as the inside.So relying on his stealth strategy, Gong Liang passed through the place surrounded by soldiers without any risk, and walked towards the camp.

In the Jiaolong Skull House, all members of the Great Yan Department were inside.

"It's been three days, and we still haven't seen Gongliang's figure. Do you think something will happen to him?" Pi Lu looked at Kai Xiong and the others and said.

Kai Xiong shook his head and said: "According to Gongliang's ability, there should be no accidents. What's more, he has Mi Gu by his side, and he has an innate beast soul on his body. It's not so easy for accidents to happen."

"I heard that some people suddenly disappeared recently, do you think Gongliang will be the same?" said with big eyes.

"I've heard of it too, but they're all from small and medium-sized tribes and wild tribes. We've never heard of it."

"Then where did he go? Why haven't we seen anyone after so many days?"

"Are you going hunting?"

"According to the city guards, they didn't see Gongliang go out at all. Every time Gongliang went out, he took Gungun and Migu with him. It was very easy to recognize him. Since they said he didn't go out, he didn't go out. But if he didn't go out, he could Where are you going?"

When the people in the room heard this, they fell into silence for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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