Chapter 835

The speed of transplanting rice seedlings with a rice transplanter is really fast, and the paddy field of [-] acres of spiritual springs has planted two top-grade spiritual grains, Longya and Fengyu.

It's just that it's easy to transplant rice seedlings, but it's extremely difficult to maintain.

This top-grade spiritual valley contains supreme spiritual energy and vitality, and it is the favorite thing for some insects to eat, so we have to beware of insects and all kinds of diseases and weeds, which is very troublesome.So after planting the seedlings, Gong Liang began to think about whether he should find some spiritual planters to help him, but he had many secrets, so if an outsider came in and would be noticed, what should he do?

For a while, he couldn't think of any good way, so he had to temporarily press the matter.

Fortunately, the seedlings are still small, so there will be no diseases, and there will be no insects coming to eat them, which saves a lot of trouble.

After planting the rice seedlings, Gong Liang put away the rice transplanter and walked towards the hillside.

On the hillside, Langgan trees, green kumquats, long-eared plums, gourd jujubes, Lingzhu, and small pumpkins transplanted from the space have already glowed with vitality, and the leaves look tender and tender.And those saplings cultivated with fruit cores also came alive.

Of course, these are also the reasons why Gongliang bleeds profusely and pours the innate stock solution tempered with seven-color ginseng with water. Otherwise, the root is broken, and it is impossible to recover so quickly.

In addition to these, the ancient flat peach branches in the top-grade spiritual land were finally revived and sprouted green and tender buds under the continuous watering of the congenital liquid.

Gong Liang nodded his head repeatedly as he saw it, and finally lived up to his painstaking efforts in back and forth work and the large amount of congenital liquid he spent recently.

Migu sat on the blanket with Dolphin, flying around the hillside, proudly introduced to him the names of the fruit trees planted on the hillside, and gave him some fruits to eat, and proudly said that he also helped plant them.

Gongliang couldn't remember when she had participated in voluntary tree planting labor.

Yuan Gun Gun was also strolling on the hillside with Xiao Xiang Xiang, running to the red flowers and green grass on the side from time to time, sniffing the fragrance of flowers, smelling the fresh smell of tender grass, with the appearance of a Wenqing daughter, completely matching it That fat and carefree temperament is not commensurate.

The three sisters of the Yan family also came over, the three of you pushed me, I pushed you, laughing and laughing in the orchard on the hillside.

The four dragon mastiffs kept running around the crowd, having a great time playing.

Dorji, the black mammoth, also came from the forest when he saw them.

When he came to Miaodao Xianzong, Duoji relieved Gongliang and the others from the hard work from the Great Wilderness to the Eastern Land, and then from the Eastern Land to the Miaodao Xianzong, and he was at ease all of a sudden.In addition, the Miaodao Immortal Sect has plenty of aura and plenty of food, so Gongliang granted it permission to come and go freely at any time, which made its food much better.His body stretched all of a sudden and became much stronger.

Today's black mammoth, standing in front of everyone, is like a black hill.

The ferocious aura exuded makes people feel awe-inspiring.

Of course, there is a reason why it got the blood inheritance and was able to start practicing.

After leading everyone around the hillside, the side of the mountain, and the Lingtian, Gong Liang asked Dolphin who was sitting on the blanket and flying around, "Tuner, what do you want to eat today?"

This little chubby man has often come to the valley recently.It's called looking at him, but it's actually attracted by the delicious food made by Yan Jingshu.When Gongliang was able to cook, he almost swallowed the food he made.If E Lingyu hadn't told him to go back to sleep at night, the little chubby would be reluctant to leave here.But even so, every noon the little chubby guy would still come over on the flying carpet to have a delicious meal with Gongliang.

So much so that E Lingyu became very jealous of it.

Gongliang couldn't laugh or cry, after E Lingyu ate the food he cooked, he had to admit that the food cooked by Gongliang was better than hers.

"Uncle Master, I want to eat barbecued eel, steamed rice with marinated monster meat, steamed shrimp with garlic, golden turtle black grouse soup, cold side dishes, stir-fried animal meat, stewed animal bones, and crispy fried garlic bones"

As soon as Dolphin heard his question, he immediately reported all the dishes he had eaten recently.

It's okay not to say anything, but Migu and Yuan Gungun swallowed their saliva fiercely when they talked about it.

"Papa, I'm hungry." Mi Gu blinked and said pitifully.

Seeing her small appearance, Gong Liang could say nothing, and said helplessly, "Then we'll go eat. But there are no dishes today, so I'll make you fried fish balls, braised fish tails, and sauce that you've never eaten before." Steamed fish head, fish bone soup."

"I like to eat anything made by Papa." Mi Gu nodded quickly.

"Okay! Okay!" For Little Fatty, he likes anything that is delicious.

"Gongliang, I don't want to eat the fish head, I want to eat the fish tail." Yuan Gungun also yelled beside him.

This idiot thinks that the fish head has too many bones and no meat.

Gong Liang didn't bother to care about this idiot, so he took everyone back to cook.

After eating and drinking enough, Dolphin didn't forget what he was going to do in the afternoon, so he sat on the flying carpet and hurried to Ming Jun, one of the Twelve Immortal Mansions.This little chubby man has been studying hard day and night and memorizing hard since he got the books about medicinal herbs from Dongmeng Zhonggong of Yujing Peak.It didn't take long for me to remember the contents inside, and I started asking my father to find medicinal herbs for him to identify.

Cai Xianchu didn't have time to play with him, so he pushed the matter to his wife E Lingyu.

At first, E Lingyu asked Lan'er Xin'er to bring herbs for the little guy to identify, but in the end she was so annoyed that she pushed it back to Cai Xianchu.

As a last resort, Cai Xianchu could only ask Chu Shaosun, the lord of the Twelve Immortal Mansions, Master Chu Shaosun, for help. There was nothing else in the Immortal Mansions, but there were many elixir.The son can see it however he wants.

Therefore, apart from selling urine in the market, Pu'er's greatest interest is to go to Heming Junji to identify medicinal herbs.

Now he knows a lot of medicinal herbs, and some apprentices who specialize in distinguishing medicinal herbs do not know as many as he does.


Xiaopangdun flew over the mountain peaks with sound effects, and the disciples who passed by on the birds knew him and would greet him, but more often than not, he kept having fun.

Because he looked so chubby sitting on the blanket, it was really fun.


Suddenly, he saw someone planting rice seedlings below, and immediately flew down.

This little fat man flies around the sect on a flying carpet all day long, and there are few people who don't know him.So the old Lingzhi master, who was planting rice seedlings, greeted him when he saw him, "Pu'er, where are you going?"

"I'm going to Shishu's place to identify the medicine, what are you doing?" Little Pang Dun asked knowingly.

"Planting seedlings! You don't even know this?" The old Lingzhi teacher was surprised.

"Of course I know it, but I've never seen such a stupid method of transplanting rice seedlings." Xiao Pangdun said with a proud belly.

The old spiritual planter was so angry that he almost pulled out all the beards under his chin, and said angrily, "Then where have you seen such a stupid method of transplanting rice seedlings?"

"My uncle didn't have such a stupid method of transplanting rice seedlings. My uncle used a rice transplanter to plant rice. His machine planted a row, and the seedlings were planted in a short time. It's like you. So slow." The little fat man proudly showed off what he had just seen.

The old master Lingzhi seemed to be familiar with the little fat pier master, and asked curiously: "Which uncle are you talking about?"

"It's my master's new uncle, the uncle Gongliang who lives in the Xiawo Valley. He not only has a rice transplanter, but also a cultivator, a seeder, a harvester, a rice mill, and many more. Those machines are all good. Great, let me tell you"

The little fat pier started to tell the old master Lingzhi the names and uses of those machines. He said it in such a way that it was impossible to tell that he had just heard it from Migu.

The old master Lingzhi was stunned when he heard it. After living for so long, he had never heard of such a machine.For a moment, my heart moved slightly. If there is such a machine, wouldn't it save a lot of things?

After Xiaopangdun described the various uses of those machines to the old master Lingzhi, he continued to go to Hemingjun.

But as long as you see someone planting rice seedlings on the road, you will always go down and show off.

Therefore, Gongliang's business with rice transplanters, tillers, rice mills and other machines spread like wildfire under the show off of Xiaopangdun.

After eating enough, Gong Liang lay on Feixia's rocking chair downstairs, rocking leisurely, and Mi Gu fell asleep soundly on Papa's body.

Yuan Gungun was lying beside the rocking chair, curled up, like a black and white ball, but there was a bright pink ball like Xiao Xiangxiang on his body, which looked very weird.

The four dragon mastiffs were tired from running, squinting their eyes and falling asleep beside them, but they opened their eyes from time to time to see the situation of their owners, and then fell asleep peacefully.

Among the three sisters of the Yan family, Yu Shu hugged a red pillar in Feixia Tower and fell asleep with her eyes closed. The graceful figure that gradually grew and appeared did seem to have a bit of elegance and elegance; Jing Shu sat on the side, quietly reading the secret books passed down by the master, gentle and demure, showing everyone's demeanor.

(End of this chapter)

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