Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 725 Are You Crazy About Lingshi?

Chapter 725 Are You Crazy About Lingshi?

In front of the store, the Three Emperors Food Ding Ding with three legs and two ears stands proudly.

The flames were blazing underneath, and the body of the cauldron was hot, and the heat emitted made people dare not approach easily.

The barren people nearby didn't know what Gongliang was going to do, so they ran over to watch the excitement.

In the tripod, tiger head and flood fins, big abalone, giant tortoise skirt, marinated animal legs, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, scallops, jade ginseng, fish lip, eight rare chicken, seven-color ginseng, small fragrant dolphin, Tianhuang truffle, Red-necked, painted-faced, white-browed duck and other ingredients float and sink in the soup.

Gong Liang, who has made great fortune soup many times, knows that ordinary firewood cannot meet the calories of great fortune soup.

So, he asked Xiao Xiangxiang to spit fire into the Three Emperors Food Cauldron.

Although this little thing is small, it has strong firepower, but it doesn't last long.

But it doesn't matter, he's still here.

Immediately, a huge flame spewed out from the mouth of the little pink fox. This firepower, which was different from ordinary fire, caused the soup in the Three Emperors Cauldron to boil at once.The mysterious pattern on the side of the tripod absorbed the heat of the fireworks and became more and more clear, as if something was about to burst out of it, but it seemed a little bit worse.

Even so, the desolate onlookers were dumbfounded, they had never seen a fox that could spit fire.

The flame that Xiao Xiangxiang exhaled didn't last long, and it gradually became smaller.

Gong Liang hurriedly stepped forward to take over the important task, and poured real fire into the Three Emperors Food Cauldron to refine the ingredients inside.

His real fire, because of refining skin, flesh, tendons and bones, has undergone several changes and transformations, and is no longer as weak as it was at the beginning. As soon as he appeared, he brought an incomparably hot firework and burned it to the Three Emperors Food Cauldron.

The soup in the tripod boiled violently under the burning of the hot fireworks, just like the stormy waves in the vast ocean, one wave after another, one wave after another, rolled up all the ingredients in the tripod, and slapped them on the surface. On the tripod wall.

Some ingredients could not withstand the attack of the boiling soup and the beating of the huge waves, so they dispersed and melted into the soup.

After a while, a multicolored cloud formed by the waste gas of the ingredients spewed out from the hole of the Three Emperors Food Cauldron.

Mi Gu, who was watching Baba refining the Great Creation Soup by the side, was no longer afraid of the huge energy contained in the exhaust gas after several tests.Yuan Gungun and Xiao Xiangxiang are fine.But the three sisters of the Yan family, who poked their heads out from the side shop to watch Gongliang make the Great Fortune Soup, couldn't stand the essence of the ingredients contained in the aroma, and suddenly became dizzy and passed out.

In front of the store, more and more desolate people gathered, but nothing happened.They are all tribal elites who have opened up caves. If they can't even stand this bit of energy, it would be too embarrassing.

Seeing them unconscious, Gongliang was very worried, and when he found out that they were all right, he asked Yuan Gungun to carry them into the store to rest.

It's just a scent, it's not very powerful, so it's fine for the body.If you drink it, it may not be necessary.

The Sanhuang Food Cauldron was burned by the hot real fire, and the huge heat escaped, and the space above the Food Cauldron was twisted and folded.

The mysterious lines on the tripod's body absorbed enough heat from the real fire, and turned into ferocious birds and beasts, roaring and screaming, and got into the tripod.

There were bursts of birds singing and beasts roaring, and bursts of soup boiling.

All of a sudden, the thick, heavy, and majestic Three Emperors Food Cauldron became transparent again in Gongliang's eyes, and all the scenery inside came into view one by one.

Looking carefully, the surviving intact ingredients rose and fell in the boiling soup, and a cloud of gas lingered over the tripod, gathering and thickening, and finally turned into drops of gas and fell into the gradually thickening soup.

The ferocious birds and beasts formed by the mysterious patterns got into the cauldron and pounced on the remaining ingredients.

Those stubborn and difficult-to-melt ingredients were hit by this external force, shattered, and melted into the soup.

When all the ingredients melted, these ferocious birds and beasts brought a choppy soup, rolled up thousands of huge waves, and slammed on the tripod wall, over and over again.After a while, it turned into a huge vortex and swirled, as if trying to integrate all the ingredients and flavors into one.

The soup in the tripod became thicker and thicker, and the color changed from turbid to clear, and then became crystal clear again, like the purest spiritual spring in the world.

At this point, the great fortune soup has almost been refined.

Gong Liang put away the real fire, removed the burning firewood below, and let the Three Emperors' Food Ding Ding cool down slowly.

After a while, he touched the body of the cauldron and saw that the Three Emperors Food Cauldron had almost cooled down, so he lifted the lid of the cauldron.

All of a sudden, the smell was overwhelming.

The desolate people who had already surrounded Gongliang's store smelled the fragrance and couldn't help breathing heavily, as if they wanted to eat the fragrance.

The three sisters of the Yan family who had just woken up smelled the fragrance and passed out again.Gongliang smiled wryly.Fortunately, it's okay, otherwise it would be troublesome.Now that the great fortune soup has been brewed, it will be sold and ready to launch the first shot of the new store opening.

Gongliang thought about the price, then took out the sacred rhinoceros bone and knocked on the Three Emperors Food Cauldron.

"dong dong dong dong"

A loud sound of gold and iron spread throughout every corner of the branch temple and spread outward.

The elders who were repairing in the branch temple heard the noisy voice and flew into anger. They didn't know which bastard it was, so they must be taught a lesson.

Soon, they saw Gong Liang who was beating the Three Emperors Food Ding with a spoon in front of the shop, and immediately flew over.

The elder of the Great Yan Department stationed in Longcheng came to the front and shouted angrily: "Bastard, what are you knocking in broad daylight?"

The desolate people watching looked gloating.

Seeing a group of elders approaching in anger, Gong Liang immediately looked at his smiling faces with winks, and said in a low voice, "Reporting to the elders, the boy is selling something."

"What kind of mess are you selling?"

In the past few days, Elder Dayan was resting in the temple, not knowing what Gongliang was selling.But when he was in the wilderness, he had also heard the prestige of this clansman who came out of his ancestral land to gossip.It is said that when he was in the temple, this little guy exchanged wild beef balls for a lot of things, which is incredible.

"Elder, it's the Great Good Fortune Soup." Gong Liang explained.

Elder Dayan smelled the fragrance wafting from the Three Emperors Food Cauldron, and realized that the surging energy contained in it seemed to be useful to him, so he asked, "How do you sell it?"

Gongliang looked around and raised a finger.

Elder Dayan saw it and felt that as a tribal elder, he should support the work of the younger generation, so he said: "A piece of Lingshi is cheap, you can give me a bowl to try."

"Elder, it's not one, but a hundred."

Gongliang reminded.

In this Great Fortune Soup that has been improved repeatedly, there are not only a large number of unique things in the Great Desolation, but also many spiritual materials and rare elixir such as seven-color ginseng. How could it be possible to sell only one spirit stone? Isn't that too cheap?

Hearing this, the elder stared wide-eyed, and roared, "100 Yuan Lingshi, I think you are crazy about Lingshi!"

Immediately, he stopped drinking the soup, turned around and left angrily.

He would cheer for a spirit stone, how could he be willing to pay 100 yuan.Little did they know, Gongliang planned to buy him a drink.

The elder at the back shook his head again and again, straightly saying that the world is getting worse, people's hearts are not ancient, and even honest and simple barbarians are not pure. To even mark such a high price on a little thing, isn't this like slaughtering people like the people in the East?

After sighing, the elders left one after another.

Humans are herd animals.

As soon as the elder left, the desolate people who had been attracted by the scene where Gong Liang made the great fortune soup also left one after another, making Gong Liang stare.Why did you run away?Then who is he going to drink the Great Creation Soup that he finally brewed?Has his first shot fired yet?

For a moment, Gongliang felt very melancholy.

"Dayan man, what are you doing?"

When Gongliang heard the voice, he turned his head to look, and it was Xiong Shisan again with the small eyes of Fu Xiongbu.

After the ceremony, the desolate people who gathered because of inviting the desolate god to descend walked away and scattered.There are only some businessmen left, and those elites who have just come out of the wilderness and want to enter the sect to practice and practice.

The elites have nothing to do, some go to set up stalls, and some go hunting.

As for Xiong Shisan, it was obvious that he had just returned from hunting.

(End of this chapter)

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