Chapter 712

Back at the camp, it was already sunset.

The sunset glow that reddens the sky, like the clouds on fire, is so colorful!

People from the Che Division and the Rhinoceros Department have already started to move, and a lot of materials are piled up not far from the Jiaolong Head House.The people from the two tribes and the desolate people who came to help had already laid a huge stone foundation on the ground and started to build the first altar.

Gong Liang glanced at it from a distance, but didn't intend to look at it, so he pushed open the door and walked in.

The sun shines into the house from the door, dyeing the house red, it looks so dazzling, so delicate, so charming.

It was getting late, Gongliang saw that the four-armed Nezha hadn't gone back, so he couldn't help asking, "Why don't you go, and don't worry about your parents worrying?"

Li'er, who was talking to Mi Gu, heard his words, waved his arms and shouted "Yeah".

The young translator Mi Gu explained beside him: "Papa, he said he will go back after eating."

Gong Liang smacked his lips, speechless.This little boy is addicted to eating and drinking here, and comes to eat every day.If it weren't for the fact that his father is Marquis of Shenwu and his mother is the senior of Nuquezhang, he would have beaten the shit out of him long ago.

When they came to a strange place suddenly, the three sisters of the Yan family were unavoidably timid.

At this time, when I walked into the hall, I saw the pure white fur with no variegation on the floor. I was afraid that my clothes would get dirty, so I hurriedly stood on the patio.

After Gongliang saw it, he took them to the bathroom to take a bath, and hung the clothes he bought on the inner hanger for them to wear later. He was afraid that they would not understand how to use the items inside, so he explained them one by one.

"This is Huan Shuzi, which can be used for bathing."

Huanshuzi is Sapindus chinensis, also known as yellow eye tree, saponin tree, and false longan.

The fruit skin of this tree has the same effect as soap, and can be used to wash hands, bathe and wash clothes.Not only does it not hurt the skin after washing, but it also has a natural fragrance.This kind of tree is probably the only practical thing that can't be eaten by male and female species in the space.

Perhaps because of the different regions, the Sapindus that Gongliang saw in his previous life was only as thick as a thumb, but in the Great Wilderness, the Sapindus he saw was as big as a tennis ball.

It's okay if it's big, but it's too small to take a bath.

Speaking of which, in the wilderness, there are many things that can be used as soap for bathing, but he chose Huan Shuzi. Who let him see it in his previous life?

Gong Liang picked up a piece of Huanshu bark from the side, and washed it for the three sisters.

When the father of the three sisters was alive, he also used bath beans, but Yu'er, the youngest, looked curious when he saw this kind of thing.

After a demonstration, Gong Liang put down the bark of the Huan tree, washed his hands, pointed to the side and introduced: "This is a clean towel, you can take a bath with it, and that is a place to relieve your hands. That is a bucket, which is full of water. Clean water that can be used for flushing and bathing.”

This bathroom was built by him to imitate the appearance of his previous life. In order to facilitate going to the toilet, he also dug a huge septic tank underneath. It is estimated that it will not be blocked after decades.

Originally, he wanted to put a water tank on the Jiaolong's head, so that it would be more convenient to use water, but later he felt that the water tank was not good-looking, so he had to give up.

Gongliang explained it to the three sisters, and after seeing that they understood, he walked out of the bathroom, closed the door, and prepared to cook.

When he left, the three anxious sisters began to try out the things he introduced, making strange noises from time to time.

I thought I would fall into hell, but I didn't know it, but I went to heaven.

The three sisters have mortal bodies, so they can't bear too much blood essence and aura contained in animal flesh.Gongliang had no choice but to cook their meals in another pot to avoid accidents.Girls always take a bath slowly and slowly.

When they finished washing, Gongliang had already cooked the rice.

The three sisters walked out of the bathroom wearing new clothes, walking slowly on their soft fur, Gong Liang's eyes lit up.

I saw them, with their long black and beautiful hair hanging down their shoulders softly, their big watery eyes reflecting the moonlight, as if jumping in the starry sky, and their curled eyelashes fluttering playfully, like a lovely butterfly.

The youngest one seemed to be in a good mood, dancing around delicately, with a lively and lovely appearance.

The three came to Gongliang, Yingying bowed down and said, "Jingshu, Yanshu, and Yushu have seen the master."

"Get up!"

Gong Liang waved his hand and said: "I don't have so many rules here, don't call me master, just call me son."

"Yes, young master." The three of them replied, but they didn't get up, but straightened up and knelt beside Gongliang.

When Gong Liang saw their appearance, he didn't care. He just asked, "Do you have any relatives or friends? Tell me if you have anything. At that time, I couldn't bear to see your sisters wandering around, so I helped, not necessarily I want you to serve by my side. If you want, I can return your slave status and send you to meet them."

Jingshu, the eldest of the three sisters, heard Gongliang's words, shook her head sadly, and said: "The slaves' ancestral home is Cangwu, and there were still some clansmen alive, but it has become a ghost land there, and the family members may have disappeared long ago. Father I have always been honest and self-confident, rarely interacting with others, and have few confidantes. What's more, if I go to seek refuge in this way, it will drag others down in vain. Enough."

Seemingly recalling the tragedy of their families being ruined, the three sisters cried helplessly while holding their heads.

Gongliang felt sad when he saw it, thought for a while, and said, "Since that's the case, then you all follow me from now on! Although I can't make you rich and unparalleled, it's a trivial matter to have enough food and clothing."

"Slave, thank you son for taking me in."

Yan Jingshu hurriedly took her two younger sisters to kowtow in thanks.

"When you get up to eat, don't kneel and kowtow in the future. I don't have such rules here."

On the long table next to him, Mi Gu, Yuan Gungun, and Xiao Xiangxiang were already eagerly holding their own bowls and spoons, waiting for him to serve dinner.

Four-armed Nezha didn't have his own tableware, so he could only sit there, waving his arms and yelling "Yah Yah Yah!"

Gongliang was too lazy to cook today, so he cooked a large pot of cabbage rice with the extra large cabbage that he got from Guifangguo, dried oysters, mushrooms, marinated animal meat, and five-color rice. Golden eel stew.

If he is diligent, he will be very diligent, and even God can't stand him if he is lazy.

The three sisters of the Yan family have mortal bodies, so they couldn't bear the impact of the blood essence in the meat and the aura in the spiritual things. Gong Liang specially cooked the same meat for them with three-color rice, cabbage, dried oysters, and mushrooms. Cabbage rice, and a bowl of ordinary animal meat soup.

The three sisters looked at the delicious food on the table, and thought of the nightmare-like experience of the previous days, tears blurred their eyes and fell on the table.

"Don't worry, everything is over." Gong Liang comforted him.

"Yes," the eldest sister Yan Jingshu nodded.

Gong Liang picked up a rice spoon and scooped up a bowl full of rice and a bowl of animal meat soup for each of the sisters, before filling them with the rice grains they were already looking forward to.

After eating, the three sisters sensiblely put away the bowls and chopsticks and wanted to wash them in the bathroom.

Gong Liang shook his head and directly entered the space.In the past, when it was only him, Mi Gu, and Yuan Gungun, he would wash them if he was afraid that there would be no bowls and chopsticks to eat.Now that there are so many people in the space, he has long stopped washing.After eating, it is directly put into the space, and someone will help to wash it up.

Without washing the dishes, Jing Shu diligently found a rag from under the dining table to wipe the table, and took her two younger sisters to clean the house together.

But the house has always been clean, there is nothing to clean up.

After a while, the three sisters returned to sit next to Gongliang.

The bright moon shines brightly, and the bright moonlight shines down from above.Gongliang saw it and decided to practice it.Seeing that the three sisters were bored, he gave each of them a piece of soft animal fur, and each of them a copy of the Stone Monkey's Prayer for Taoism and a few Eastern soil classics. Whether it was reading or sleeping, they could do whatever they wanted.

As for the four-armed Nezha Lier, he patted his ass and left as early as after eating.

It was still early, and the three sisters did not have the habit of going to bed so early.

Yu Shu, who was still young and active by nature, took the books Gong Liang gave them and flipped through them one by one.Whoever reads those classics patiently will throw them aside.Finally, when I turned to the thick "Stone Monkey Seeking the Way", I was immediately attracted by the monkey on the cover holding a golden cudgel and looking up at the sky.

How could you not share something good with your family? Yu Shu glanced at Gong Liang, and immediately called out in a low voice, "Elder Sister, Second Sister, take a look."

Jingshu and Yanshu were still young after all, and they were attracted by the portraits on paper.

So, the three sisters lay on the ground, holding their heads together, and carefully flipped through the book.

Gong Liang shook his head repeatedly as he read it. He didn't read three books, but just leaned his head to read one book, and didn't know what to think.He ignored them and began to practice.In an instant, he visualized the picture of the giant rhino looking at the moon, and the moonlight immediately shone over and gathered around him, forming a thin layer of mist.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Gongliang found that the giant rhinoceros looking at the moon is helping him less and less.

 If it is said that the update is resumed, the update will be resumed, how can it be false.See if I can save a few more chapters in the past few days, and release them in a few days for everyone to enjoy.



(End of this chapter)

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