Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 752 Old Stump

Chapter 752 Old Stump

Through the barriers of trees, Gong Liang saw Yuan Gun Gun lying under the ancient pine tree in the distance, and asked, "Gun Gun Gun, what are you doing there?"

Yuan Gungun just took a bite and was still savoring the lingering fragrance of Jinsiyulu in his mouth, when he heard Gong Liang's question, he quickly stuffed the remaining Jinsiyulu into his mouth and yelled: "No, I didn't do anything. "

After finishing speaking, it filled up the soil that had been pulled out by digging Jinsiyulu and patted it flat, then ran to the side with Fat Huhu, and continued to search for Jinsiyulu.

Seeing it running around, Gong Liang hurriedly took the three sisters of the Yan family over for fear of any accidents.

Mi Gu rode on the dragon mastiff, took out two gourd hammers and held them in his hands, held his head high, and led the way majestically.

Yuan Gun Gun followed the fragrance emanating from the ground to look for the golden silk jade dew, and the dragon mastiff it named "Fat Hu Hu" also followed to find it.

Mastiffs have always had unusually sensitive noses.

Fat Hu Hu is not as fat as Yuan Tuan Gun, and is very flexible. Under the leadership of his master, he quickly shuttles under the dragon-scale pines, smelling here and there.Suddenly smelling a familiar aroma, he quickly called out to the owner.

Fat Hu Hu was engraved by Gong Liang with the flame patterns of telepathic communication, so Yuan Gun Gun knew what it was calling and ran over quickly.

Seeing the owner approaching, Fat Huhu immediately stretched out his claws and dug under the tree roots.

In a short while, a golden silk jade dew like a golden silk jade was revealed.

Yuan Gungun grabbed it happily, patted the chubby Huhu's head and said: "Huhu, you are awesome, I will give you a big bun to eat later. Now let's go find Jinsiyulu, don't let Gongliang and the others find out .”

Fat Huhu was encouraged by his master, and he wagged his tail so badly that it almost broke.

"Mastiff, go!"

Mi Gu was not satisfied with leading the way, so he directed the dragon mastiff to run quickly into the forest.

Gongliang had already told Kuilong and Xiaoji in the sky to pay attention to the surrounding movements, and with the protection of the Miaodao Xianzong, he was not afraid of any danger in the forest, so he let her and Yuan Gungun run around in the forest, while he and the Yan family three The sisters followed slowly.

The ancient pine forest in front of me is very dense, no matter where you look, you can't see very far.

Looking up, the needles and leaves on the tip of the ancient pine are connected into one piece, swaying for thousands of miles, driving the faint white clouds on the forest sea.

And the thick branches, like giant pillars of the sky, look so vigorous and straight, like a peerless swordsman, standing proudly, holding a sword in his hand to break the sky, which is full of respect.

As Gongliang walked, he looked at the thick ancient pine.

The old bark of the ancient pine that has gone through the vicissitudes of time is like dragon scales, so eye-catching.


Suddenly, he remembered a legend.It is said that in the war between heaven and earth, a real dragon fell to the ground, and a piece of ancient pine was bathed in dragon blood, which made it somewhat lucky.Although it is still a tree body, its bloodline is already extraordinary, and it has entered the ranks of heterogeneous spiritual plants.

Later, people named this tree "Dragonscale Pine".

It is said that after the transformation of the dragon scale pine, the sap can be used to refine elixirs, and the tree body can be used as firewood for alchemy, and the smoke from its burning can be used to make dragon scale smoke ink, which is a treasure that the scholars of Qingyang Academy seek but cannot obtain; The qi and blood essence of its pine nuts is more abundant than that of animal meat, and it does not have any dryness. It also has a natural vitality of wood, which can be used to heal wounds, which is a very rare thing.

This is good stuff!

Gong Liang turned his head and looked around, and found that the tallest Longlin ancient pine here is hundreds of meters high, surrounded by dozens of people. If they can dig into the space and plant them, selling pine nuts alone will earn a lot of money in the future.

It's a pity that there are people from the Miaodao Xianzong watching nearby. It's not good for him to take these dragon-scale ancient pines in, lest people find out that the space exists and cause trouble for the upper body.

Since you can't dig big ones, you can only find small ones.

Therefore, when walking forward, whenever he encountered dragon scale pine seedlings, he would dig them into the fruit space and plant them.

After digging for a while, I feel that it is not a problem to always dig small saplings, and I don't know when these things will grow into large trees that can be used?

So, he began to think of ways how to dig up grown-up trees.That kind of towering tree must not be dug, because it is too tall, and as a desolate man, he can't buy such a big storage bag to store things, and it will directly expose the existence of fruit space.

Since you can't dig tall dragonscale pine, you might as well dig some low old stumps, so no one will suspect it.

With this in mind, he wandered around in the forest, looking for the old dragon-scaled ancient pine stump.

Yuan Gungun also worked very hard with Fat Huhu to look for Jinsiyulu everywhere, planning to go back and exchange the spirit snake fetus with Migu.

The little guy Migu is the most proud, riding the dragon mastiff to run around in the forest, shouting and drinking, as if he is the master of this forest.

In the Longlin ancient pine forest, there are no miscellaneous trees and shrubs, only some grass and flowers that grow tenaciously from the ground.

In the woodland, pine needles that have fallen over the years are everywhere. The thick pine needles are layered one after another, and they are soft and elastic when stepped on, making them extremely comfortable.

Perhaps it has gone through too many years, the ancient dragon scale tree is covered with moss, lichen, stone olive, and ferns such as stone weed and white hair.

Some of these plants attached to the dragon scale pine are dead, but they are still attached to the tree, a pale, dead green and decadent color, just like the old people's life spots, making the already old dragon scales The ancient pine looks even more desolate from Minggu.

Gong Liang took the three sisters of the Yan family to wander around in the forest, and looked for old stumps in the Longlin ancient pine forest through Xiaoji's shared vision.

God paid off, after searching for a long time, he finally found such a place from Xiaoji's vision, and hurriedly took the three sisters of the Yan family to that place.

Not long after arriving at the place, a forest of ancient dragon-scale pine trees that had been burned by mountain fires appeared before my eyes.

Among them, some ancient dragon-scale pines have been burned to ashes; some have been burned to charcoal, but still stand upright;

But if you look carefully, it doesn't look like a mountain fire that burned the ancient Longlin pine forest.

Because the mountain fire will not only raging in this area of ​​about two miles, it should sweep the entire mountain forest with the wind.

Looking at it again, Gong Liang felt that this piece of ancient dragon-scale pine forest seemed to have been struck by lightning.

Thunderstorms usually occur in spring, and thunderbolts are often accompanied by thunderstorms. It is estimated that the thunderstorms will cause mountain fires, which will be extinguished by the rain, and this is just a scene of burning a mountain forest.

Gong Liang walked to the old dragon-scale ancient pine stump that had been struck by lightning, burned by thunder fire, and regenerated its vitality.

Beside the mottled and vicissitudes of the old tree stumps, there are branches of ancient pines, which are full of wildness.If you trim it a little, it will undoubtedly be a good bonsai.

Digging this kind of old tree stump is much easier than digging a tall dragon scale pine, and it will not be suspected.

Gong Liang took a look, then took out his shovel and started digging.

In the sky above the pine forest, a young Taoist soldier saw him digging a tree and wondered, "What is this kid doing digging?"

"You don't care what he digs for, just do your own thing." An old Taoist soldier said.

The young Taoist soldier heard the words and didn't ask any more questions, but he murmured in his heart: It is said that barren people have the ability to hunt for treasures. Could it be that this tree is a treasure?Then do I have to dig a few back later?

 Recently, there are two chapters. After I finish writing all [-] chapters this month, I will think about crazy updates.



(End of this chapter)

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