Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 855 The Poor and Lychee Meat

Chapter 855 The Poor and Lychee Meat

"Three mountains are green and green (read: etiquette), six caves and nine peaks are dense.

Grass and grass are full of gold and flowers, and stone and jade are marrow.

If there are Xi Xueli clothes, they will be fragrant and moist, and they will be dangerous (read: nourish).

In the morning, the beauty is captured in Yandou, and in the evening, the beauty is captured in Xixi.

Calling floating clouds to be a couple, how can Huayue be self-confident.

Heal the sickness and go down to the soil, and accompany the sunset and return. "

Gong Liang walked back with Yu Shu and Mi Gu sitting on the back of the black mammoth Dorji, when he suddenly heard a singing sound coming from a distance, and turned his head to look.

The singing is from far to near.After a while, Gong Liang saw a man dressed in shabby clothes, with a muddy face and disheveled hair, looking extremely embarrassed, holding a golden silk grass in his hand, stepping on the green grass in the forest, and walking quickly.

He had never met him before, and it was not good for Gongliang to keep staring at him, and then turned his head after a few glances.

Mi Gu stared at it for a while, then said, "Papa, that person didn't take a bowl."

Gongliang was taken aback when he heard the words, not knowing what she meant?

The clever Yuan Gun Gun shouted beside him: "He's not a beggar, what bowl should he take? No one in this forest gives him something to eat. He doesn't come here to beg to die of starvation."

When Uncle Li heard their conversation, he staggered and almost fell.People who are so different from others like themselves will be regarded as beggars. Do you have any sense?Is there such a wise and mighty beggar like him in this world?

"Don't talk nonsense, he is not a beggar." Gong Liang explained.

"The beggars I saw were all torn and dirty. Last time I gave a small fruit!" The little guy said plausibly.

"It's not that the clothes are tattered, and the dirty body is a beggar. Maybe it's because of an accident."

Gong Liang still remembered that the little fruit was picked in the mountains before the little guy entered a big city, and it was the only time he threw it to a stranger to eat.It was the only time that the little beggar was almost poisoned to death. If he hadn't acted in time, he might have died.So, this little guy's things are not something ordinary people can enjoy.

"I know, I know."

The little guy had an understanding look on his face, "Many beasts like to bite people's clothes, Gun Gun also likes to bite Papa's clothes, they are all torn."

"It was Gongliang who provoked me, so I bit him. Who told him to keep kicking me and refusing to give me something delicious. Next time I refuse to give me something to eat, I will bite him to death and let him know that I am I'm so chubby, I'm not easy to bully."

Gongliang was speechless at this idiot.

"Young master," Yushu called from the side.

"What's wrong?" Gong Liang turned his head and asked.

Yushu said softly: "I heard that some rich people have this eccentricity and like to wear tattered clothes to pretend to be poor. When my father was there, a colleague always wore old mended clothes to go to court, and later cheated The emperor was beheaded, and hundreds of thousands of gold were confiscated from his home, nine mansions, more than a dozen large manors, and countless other scattered things, so rich."

"Well, some people do like to pretend to be poor."

Gong Liang nodded, not only now, but even in previous lives, many people like to pretend to be poor, crying all day that they are so poor that they almost have no money to eat, but in fact they have more money in their pockets than anyone else.On the contrary, some people who like to show off are cleaner in their pockets than their faces.

"Papa, is that man pretending to be poor?"

When Mi Gu heard Papa's words, he pointed to Uncle Li and asked.

Yushu, Yuan Gungun and Xiao Xiangxiang heard this and looked at Uncle Li.

Gong Liang looked at his downcast look, and then at the golden silk grass in his hand.That golden grass is a high-grade elixir and is very valuable.If he is rich, he does look poor on the surface.If it is said to be poor, it looks like it is rich. After all, that golden silk grass alone can sell a lot of spirit stones.

For a while, he couldn't judge, he shook his head and said: "I don't know, let's leave him alone, let's go back and talk about it."

"Papa, I want to eat a lot of delicious food." Mi Gu hugged Papa's neck and said charmingly.

Gong Liang hugged her and nodded her nose, "You greedy little guy, dad will make you lychee meat that you have never eaten before."

"Yeah," the little guy was so happy that he rubbed his papa's face and wagged his nine-colored tail. Papa treated her the best.

Yuan Gungun said disdainfully: I also have lychee meat.It glanced at Gongliang quietly, and seeing that he hadn't seen it, it moved its buttocks, blocked him and Migu behind, took out a lychee it had just hidden, and ate it, "Aw, ow, it's so sweet, so good." eat."

Xiao Xiangxiang was attracted by the unique aroma of lychees, and when she saw her good friend eating lychees, she called out, "Go ahead, I want to eat it too."

This time, all the eyes of Gongliang, Migu, and Yushu were attracted.

Seeing their looking eyes, Yuan Gun Gun hurriedly threw away the lychee shell and shouted, "I only have this lychee left."

Gongliang was speechless to this idiot, and didn't bother to care about it.Why is Migu not interested in eating its food?Papa wants to prepare a lot of delicious lychee meat for her.

Xiao Xiangxiang looked at her best friend, then lay down beside her chubby body again.It may be difficult to get something to eat from a good friend.After following Yuan Gun Gun for so long, it already has this awareness.

Uncle Li felt hurt when he heard what they said about himself. In order not to hear any more messy words, he quickly quickened his pace and walked out of the forest, but Xiuran was nowhere to be seen.

"Papa, that person is so fast!"

Seeing Uncle Li's disappearance suddenly, Mi Gu exclaimed.

Gongliang looked around, and found that the man was gone in a blink of an eye, and the speed was really fast.It seems that it should be some powerful sect with profound cultivation, who ran to the forest to play Fengchen.

It was almost noon, so he hurriedly asked Duoji to speed up and go back.

After a while, the black mammoth carried their figures and disappeared into the forest.

With the disappearance of a group of people, the mountain forest fell into silence.

The breeze is blowing, and the leaves are shimmering.Fragments of sunlight fell from above, shining on the grass and flowers in the forest through the gaps in the jungle, leaving speckled marks.A rat with a fluffy tail jumped down from an old mottled tree, picked up nuts on the ground, and ate them skillfully, the sound of tsk tsk was heard far away.


Suddenly, there was a strange sound next to it, and the timid mouse dropped the nuts in fright, and quickly ran up the tree. After a few ups and downs, it disappeared without a trace.

Uncle Li sat up from a bush and shook his head.I walked too fast and hit a tree just now, and my head was still a little dizzy.

At noon, Gongliang made the little guy the lychee he promised.

The lychee meat is easy to make, that is, peel the lychee and remove the core to take the meat (the flesh should not be torn apart, it should be kept in a complete round shape), then chop the small fragrant pork meat to taste, add egg liquid and yam powder three times and mix well , Beat until glued, and then stuff the glued small fragrant pork meat into the lychee meat coated with a layer of yam powder, and wipe the mouth after stuffing, so that the lychee meat looks the same as the freshly peeled one.

Then put the oil in the pot, put the stewed bone clear soup, season with sugar and crystal salt, and then put the lychee meat stuffed with small fragrant pork meat into it and cook.

After the lychees are cooked, scoop up the lychees and thicken them with soup and pour them on top.

Drops of oil glisten on the lychee meat coated with a layer of gravy, which looks like it is freshly peeled.

Take a bite, the sweetness of lychee meat, the fragrance of small fragrant dolphin, and the salty taste of crystal spiritual salt blend together evenly, making it very delicious.

With one hand, Mi Gu stuffed a piece of lychee meat into his small mouth, and ate slowly, bulging. With the other hand, he was still holding the fork with a piece of lychee meat on it to prepare.

After Yuan Gungun ate one, he scooped up the lychees and stuffed them into his mouth without stopping.Migu's eyes swelled up, and she wanted to do the same, but unfortunately her mouth was too small to hold it, so she could only stare fiercely at Yuangungun, if it dared to finish the lychee meat that Papa made for her, she would It must look good.

In the end, Yuan Gun Gun felt guilty when she saw it, and she only ate two pots, leaving a big pile to share with everyone, and Mi Gu let it go.

After eating and taking a rest, Gong Liang took the little guy to fly to Yanhuo Grotto, intending to find his senior brother to see if those rice transplanters and other things could be made.

It's okay to go to the Yanhuo Grotto this time, so I didn't bring Yuan Gun Gun them.

Yuan Gungun was so happy to sleep at home, but he didn't sleep for a while, when he heard the white lions calling outside, he ran out quickly.It secretly hid some lychee and lychee meat today, and it will definitely get a lot of spirit stones in exchange.This time the spirit stone can't be given to Gongliang, who told him to kick it last time, and give Migu some delicious food instead of it.

Sometimes the small-mindedness of foodies comes together, and the consequences are very serious and terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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