Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 723 Building a Temple Market

Chapter 723 Building a Temple Market

Naturally, the construction of the sub-temple of Dragon City could not be the same as that of the temple, and the city was cast with five ounces of gold.

If this is the case, it is estimated that there are not so many things in the mountains around Dragon City.

Fortunately, the vicinity of Longcheng is rich in stone materials. After investigation, the elders who are good at building decided to use five ounces of gold as the foundation, build the wall with huge stones, and pour gold juice into the gaps to make it permanent.

Once planned, start building.

It is undoubtedly a great honor to be able to contribute to the construction of the sub-temple of the Rage God.Therefore, all the elites in the Great Wilderness in Dragon City screamed and went to the quarry specified by the elders to fetch stones, and the quarrying tasks were all handed over to Huben and the elders from the Great Wilderness.

In this way, it is also for the purpose of unifying the specifications, so as to avoid random digging, inappropriate size, and mess.

Some barren people who were farther away heard this and came over to help; some no matter how busy they were, they would find time to go to the quarry to bring back a few boulders.

For some reason, this boulder was taken and taken, and somehow, it was used by the elites of the Great Wilderness to compete to see who could bring back the most boulders.

Once that person has more boulders, he will laugh loudly and ridicule those who are less than him.And the one who took less had a look of decadence and inferiority complex.In the end, more boulders were brought back, and it seemed to be a kind of supreme glory.

For a time, the barren people tried their best to surpass the one who brought back more boulders.

Gongliang doesn't compare himself with these people, so he feels a little embarrassed.

He, Migu, and Xiaoji all have storage rings on their bodies, and Yuan Gungun also has a storage bag on his body.

Not to mention other things, just the few boulders they brought together are more than those people, not including the boulders that they can carry with their own strength.Moreover, if Gongliang wanted to bring it back, he would have moved a whole mountain of boulders, but he couldn't do that.

He didn't want to show off too much, so the chick didn't let him take it, not to mention the chubby.

This idiot, when he heard that he had brought the boulder back from the quarry, he screamed and refused to obey.

Said that it was full of treasure bags and could not hold anything.

Gongliang just wanted to say one thing, Lengliang card.Don't get me wrong, I'm not swearing at people, I'm talking about things in this world, like a person knows how warm or cold the drinking water is.

He didn't even know what this idiot was holding, it was able to fill up the treasure bag of treasures.Can this thing be filled?If it is full, it will be exhausted to death, the black and white panda.It's just lazy, it's so lazy that it's out of the ninth heaven.

Gongliang didn't bother to talk about it, anyway, he didn't take it with him, and he didn't lack a few boulders from it.

But the little guy Migu said very thoughtfully: "Baba, I will bring it for you. I can hold a lot of stones in my ring, and I can also hold a big stone."

After finishing speaking, Migu compared me to a Hercules.

Gongliang looked at the little guy's small body, and felt that she still couldn't let her hold the boulder herself, lest people say he abused children.

And the little guy's storage ring cannot be easily exposed.

So, he took out an empty treasure bag from the space and put some boulders in it for the little guy to hold.The little guy flapped his wings happily and wagged his nine-colored tail. She likes to help Papa the most.She's not hot, she eats too much, is lazy and doesn't work, and Papa doesn't like it.

The elders of Dahuang were responsible for the construction of the sub-temple. They directed Huben and the elite to place the huge stones in the designated positions, and then poured golden juice to fix them.

Under the continuous boulder materials provided by the elites of the Great Wilderness, the branch temples popped up little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye, then the Baibu resident and market shops, and finally the city wall.

All this is already planned.

The reason why the temples, residences, and shops inside were built first was that after the city wall was built, there would be some differences in the places built inside, and it would not be easy to change.

The advantage of building the house first is that even if the things built inside exceed the plan, it can still be adjusted in the end.

With the efforts of all barren people, branch temples, residences, and markets were quickly built.

The elders saw that there were still many open spaces around, so they circled in some more, intending to reserve them for future expansion, and then began to build the city wall.

The city wall was quickly repaired, and Elder Zhan sprinkled the Qu Renzi he brought on the high wall.I don't know how he did it, but overnight, the Qurenzi took root and sprouted, and climbed all over the high wall.

The planting is good, and Elder Zhan planted Thunderbolt Xuanjiao in the four directions of southeast, northwest and east.

This is a defensive weapon, and it is just right to plant it on the edge of the city.

Then, he planted the branch of life and death in the branch temple.

The Thunderbolt Xuanjiao is okay, it was originally a big tree.

But the life-and-death tree is only about two meters long, and I don't know what kind of tricks Elder Zhan used. In a few days, the branches of the life-and-death tree took root and sprouted, growing into a towering giant tree, covering the branch temple of Longcheng In the sky, there are crystal clear chalcedony-like fruits hanging down, twinkling and shining around.

Seeing such a miracle, a desolate man who participated in the construction of the branch temple was in an uproar.

But they didn't say anything, just bowed devoutly in front of Rage God, thanking Rage God for his gift.

After the sub-temple was completed, Elder Zhan personally led a hundred elders and a thousand tigers to hold a ceremony to worship the gods, and invited the next ray of the wild god to come down on the statue of the wild god with eight arms.In this way, the desolate people's prayers will be heard by the desolate gods in the future, and the devout ones will be blessed by the desolate gods and planted with divine thoughts.

Elder Zhan, as one of the people who talked about the wilderness, naturally couldn't stay in Dongtu Daxia forever.

So the branch temple was built, and after worshiping the desolate god, he led the elders and Huben away.

Of course, there are also elders staying behind in the branch temple, but there are only twenty or thirty elders.

Coming to Daxia this time, although Dahuang didn't make a lot of money, it was not bad.After all, the Great Xia treasury stored the accumulation of the Great Xia for thousands of years, coupled with the offerings made by some desolate people, it can be said to be fruitful.

After the branch temple was completed, the first thing Gongliang did was to bring back the three sisters of the Yan family.

I have been busy with temple affairs these days, and have kept them in the space, only going in occasionally to have a look.

But Zhu Ji took good care of them, and the three sisters even made friends with the twins Shuangzhi and Xiaodai.

The people caught inside knew that they were Gongliang's close people, and they were all respectful, even the people of Uncle Long's country were the same.

The built resident is actually very rough, just a stone house built of huge stones, nothing, empty.Some don't even have a window.Fortunately, the space is big enough, and Gongliang remodels it himself, so that it can barely accommodate people.But the Jiaolong skull house sent by Ao Yin is useless and can only be placed in the space.

But it should come in handy later on.

For example, when walking outside, you don’t need to build a wooden house, you just need to take out the dragon’s skull house, which is convenient and convenient.

In addition to welcoming the three sisters back from the Yan family, Gongliang also wants to open two stores in the market, planning to start a small business, one selling things produced in the space, and the other selling food.

No matter in the previous life or in this life, the catering industry is a huge profiteering industry.

The scale of the Longcheng sub-miao market is the same as that of the Great Wilderness Temple, only several times smaller.The bazaar is still distributed like the temple, and it is used by all the departments of the Great Wilderness.If the hundred parts are not used, they can be reserved for the vassal tribes, and the open space in front is provided for the barren people who temporarily sell things to set up stalls, which can be regarded as the welfare of some small tribes and barbarian tribes.

After taking down the storefront, Gongliang didn't decorate it either, and directly placed five-color rice, spiritual vegetables, ordinary spiritual fruits, fruit wine, and marinated monster meat from the space in the empty shop.

Among them, five-color rice, ordinary spiritual fruits and spiritual vegetables are sold cheaper because of their high yields, and marinated monster meat is extremely expensive, and people who come to buy it stare.

(End of this chapter)

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