Chapter 761

Mi Gu hasn't fallen asleep since she was woken up, lying in Papa's arms, moving restlessly.

She is very active, lying down, then got up and hugged Papa's neck and looked around.

Suddenly, she noticed with sharp eyes that the boy who stole the child just now was not far or close behind the big man Duoji's buttocks, so she quietly reported to Papa: "Babababa, he is following my friends."

In fact, Gongliang had already noticed it, but he didn't say anything. Anyway, he just followed if he wanted to, it didn't matter.

But when he heard the little guy's words, he could no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb, and turned to the Confucian-clothed boy and asked, "Friend, what are you doing with us?"


Seeing that he was discovered, the young man in Confucianism scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and didn't know how to answer. He just looked around the jungle and suddenly had an idea, and said, "I'm lost. Yes, I'm lost. I'm really lost."

After finishing speaking, the young man stepped forward and cupped his hands again and said: "In Wenjia, I want to go to the city ahead, I wonder if your excellency can give me a ride."

Gong Liang observed for a while, but he couldn't find any proof from him that he was a disciple of Miao Dao Xianzong, so he didn't take the liberty to ask.

But for his request, he can agree, so he nodded, "Yes."

The young man in Confucian clothes was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately ran up from behind.Just when he was approaching, Duoji stepped on the ground, and the mountain shook instantly, and he almost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"What are you going to do?" Gong Liang wondered.

"Your Excellency, don't you want to give me a ride?" the Confucian-clothed boy said innocently.

"That's right." Gongliang nodded.

"Then won't you let me go up?"

Gong Liang said lightly: "My friend thought I misunderstood it. When I said I could give you a ride, I meant that I allowed you to follow behind, not let you sit on it. Dorje is the blood of the ancient true species, and it is not allowed for mortals to blaspheme. In this world No one has the right to sit on its back but me."

The bright-faced Taoist soldier sitting on the towering ancient tree in the distance suddenly scratched his ears, feeling a little itchy.

Hidden on the side recording the daily life, the hand of the person grabbing the pen paused slightly, almost blurring the words on the book.

The Confucian-clothed boy paused with joy on his face, and his smile disappeared.

Gongliang ignored him and let Duoji continue on the road.

Dorje kept his feet on the ground and moved forward slowly step by step.A true bloodline like it, inherited from ancient times, has abilities far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.Some people say that the true mammoth is the most tyrannical race on land, because they are not afraid of any battle and never get tired.

The true mammoth blood is loved by the earth, and can draw strength from it, cleanse the flesh, and temper itself.

It is also for this reason that the true mammoth family regards the earth as their mother and calls themselves the sons of the earth.

There are gains and losses. Although he has been loved by the earth and has a strong body, he has since lost the opportunity to fly across the sky.

Although Dorje was kicked out of the true mammoth clan, he is also of the ancient true bloodline with an immortal inheritance.It's just that he has just awakened now, and what he has obtained is only the most superficial power of blood. He can only temper himself with the power of the earth, and nothing else will work.If fully awakened, the force of that foot can break mountains and crack the ground, one step can travel thousands of miles, and the long nose can pierce the void, just like hooked long teeth can pierce all obstacles in the world.

It's just that, for the young it, it's still too far away.It has a long way to go.

Wen Jia, a young man in Confucian clothing, feels that he has been tricked by Gong Liang, so he doesn't want to keep up with him.

But looking around, there seemed to be a pair of pale green eyes looking out from the quiet mountain and the dark jungle, wanting to share the food.Food is nothing but his delicate skin and tender meat.

Wen Jia shuddered, and quickly ran after him, "Wait for me."

Not long after, Jin Maobiao, the mother who had just chased after it, slowly walked out of the forest with her kin. With a low growl, she turned around and burrowed into the forest.

In the vast jungle, there is no road, and everything is done by Dorje breaking through the thorns with his long teeth.

But it is not a fool who breaks a tree when it sees a tree, or kills an animal when it encounters a beast. When it sees a thick tree, it will dodge, and when it encounters a tyrannical monster, it will go around. Step down.

Gongliang leisurely hugged Migu and lay on its back, from time to time he observed the Miaodao Xianzong through the token with his spiritual consciousness, or watched the changes in the fruit space.

Although he can observe the Miaodao Xianzong, he can only overlook it from a high altitude, and he can't do whatever he wants with his thoughts like he is in the fruit space.

But even so, during this period of time he had a general understanding of the terrain of the Miaodao Xianzong, and kept it firmly in his mind so as not to get lost when he got there, because the Miaodao Xianzong is really too big.

There are dozens of major tall mountains alone, not counting other small ones.

Among the mountain peaks, pavilions, towers and pavilions are everywhere, ravines, valleys are densely covered, and jungle vegetation is dense. He is dazzled by seeing it, how can he remember all of them.

Since he couldn't remember all of them, he picked up the main places to see. Recently, he set his sights on a market because there was a funny kid in it who was selling urine.

Arriving at the market, Cai Xianchu found an empty corner as usual, set up tables and chairs, took out a signboard and put it on the ground.The breeze was blowing slightly, and the flag was fluttering. On it, there were two large characters "fortune-telling" and "life for life, life for luck. The iron mouth is broken, and the world is selfless." The two lines of small characters seem so eye-catching.

Dolphin also took out a lot of treasures from his belly pocket and placed them on the flying carpet.

Then, seeing him take out two flags slightly smaller than his father and place them on the left and right sides, he sat cross-legged, playing with the three-legged Lucky Dragon Scale Toad while waiting for someone to buy it.

This little kid didn't wear underwear today, and when he sat down, the little dick was exposed, which was very eye-catching.

People passing by nearby laughed "hehe" secretly, and some even made a special trip back to have a look before leaving.

Some female cultivators were blushing all over their faces, as bright as peach blossoms.

Cai Xianchu can't do anything about it, he plays the role of a loving father at home, and his mother is a strict mother.How could he do something that even Yan's mother couldn't do.No way, it can only be like this.Anyway, it's a kid, so it doesn't matter.

Last time, Kou Ziyi, a strong young man, was grateful for Cai Xianchu's gift of aura, and sent him a bunch of crystal clear and beautifully refined jade bottles the next day.

Now the bottle that Dolphin puts urine in can be described as a shotgun for a cannon, which is extremely advanced.

Today, the jade bottle placed on the flying carpet did not have any words pasted on it, but was embossed with the words "Houtian Pure Yang Ye". The liquid spirit inside was surging, revealing a faint amber-like golden color.

And on the two flags on both sides of the booth, one reads "Houtian Pure Yang Liquid, a sharp weapon for killing demons, eliminating ghosts, and warding off evil spirits. You must bring treasures when you enter ghost hiding holes." The other reads "Real boy urine, boil demon birds Eggs and stewed spirit beast meat are must-haves for the elderly and weak.”

This flag was Kou Ziyi's idea after seeing Cai Xianchu's fortune-telling banner, and he flattered him indirectly.

But whenever Cai Xianchu saw these two flags, he felt a toothache.

Recently, rumors spread from somewhere in the market, saying that eating monster eggs boiled with Houtian pure yang liquid can actually rejuvenate, give life to life, and strengthen yang.It is said that the effect is more effective than taking pills.

After being disturbed by these demonic words, the Houtian Pure Yang Ye, which was already easy to buy, became even better.

It's just that the price of Houtian Pure Yang Ye is not as cheap as it used to be. Dolphin raised the price of Houtian Pure Yang Ye - it was suggested by Kou Ziyi.

Because he engraved a magic circle on the bottom of the bottle, which can be purified. The longer the urine is kept, the purer it is, and the more amazing the effect. How can such a good thing not be sold at a high price?

Hearing that there are spirit stones to earn, Gu'er would not be unwilling, so he raised the price on the same day, with an expression of whether he would like to buy it or not.

If it wasn't for the kid, and his father was by his side, he would have been beaten to the ground long ago.

Having nothing to do, Cai Xianchu rested on the chair and squinted his eyes.The business of his stall has always been bleak, unlike the son next to him, he sold half of it in a blink of an eye.The little thing is holding the spirit stone and counting happily and joyfully, counting over and over again is not enough, the toad next to him, which he casually called a three-legged lucky dragon scale toad, also jumped up and down to join in the fun with.

Could it be that he misunderstood, this thing is not a toad, but a three-legged lucky dragon-scaled toad that can attract money?

You must know that this name was temporarily chosen by him to amuse his son.

For the first time, Cai Xianchu doubted his eyesight.

Xiu Ran, the air was turbulent, Cai Xianchu opened his eyes, and saw an old man in a gray Taoist robe sitting on a chair in front of the booth.

 There was something to do, but it was raining and I didn't go out, so I added another chapter.



(End of this chapter)

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