Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 840 I'm So Powerful, You Don't Listen

Chapter 840 I'm So Powerful, You Don't Listen

Mi Gu is indeed a good storyteller, and the stories he told immediately attracted all the pets in the open space outside Zangshu Pavilion.

As a result, some spiritual pets would not leave even if the owner asked them to come out, and just stood there listening with a stern face.

Some masters have a good temper, so they rely on their spiritual pets and listen to them to relax.Some are put away directly or pulled away.

Some Yujingfeng disciples were also attracted by the clear voice of the little guy.

Seeing more and more people listening to the story, Mi Gu became more and more excited as he talked.Speaking of excitement, he even took out Optimus Prime and waved it with a "huhuhaha". The pillar hit, and I burped.

Those spiritual pets who were guests in the valley yesterday knew that the little pillar in this little guy's hand is super powerful.

It can be long or short, big or small, not to mention, even the hard head of the leopard moray eel was smashed to pieces by her, but they don't guarantee that it won't be like that when they hit their own heads.

Mi Gu's cute appearance attracted the attention of many female disciples, each of them was so red that their eyes almost popped out, and they all whispered to each other: "This little guy is so cute, whose family's spiritual pet! Why has he never been here?" Have you seen Yujingfeng?"

"It should be from outside, not from our Yujing Peak."

"It seems to be a new disciple who entered the sect, and he was here last time."

"A newcomer to the sect can come to our Yujing Peak, isn't it accepted as a true disciple?"

"I'm afraid so."

"This little thing is so cute, if only I could hug it." Some female disciples said with emotion.

No matter when and where, in what age and generation, young and beautiful women are always scarce resources, and they will always attract a bunch of bees and butterflies to show their hospitality.At this time, many disciples of Yujing Peak gathered here, and those who cared heard what the female disciple said, they stepped forward and took out a bunch of spiritual fruits to tempt Mi Gu, "Come here, little guy, these spiritual fruits are for you to eat."

How could Migu pass by?

Besides, the quality of the spiritual fruit in that person's hands is not high, and its appearance is even more appalling. It's not even interesting for people to take a look at it, let alone appetite.

Mi Gu glanced at it, then took out a large green mulberry fruit and started to eat it with "Shushasha, Rushashasha".

The female disciples looked at the huge green mulberry fruit in its hand, and then at the spiritual fruit that the man used to seduce Mi Gu, and laughed happily.

It's okay not to compare, but a comparison is full of damage.

Migu quickly ate the green mulberry fruit, filling his mouth full, like a little squirrel eating something, super cute.Some female disciples screamed when they saw it, "It's so cute! I really want to hug and kiss."

This is a good opportunity to win the favor of the beauty.

There is more than one caring person, a male disciple who pretends to be unrestrained and unrestrained shakes his hair, pushes away the disciple who is tempting Migu with spiritual fruit, and walks forward, intending to take Migu out and offer it to the beauty.

Of course, that's all.

In front of Zongmen's powerful law enforcement team, no disciple dared to act presumptuously in Zongmen.

It's just that he thinks too well, and thinks too handsome of himself.

As soon as he approached, all the spiritual pets immediately turned around, bared their ferocious sharp teeth, and roared.In an instant, an awe-inspiring and ominous power rushed towards his face, and the male disciple was so frightened that his feet went limp, and he almost knelt down on the spot.Fortunately, the friend at the back saw that the situation was not good and hugged him, so that he didn't make him look ugly in front of everyone.

Don't look at the group of spiritual pets and Yuan Gungun talking and laughing, they seem to be very obedient.

But running around with the master, which animal or bird has not been stained with blood, how can it be a good person.

The male disciple retreated miserably, and immediately another male disciple in battle armor stepped forward.

This male disciple was thick-backed, tall and strong, with extraordinary momentum.This person seemed to be very popular in Yujing Peak, when he walked over, some female disciples stared at him like a nympho.

Someone was still whispering: "It's Senior Brother Ji Gua!"

"Senior Brother Ji Gua went to do the mission of the sect, why did you come back so soon?"

"It is estimated that it has been completed. I didn't see that he was still wearing a battle armor, with a dusty look."

"Senior brother really worked hard. As soon as he came back, he went to Zangshu Pavilion to read."

"I don't think so"

Some of the spiritual pets in the open space outside Zangshu Pavilion knew Ji Gua and his strength, so they frowned.

Ji Gua did not act alone, he was very prestigious among many male disciples, so he turned his head to show them.Many male disciples immediately understood his meaning and followed.In the sect, there is a law enforcement team, coupled with the constraints of their respective masters, the spiritual pets dare not bite people indiscriminately, or they will be killed on the spot.So when we go up to face many beasts and birds later, we will fight with physical strength at most, and there will be no major damage.

In front of a beauty, what is a little injury?

If you can win the favor of beauties because of this, then you will make a lot of money.

Migu sensed the danger that was approaching, immediately put the unfinished green mulberry fruit into the storage ring, took out the Optimus Prime of your heart, jumped on the ground, jumped up and shouted: "Big big big big big big big big big big big big big!"

In an instant, Optimus Prime became as tall and strong as a man.

Migu stood on it majestically with his hands on his hips, and solemnly reminded the disciples of Yujing Peak who were approaching constantly: "Don't come over, I'm so powerful. My papa said, you can't hit people with pillars casually, You can’t poison people by spitting. If someone bullies me, let me spit and make him stay still and twitch. Don’t come here, I will spit water when I come here. I’m so powerful, and many people know it.”

The female disciple of Yujing Peak screamed again when she heard the little guy's innocent words and saw her innocent and lovely appearance.

The cry stimulated a group of Yujingfeng male disciples whose hormones were soaring, all of them wanted to win the favor of the beauties, so they didn't take the little girl's warning to heart.

Seeing that they were disobedient, Mi Gu puffed up his mouth immediately.

Yuan Gungun looked at it, and kindly reminded: "Don't come over, she's going to spit, it's scary."

"Ha ha ha ha"

When the male disciples gathered around heard Yuan Gungun's words, not only were they not afraid, but they burst out laughing.Even those female disciples could only "giggle" when they heard it.

The male disciples got closer and closer, and in order to protect Mi Gu, a group of spiritual pets stepped forward one after another, ready to fight.Only Yuan Gungun and Xiao Xiangxiang were still sitting there, because they had already guessed the ending of these people, without exception.

Ji Gua walked in the front, about a few steps away from Mi Gu, and with a slight movement in his heart, he was about to step forward to grab Mi Gu to please his sweetheart.

Migu noticed the movement, and with a "poof", he opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of water.

This good rain knows the timing, and it happens now.Sneak into the body with the wind, moisten things silently.

The raindrops dripped on Ji Gua and the male disciples who surrounded him, escaped into the body along the pores, and spread out.All the male disciples were caught in the attack in an instant, and they stood motionless, only their eyes could turn and their ears could hear.But what was more painful than this immobility was that there seemed to be hundreds of millions of ants biting my body, it was numb, itchy and painful, but I couldn't scratch it, and my muscles twitched in pain.

At this time, they remembered what Mi Gu reminded them, and they regretted it for a while.

In this world, there is everything, but there is no medicine for regret.

A few male disciples who were motionless after being poisoned by the poisonous saliva couldn't maintain their unrestrained posture. They fell to the ground and twitched continuously, but their eyes moved anxiously, which looked very funny.

But no one in Yujing Peak thought it was funny.

Yujingfeng's main business is alchemy, and most of the disciples know the art of Qihuang, and most of the tasks issued are to practice medicine and alchemy.

Therefore, when the disciples of Yujing Peak saw that the same sect was motionless, they immediately stepped forward to check what happened.

Seeing the situation of the fellow disciples, the female disciples who had been playing just now also restrained their expressions, and a heroic female disciple stepped forward and asked one of the male disciples who was checking the situation of the fellow disciples: "Motai longevity, how are Ji Gua and the others doing? "

The male disciple named Motai Changshou was pale and very thin, as if he could be blown away by a gust of wind.

Hearing her question, Motai Changshou used real fire to refine the blood on the golden needle pierced into the body of the same door, and then replied: "It should be poisoning, but this poison is complicated and very difficult to understand."

Hearing this, the heroic female disciple frowned, turned around and said to Mi Gu who was standing on the Optimus Prime, "Little guy, we are just joking with you. Are you going to poison me?"

Migu put his hands on his hips, raised his chin and said proudly: "My daddy said, whoever dares to bully me, let me spit out water and keep him motionless, twitching. Hmph, I'm so powerful. , you don’t listen.”

(End of this chapter)

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