Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 764 Why is it so difficult to bake a piece of meat

Chapter 764 Why is it so difficult to bake a piece of meat

Like a bulldozer, Dorje pushed forward in the jungle with his sharp teeth, and kept sweeping away the obstacles of the mountain vines, branches and leaves in front with his proboscis.

In fact, the mountains are not all tall and dense jungles. For example, at the junction of mountains, there is a relatively flat terrain, where there are almost all low shrubs and lush weeds.These roads can move quickly without using its long hook teeth.Helplessly, Gongliang took the straight road. He could only see mountains and cross mountains, and waded when encountering water.

With such a majestic size, it basically becomes a path where it walks.

So much so that Wen Jia, a young man in Confucian clothes, doesn't have to open the way, just follow Dorji's pace.

Along the way, Gong Liang realized that he seemed to have underestimated this guy.

Dorje's speed is not very slow, but he can always follow behind, and he does not slow down or show exhaustion and weakness.Reminiscent of how he ran in front of Jin Maobiao when he met him.

Being able to run ahead of Jin Maobiao means that he is faster than Jin Maobiao.

Gong Liang wondered if he was too busy with this business, or else this guy might have taken that little golden retriever with him somewhere.

Of course, it is also possible that the Golden Retriever Biaoqun has already swallowed up his bones and skin.

Now, Gong Liang doubted that this guy was a new disciple of Miao Dao Xianzong, otherwise why did he appear in the forest by such a coincidence?Thinking, turned around and looked.Seeing him look, Wen Jia waved to him friendly.

Gong Liang took a few glances, then turned back, he couldn't find the imprint of the new disciple of Miao Dao Xianzong from him.

While walking, Duoji stuffed nearby edible things into his mouth with his proboscis, eating and stuffing them all the way, without seeing it stop.

But these things can only fill the stomach at most, and are not good for the body, unless they encounter spiritual things.

It's just that walking in the forest so casually, the chances of encountering spiritual things are really very small. Even if there are, some of them will be taken away by Gong Liang and Mi Gu.Therefore, there are really not many spiritual things that can be eaten by it on the road.

However, with so many things to eat, Dorje is never hungry.

In view of this, Gongliang started his journey in the morning and didn't stop until night.

They didn't stop to have a meal at noon. Anyway, each of them brought a pile of dry food, so they would never be hungry.

They didn't stop, and Wen Jia followed them all the time.

Gongliang had never seen him eat anything on the road, and he didn't know how he solved his belly problem, so he couldn't help guessing, could it be that he took Bigu Dan?

That thing is really not chewy, at most it fills the stomach.They don't like Migu, neither do Gongliang and Huangren.Because eating Bigu Dan can't enjoy the delicious food at all, and there is no abundant aura and essence contained in food in Bigu Dan, so it can't be used for cultivation at all.

The food that Gongliang ate now was absorbed and purified by the fruit space, and then returned to the dantian, which is equivalent to eating is cultivation.

Bigu pill is not useful, what use is he coming for?

Ying'er looked at the front, it was still a boundless jungle, and she didn't know when it would end.

It was noon, and she was not in a hurry, so she stopped to eat.

The rabbit-like J immediately shrunk and stood beside her waiting to be fed.

Ying'er took a Spirit Beast Pill from her pocket and gave it to it, and she also took some pastries to eat.As I was eating, I suddenly felt very boring. Eating this food every day was a bit overwhelming, so I wanted to change the taste and bake something to eat.

So, she picked up some dry firewood and started a fire on a relatively flat place.

The fire started, but she forgot what to roast, and hurriedly asked Chongchong to catch a beast to roast.

After a while, Chongchong dragged back a tiger-sized thing with white hair and four legs, which could not be seen as a beast.

"Congchong, how do you want me to bake such a big thing?" Ying'er was bitter.

Chongchong looked at its owner innocently, and didn't say it wanted to catch the smaller ones. How did it know that the owner couldn't roast it.

Ying'er puffed out her mouth angrily and looked at Chongchong for a while, but in the end she had no choice but to let go.Fortunately, she saw that Uncle Xing handled things, so she stepped forward to peel off the animal skin, cut a large piece of meat, put it on a branch, and roasted it on the firewood.

Although it was the first time to do this kind of thing, Aunt Xing Shurui and the others had roasted meat many times, and she roasted it well.

It was just roasting, and I don't know which program went wrong, and the roasted meat was pitch black.

Ying'er smelled the meat she roasted, and felt that the smell was a bit strong; she tore off a little bit, tasted it, and quickly vomited it out.

After studying the roasted meat, Ying'er frowned and looked at the spiritual pet beside her and asked, "Congchong, why is Uncle Xing's roasted meat golden yellow, but mine is black? Eat, can't I eat?"

Chongchong looked at the barbecue, confused.How does it know such a profound question?If you know it is not a spiritual pet, but a two-legged person.

"bang bang"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front, followed by a slight vibration from the ground.

When Yinger heard this, she quickly picked up Chongchong, grabbed her roasted black animal meat, and hid in the giant tree next to her, only showing one eye to look out.

After a while, she saw a huge monster pushing away from the trees and appearing in front of her eyes.

Gongliang sat on Duoji's back and looked at the burning fire in the forest. He frowned and said, "Who is so wicked to light a fire in the forest, and it won't go out when he leaves. Aren't he afraid of causing a wildfire?"

Ying'er was in a bad mood, and when she heard his words, she jumped out from behind the giant tree angrily, "Are you so wicked? You haven't left yet, what are you going to kill?"

Gongliang didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here, seeing her delicate skin and tender flesh, he probably didn't understand these things, so he kindly said, "Do you know if a fire is lit here, if it causes a raging wildfire, I don't know how many natural resources will be destroyed. Dibao, how many animals and poultry have lost their homes, displaced, and changed the landscape so that it is difficult to recover?"

"me me me me"

Ying'er has been well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, how could she ever think about these things?

For a moment, he was speechless.

After some persuasion, Gong Liang pointed out: "In the future, don't light a fire in such a dense forest. If you really want to light a fire and barbecue, you should find some open place and set up an isolation circle to prevent sparks from spraying outside and causing a fire. , Burning the mountains and forests, that would be abusive."

"I just want to bake like this, can you control it?"

Originally, the meat was not roasted well, so Ying'er was in a bad mood.Now being blamed for no reason by him, he was so angry that he sat down on the place where the barbecue was just now, holding up the already black barbecue and continuing to roast.

When she was angry, she didn't realize that the flesh on her hand had become charred, emitting a puff of black smoke.

"Papa, can meat be eaten?" Mi Gu asked looking at the pitch-black barbecue.

Gong Liang shook his head and said, "You can't eat it."

"Oh!" Migu looked at Ying'er curiously, not knowing what she was doing with the inedible meat!

It was just a chance encounter, Gongliang tried to persuade her, but ignored her, and asked Duoji to bypass the fire and continue on his way.

Ying'er angrily made a face at his leaving back.Suddenly smelling a burning smell, I looked down and found that the barbecue had turned into black charcoal, and threw it away angrily.

After a while, Dorje's huge body disappeared into the thick jungle, and the forest fell into emptiness.After the noise just now, I returned to such a quiet environment.Ying'er didn't get used to it for a while, looking at the deep jungle, she suddenly felt a little scared.

Turning her eyes, she quickly extinguished the fire, and rode Chongchong to chase Gongliang in the direction he left.

Chongchong was very fast, and Duoji didn't go far, Ying'er quickly caught up.

Gong Liang sensed it, turned his head to look, and didn't know why she was chasing her.

Who knew that Ying'er ignored him, and when she saw him, she directly turned her head to the side, and just rode Chongchong to ride behind in a leisurely manner.

When Gongliang saw her, he didn't care about her, and just followed her if he liked.Anyway, we already have Wen Jia, one more of her is not much, and one less of her is quite a lot.

It takes a thousand miles from Peach Blossom Valley to Miaodao Xianzong, and a thousand miles is not far, not short.In his previous life, it was only a straight-line distance from Fujian Province to Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, and it took a few hours to get there by high-speed train.But here, in this wild jungle, it takes more than a few hours to ride a bird.

Because flying over this vast jungle, there are many factors to consider, such as whether you will be attacked by monster birds in the forest, and whether there will be other accidents.

However, in this assessment, Miaodao Xianzong strictly forbids disciples to fly to Miaodao Xianzong from the air by flying birds, flying boats and the like, they are only allowed to walk on the ground.

Walking from the land, there are jungles, mountains, streams, ravines, canyons, cities, and settlements.When Zongmen disciples pass by these places, they will definitely come into contact with people and something will happen.From these small things, we can see their temperament, character, perseverance, courage and vision.

Zongmen assessment, you need to know nothing more than these, if you fly from the sky and arrive at the Zongmen with a whiff, there is nothing to see.

 There is another chapter around ten o'clock



(End of this chapter)

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