Chapter 82

Seeing the reappearance of the ancestral god Yanhuo, the members of the Yan tribe immediately boosted their morale and shouted.

Some knelt down directly in the direction of the phantom of the flames, and sincerely thanked the ancestor gods for their protection.It turned out that the ancestor god did not abandon them, it was still there, and it was always with them.

The witch standing on the boulder burst into tears when he saw this scene.

No one knew how tormented he was in the past two days.The ancestor god was gone, Yanbu people were just flustered, but he was terrified.For how many years, the ancestor god has been staying in the tribe, how could he disappear?He looked for the reason everywhere, but before he could find it, the ancestor god appeared again.

This is so good.

Thank the ancestors for not abandoning them, and thank the ancestors for their blessings.

Otherwise, when his soul returned to the ancestor mountain, he would have no face to meet the ancestors of Yanbu.

The phantom of the ancestor god Yanhuo only appeared for a while, and then disappeared quickly.But such a short period of time brought infinite confidence and courage to Yanbu people.

Gong Liang looked at the dead birds on the ground, dumbfounded, he didn't expect the ancestor god to be so powerful.In the space between the brows that he didn't know, the faint blue flame that just came back became a little dimmer.

The fierce beast that had attacked Yanbu fled into the woods instantly when it saw the phantom of Yanhuo, and fled far away. Even the fierce beast on the bank of the stream was frightened and swam back to the other side.

For a while, there were no ferocious beasts attacking either at the gate of the village or around the tribe.The tribe became very quiet.

Taking advantage of this time, Yanbu and Mabu jointly cleaned up the corpses of beasts and birds in the tribe.

Not daring to go out, Yuan Gungun, who had been sneaking and peeking out behind the animal skin curtain all this time, found no danger, so he walked out from inside.

After pampering Gongliang's feet for a while, he started to wander around.I saw it baring its teeth for a while to threaten a dead ferocious bird; for a while, lying on top of a ferocious beast and drinking the beautiful blood of a ferocious beast;But when it really faced it, it probably ran away long ago.

Gong Liang didn't care about it, walked over curiously, picked up a ferocious bird that had been shot by sparks from the phantom sparks of the ancestral god Yanhuo, and found that there were no wounds on its body, so how could it die?

It's really puzzling!

After thinking for a while, he broke open the heads of the vicious birds to check, and found that the brains inside were all gone. Could it be that the ancestor god Yanhuo burned their brains with fire.This is too mysterious, he feels unlikely.

But what is going on?

Gongliang has a good habit of not imagining things that he can't figure out clearly, so as not to age prematurely.

So, he walked towards the gate of the village, intending to help the warriors of the tribe clean up the beasts.

Two elephants with pillar tusks were lying in front of the gate of the village. Their huge bodies almost blocked the gate of the village. No one could move such a large body, so the warriors at the gate decided to cut up the elephants with pillar teeth. .

Gongliang went to help, and by the way, kept two of the huge tusks, planning to take them home and put them at the door as decorations.Think about it, with two long teeth guarding the door, one on the left and the other on the right, you don’t need to go in, you can feel a wild and wild atmosphere coming from outside, isn’t that a great feeling?

I don't know if it's because of the ancestral god Yanhuo. Until dark, there was not a single beast attacking the tribe.

This gave the two warriors, who had been defending day and night to prevent the herd from attacking, a chance to take a break.

Because of the bountiful harvest, the witch decided to preside over the worship of the ancestor gods again at night.

The heads of a few huge elephants with tusks are placed in the front, followed by a group of slightly smaller beasts and some fierce birds.

The shaman was dressed in full costume, chanting abstruse phrases, and singing to summon the ancestor gods to come.

This time the cyan flame on the stone pillar did not look like it was about to be extinguished like the previous time, and it was extremely weak.Appears to be thick, vigorous, and full of heat.After the worship, some sparks fell on the people of Yanbu.

Seeing the sparks flying out, Wu finally relaxed, the ancestor god was still there, probably because of something happened the first two times.He could only comfort himself in his heart like this.

However, some Yanbu people found that the sparks of blessings bestowed by the ancestor gods were not as many as before, but these thoughts were just swept away.

For them, the ancestral gods are supreme, the great existence that protects Yanbu people, even if it is a bad thought, it is blasphemy.

But Gongliang really felt that there were very few sparks, only a few, and the old, weak, sick and disabled who were ranked behind in the tribe were not allocated at all.

He himself didn't realize that a large part of the blue smoke that floated from the heads of ferocious birds and beasts during the worship was absorbed by the space between his brows, and only some escaped into the empty space under the stone pillar and was absorbed by the faint blue flame.And the flame is based on receiving the sacrificial green smoke, and will give some sparks to the Yanbu people.

The less green smoke absorbed, the less sparks bestowed on Yanbu people.But these, Gong Liang will not understand.

After the worship, the weather suddenly changed.

The sky, which had been dark for a long time, finally shed the accumulated snowflakes.

At the beginning, the snow fell slowly.

Later, it went fast, slow, big, small, completely irregular, and in the end it was just snow in the wind, in pieces, swirling one after another, falling sporadically.

The snowflakes were small, thick, soft, and light, as if they accidentally tore open a white goose feather pillow, and pieces of small feathers fluttered down.Then, the little snowflakes became bigger, thicker, and densely packed, just like someone shook the Yushu Qionghua in the sky, making the white and flawless petals fly all over the sky.

The snowy night was especially cold. When going to bed at night, Gong Liang specially fed Yuan Gun Gun a delicious meal to prevent him from losing his temper and not sleeping with him.

In this weather, if you don't sleep with this fluffy, round and warm guy, you won't be able to sleep well at night.

In order to avoid getting too cold at night, he nailed an extra layer of animal skin curtains at the door to keep out the cold, and the firewood on the stove was kept burning all night, letting it spew hot air into the room continuously.

Even so, he still put on an extra layer of animal skin to wrap himself and Yuan Gungun tightly.

In the end, it was too hot and stuffy in the room, so I had to get up and remove the animal skin, and also opened a corner of the outside curtain to ventilate.

Woke up the next day, went out to look, and found that the snow had stopped and the sun had come out.

But the outside has turned into a world of pink makeup and jade. Look at the nearby trees that have lost all their leaves, covered with shiny ice ridges.When the wind blows, the trees sway slightly, and the beautiful icy ridges immediately radiate colorful rainbows under the sunshine in the morning.

The tribe is covered with thick snow, and when you step on it, it doesn't reach your knees.After Gong Liang saw it, he went back to the house and took out his shovel, planning to shovel the snow to make a snowman.

He always wanted to do this in his previous life, but he felt that he was too old and it seemed naive to do this, so he reserved his identity and didn't dare to touch it.

Today is just a chance to realize my dream.

(End of this chapter)

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