Chapter 767

The city of Bin that the little chicken saw from the sky is not far away, and it is far away.

After walking for half a day, we finally saw the city wall of Bincheng.

Walking inside, the flow of people is like a tide, there are many shops and vendors on both sides of the road, and the sound of selling is endless.

Maybe it's because the black mammoth is too big, and no one in the city has ever seen a beast like this before. Everyone cast curious eyes, and even those who were not afraid of death came forward, petting this, petting that, petting it. Duoji became frantic.

Seeing that this was not the way to go, Gong Liang had no choice but to put it in the fruit space, and then continued to wander around the city with Mi Gu and Yuan Gun Gun.

I don’t know if the people here are too ignorant. I have never seen a child like Mi Gu with wings, a nine-colored tail, and golden hair, and a round panda in black, white, and white. They keep casting their eyes on each other. There were even some small and big bears following closely behind, and some bold ones even reached out and touched Yuan Gungun's buttocks, which made it scream "Aww" in anger, grinning with teeth, showing a ferocious gesture.

But everyone knows that no matter how fierce a panda is, it still looks naive and cute, and no one cares about it.

Even if Migu stands on Papa's shoulder with his hips akimbo, looks at the crowd around him with his mouth puffed out, and pretends that I'm so powerful, and if I look at you again, I'll spit you out, no one will notice, just I think she is so cute, so cute, so cute.

After being touched a few times, Yuan Gungun became unhappy and yelled at Gongliang, "Gongliang, those kids touched my ass."

"It's just touching, and there's nothing else to do, let them touch it!" Gong Liang said helplessly.

He couldn't help it either, could it be impossible to catch those half-grown children and beat them up?

"I don't want it." The round man stood up, and shouted from Cong Gongliang very unhappy.

Gong Liang quickly tilted his head to one side, lest the idiot spray his saliva on his face.

Looking at the little hairy kids who are full of interest, they seem to be around at any time.I had no choice but to say: "Then I'll take you in first and let you out later."

"it is good."

If possible, Yuan Gungun is more willing to stay in the space and eat and sleep when he is full, and eat when he is full.Recently, it seems that a batch of spiritual fruits are ripe inside, and it has to pick them up with Xiao Xiangxiang, so as not to be discovered by Mi Gu and get there first.

Gongliang put it in the space with Xiao Xiangxiang and two dragon mastiffs.

The half-grown children who had been following him saw that there was no black and white bear to watch, and the child with wings hid tightly in Gongliang's arms and could not come out. After watching for a while, they lost interest and dispersed one after another.

After Ying'er entered the city, she parted ways with Gongliang and went to Xunyangguan Avenue.

The same goes for Wen Jia.

But at least he was a little more polite than Ying'er, and knew to come over to say goodbye to Gongliang.

Arriving here is an unfamiliar territory.Gongliang didn't know which country this Bin city belonged to.Perhaps it is not in any country, because it is very strange here. In some places, big cities are controlled by local clans or multiple clans, and there is no state management.

What's more, Dacheng is a city built by practitioners themselves, and there are the largest number of practitioners in the city; otherwise, Dacheng will belong to the sect, and there is no country.

The customs of Bincheng are not the same as those of the Eastern land countries that Gongliang walked through before, there are some strange things, which seem interesting.

As he was walking, he suddenly saw an acquaintance in front of him.

Gong Yurou and Gong Jiji walked one after the other.

Gong Yurou walked through one stall after another, stopping to look at things she found interesting, and occasionally haggling to buy something.Gong Luji followed her a few steps away, with a bitter expression on his face, he must have followed her for a while.

Anyone with experience knows that shopping with a woman is the most painful thing.

Gong Yurou bargained with the stall owner for a while, and happily picked up a piece of crystal clear jade with blue dots like stars all over it from the stall, turned around and saw Gong Jiji, and said angrily: "Why do you always follow me, didn't you hear me?" Do you want to go alone in the Zongmen assessment? Be careful when the Zongmen sees you and drive you back."

The two of them already had a marriage contract, how could Gong Jiji dare to let her go on the road alone, could he leave, would he dare to leave?

Hearing Gong Yurou's words, Gong Luji said: "Although the sect has laws, it also respects human feelings. You and I are one in front and one in the back, and we don't go hand in hand. At most, we just go along the way. How could we treat me? Besides , am I afraid that something will happen to you?"

"Hmph, I still need you to worry? You should worry about yourself!"

Gong Yurou proudly raised her chin and walked forward with her head held high.Just a twitch at the corner of his mouth, revealing an invisible smile.

Gong Jiji hastily followed.

Gongliang watched from behind and shook his head repeatedly. This guy will probably be a wife slave in the future.The majestic and majestic image of a man is somewhat lowered by him.

After resting in Bincheng for a day, Gong Liang continued to take Mi Gu and the others on the road on the black mammoth Dorji.

Bincheng is located in the plain area among the mountains. In this plain, there are no big trees, but outside the plain, there are rolling mountains and thick jungles.In this jungle, there is a passage connecting Bincheng with other cities.It's just that most of these roads are built on the hillside, winding and winding.It would take a long time to walk from this mountain road to Miaodao Xianzong.

Gongliang didn't intend to do that.

So when I went out of the city gate, I took out a map and compared it, and found a straight road for Duoji to open up.

So, another day.

Without the two oil bottles behind them, they moved a little faster.

It wasn't that Gongliang was driving carelessly before, so he specifically ordered Duoji to slow down so that the two of them would not be able to keep up.Sometimes a good person is not a good person if you say foam at the corner of your mouth, but a good person if you do good deeds all over the sky, and some people who give silently are also good people.

For example, Gongliang felt that he was a good person.

In my previous life, I was 30 years old, I hadn’t married a wife, I didn’t have a girlfriend, and I solved lifelong events for some single dogs, what a good man!

He has no car, walks, reduces nitrogen dioxide emissions, how much contribution he has made to PM2.5, good man!

He consumes food, buys meat, sells fish, buys clothes, pants, shoes, and toilet paper, which stimulates domestic demand and drives the economy. I don’t know how many real enterprises have been saved.

Such a good person is simply touching, and can be rewarded with hail and frost, snow in August, and a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

Of course, he only dared to think about this kind of thinking in private, and he would probably be struck by lightning if he said it out.He was still a little scared about this.

Gongliang just hugged Migu and walked leisurely on the back of the black mammoth Dorji.He always thought that it was a very smart decision for him to take the Immortal Sect of Miao Dao as his destination, and to find a straight road, and there was probably no one else but him.But who would have thought that not long after leaving Bincheng, he saw people who seemed to be walking in a straight line.

But in the jungle, there are piles of ferocious beasts, countless poisonous snakes and insects, and some strange and dangerous plants that contain poison, so it is not easy to walk.

Along the way, he didn't know how many times he saw people fighting with the beasts in the forest.

Fortunately, these people have good cultivation bases, so they didn't need him to meddle in their own business.

Because of Gongliang's big man Dorji, no monster dared to come and provoke him. Even if there was, it was solved by Mi Gu and him.

Thousands of miles away, although far is not far, although near is not close.After several days of trekking, he finally came to Wangyuan, the river ditch in front of Miaodao Xianzong.

Gongliang took out a map to compare, as long as he crossed this big river again, he would arrive at Miaodao Xianzong.It's just that he turned his head and looked. The surrounding area is vast, and there is no one, and there are no boats. How can we cross the river?

After carefully looking at the map, he found that there was a big city facing the middle of Miaodao Xianzong, and he had deviated from the direction when he was looking for a straight path.

So, he asked Dorje to walk along the river to the big city, planning to find a boat to cross the river.

At this moment, singing suddenly came from the nearby river.

"Don't look at the surging blue waves, you can cross the river with a boat. Don't look at the bottomless boat, you can cross the river with your heart."

Gong Liang looked in the direction where the singing came from, and saw a bottomless boat plowing through the waves in the turbulent river.

Seeing the old man paddling in the boat, Gong Liang smiled immediately, and quickly waved and shouted: "Old man, senior, senior, here, here."

The old man paddling on the bottomless boat seemed to hear his shout, and raised his oar to paddle into the water. The bottomless boat immediately drew a white line on the river like an arrow from the string and flew towards the shore.

When Gong Liang saw the old man, the bright and dark Taoist soldiers and ordinary people who had been guarding him all the time suddenly lost his track, they were shocked and turned pale, and flew up to the sky to report to the nine peak masters.

(End of this chapter)

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