Chapter 739

"All the disciples have heard that the giant tortoise will stay here for a few days. If you want to go out, you can come here to get the identity jade card, so as not to find anyone when you go out. Also, if you finish eating the bigu pill, you can come here to get it "The long line of giant tortoises stopped, Chen Xiaoqi seemed to have received an order, and immediately opened the gate of the pavilion, and said to everyone in the building.

Although his voice was small, it spread to every corner of the pavilion.

Gongliang's nest has long been stuffy inside.

Staying in the pavilion for the past few days, either practicing or sleeping with Migu in his arms, he didn't even dare to enter the space, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Walking out the door, I saw Kai Xiong, Ju, Big Mu and others gathered in the corridor.Seeing him come out, they shouted, "Gongliang, let's go hunting."

With the character of a barren man, it was really wronged them to stay in the pavilion for so many days.

"it is good."

Gong Liang had this intention, turned around and told the three sisters of the Yan family not to run around, and then walked down with Kai Xiong and others.

The people living in the pavilion heard Chen Xiaoqi's words, gathered in the corridor and looked out at the lush spring forest outside, with anticipation in their eyes, but there was no movement.Only some people went to receive Bigu Dan.

Gong Liang led Dayan's men to the door, bowed his hands to Chen Xiaoqi and said, "Brother Dao, we need to go for a walk."


Chen Xiaoqi responded, and took out a pure white jade plaque from the storage bag and gave it to him, "Put a drop of blood on it."

Gongliang did as he said, and the middle of the pure white jade tablet suddenly became bright red, which was very eye-catching.

"With this jade token, no matter where you are, you will not get lost. Be careful not to lose it." Chen Xiaoqi took out two jade charms from the storage bag and gave them to him. Just crush it, and someone will save you immediately. But remember, it’s not a matter of life and death, so don’t use it.”

"Gongliang knows, thank you Brother Dao for reminding me."

After thanking Chen Xiaoqi, Gong Liang took the members of Dayan tribe out.The three sisters of the Yan family watched them go away before closing the door and continuing to read.

Outside is a tall and dense jungle, and the diameter of each tree is more than three arms.

This should be a deserted place where no one lives.

Walk out of the pavilion, step on the wet ground, and look up at the towering giant trees.Gong Liang found that the tree was a bit like the yew he had seen in his previous life, but it seemed to have no fruit.

After looking for it carefully, I found that there were shriveled fruits falling on the ground.

Only then did I realize that the yews are ripe from September to October, and now they have all fallen out.

When they got outside, Kai Xiong and the others hurriedly let out the beast souls, shouting, "Let's go."

Seeing how anxious they were, Gong Liang had no choice but to release the beast spirit of Yazi.

When Kai Xiong and the others saw the solid body of Yazi's beast soul, their eyes widened wider than drums.Longga even asked: "Gongliang, how did you raise your beast soul, and why did it condense into a solid body so quickly."

"It's mostly luck."

Gong Liang explained: "Before arriving at Daxia Dragon City, I passed through Cangwu County, where zombies were rampant and ghosts and ghosts were everywhere. Yazi happened to catch up, and I ate it, and then it condensed into a solid body."

"If we had known earlier, we wouldn't have traveled to Dragon City by flying in the air, and wasted spirit stones." The giant urn said angrily.

Da Mu, Ji Lu and others deeply felt the same way.

"Why mention it in the past, the most important thing now is to catch some monsters to eat." Kui Xiong shouted.


Everyone hurriedly nodded in agreement, and then sent the beast souls to run forward.

This area is full of towering and towering trees, and some trees seem to have passed through too long, too long, and the bark is covered with reddish green moss, lichen and other plants.There are few shrubs under these towering trees, and they are all low plants such as ancient ferns and spinosa.

It is now spring, the weather is getting warmer, and there has just been a light rain, and the air in the forest is very humid.

Walking in this hot and humid jungle is not an easy task.

A certain climate will cause all kinds of strange and dangerous insects that were originally lurking in the soil to crawl out for food.

These bug gnats include a large number of poisonous and disease-transmitting insects, as well as oversized black ants that are maddeningly painful to bite; and the ground under the layer of damp leaves, often slippery dirt and rotting wood There are also clumps of vines entwined on the trees and plants crawling on the ground in a mess, making walking more difficult. In addition, the forest is extremely hot, and walking in it will soon sweat profusely.

Fortunately, barren people have the most rare quality in this world.

Bravery and perseverance.

Sometimes in order to hunt and kill prey, it is normal for barren people to stay up for days and nights, let alone such a hot and humid climate.

What's more, the barren people were already used to this kind of climate after hunting in the wild jungle.

As for bugs, they are not afraid, because every barren person will carry insect repellent medicine with him when he goes out, and he is not afraid of all kinds of bugs in the woods.

Besides, with Kuilong and Migu around, ordinary poisonous snakes and insects dare not approach them.

A group of people, looking for animal traces, kept moving forward.

It was early morning at this time, and the mist was receding, and the morning sun that emerged from the distant mountain peaks burst into countless golden lights, shining on the endless forest.Looking up, the sun shines through the shade among the leaves, like stars twinkling in the sky, a little dazzling, but very crystal clear and beautiful, revealing an elusive tranquility.

The irradiated light and shadow, looming and swaying melodiously from side to side.

A little fluffy animal that looks a bit like a raccoon and a bit like a lynx hides behind a tall yew tree, looking at the group of wild men who suddenly broke into the woods with timid eyes.

Gong Liang, Kai Xiong and the others were not interested in such a small, meatless thing. They just glanced at it and continued to move forward.

Everyone walked fast, and Yuan Gungun had to run as hard as he could to keep up, without even looking at the little beast.

But Mi Gu had the time to flap his little wings and fly over to have a look. He thought this chubby little guy was very funny, so he picked it up in a mischievous manner, and flew happily in the woods.

"Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo"


Then, there was a panicked roar in the woods.

Gong Liang rolled his eyes, not knowing how to describe this kid's bad taste.

After playing for a while, Migu released the little beast.

Then the little beast ran away to the depths of the jungle. It wanted to go back to find its mother. It was no longer mischievous, nor ran around anymore.It swears that it will never come to this horrible place again in this life.Because there is a frightening two-legged flying bird here, which scares the baby to death.

In the pavilion, after Gong Liang left, another strong young man led a group of guards and walked deep into the woods.

A young man with a sword on his back took a jade plate and jade talisman from Chen Xiaoqi's side, and after a few ups and downs, he disappeared before everyone's eyes.

A few more people left in a scattered manner, and no one went out again, and they all stayed in the house obediently.

After the crowd dispersed, a cardamom young girl with a rabbit-shaped beast in her arms walked out of the room with two attendants, a man and a woman.

When she came to the entrance of the pavilion, she looked out, and there seemed to be countless great horrors hidden in the dark forest that could not be seen at a glance, which made her take a few steps back again and again in fright.

The middle-aged attendant saw him and said: "Your Highness, how about you stay here and let the villain hunt some wild animals and come back for a change?"

Hearing this, the girl said seriously, "Uncle Xing, the Ruo Kingdom has been dead for many years, and there are no princesses for a long time. Don't call me that way anymore, lest people make people laugh. You and Aunt Rui will call me Ying'er in the future!"

Xing Shao and Rui Niang looked at each other, "Here."

"Then you and Rui Niang go back to the house to rest, I'll go hunt some wild animals, and I'll be right back." Xing Shao said again.

"Thank you, Uncle Xing."

"Should be."

Xing Shao gave Aunt Rui a look of protecting the princess, and jumped into the forest.Ying'er waited for his figure to disappear, and walked to Chen Xiaoqi with her eyes closed and rested with her pet in her arms, bowed to Yingying before slowly walking back into the house.

The door was closed, Chen Xiaoqi opened his eyes, and nodded slightly.

No one knows that above every giant tortoise-loaded pavilion, there is a person holding a pen and paper recording their every word and deed.

Above the sky, the fast-flying warship also stopped.

The people who were cultivating in the ship had long since disappeared. If you look down, you will find that the men cultivating in the ship seem to be chaotic, but they are orderly sitting in emptiness above the vast jungle, guarding the disciples of the sect who entered the jungle.

In fact, the trial of the disciples of the Miaodao Xianzong has already begun since they left Daxia Dragon City.

Their every word and deed will be recorded by the role of ordinary people temporarily played by Deacon Zhufeng. After the assessment is over, they will be collected together. Through these records and personal performance, the conduct of the beginner disciples will be judged. Zongmen training.

Things are very troublesome, but in order to cultivate excellent disciples, let the sect continue to pass on, become famous in the world, and not mix good and bad people, this is what the Miaodao Xianzong has always done.

It is precisely because of such a rigorous attitude that the Miaodao Xianzong can grow from a small sect in ancient times to a major sect in today's world.

(End of this chapter)

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