Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 861 Luming Mountain

Chapter 861 Luming Mountain

"Yo Yo Luming, the apple of the wild food. I have a guest, playing the lute and the sheng.

Blow the sheng and drum springs, and carry the basket as the general.People are kind to me, show me how to go around

Yo Yo Lu Ming, eat wild Artemisia.I have a guest, Deyin Kong Zhao.

Seeing that the people are not sympathetic, the gentleman is effective.I have purpose wine, guest-style Yan Yiao.

Yo Yo Lu Ming, eat wild Qin.I have guests, drums and drums.

The drums and zithers are harmonious and exquisite.I have a decree for wine, with the heart of a Yanle guest. "

This song "Xiaoya", which is quite popular in the Miaodao Xianzong, is about a master who entertained guests at Luming Mountain.

Luming Mountain is named because there are many deer in the mountain, and there are deer singing from time to time.

Gongliang came with a cloud, looked down from above, and saw Luming Mountain, with its majestic mountains and steep peaks.In the mountains, there are forests of pines and cypresses, verdant and verdant, and the streams and streams are calm and sounding. It is worthy of being a beautiful and spiritual mountain.

Luming Mountain is located between the nine peaks, it is not included in the three mountains, six caves, nine peaks and twelve immortal mansions of Miaodao Xianzong, but it is an existence that cannot be ignored.

Because on Luming Mountain, there is the Duzhiyuan for disciples to accept tasks and receive rewards, the Duguanyuan for Zongmen to enforce the law, the Gonggongyuan for assessing merit and calculating contribution points, the Siliyuan for managing disciples and Dongfu, and the military for external use. The Royal Kouyuan, and the Tiangongyuan and other institutions responsible for the construction, so the mountain has always been very lively.

At the foot of Luming Mountain, there is a tall archway with three big characters "Luming Mountain" written on it. Behind the archway is a straight road leading to various courtyards on the mountain.

Gongliang landed on Yuntou, stepped on the stone steps of the avenue, and walked to Duzhiyuan where he received the task.

On both sides of the straight and wide stone road leading to Luming Mountain, there are many palaces scattered here and there, which are where the various institutions of the sect are located.

Some of these places look deserted, while others are crowded.Because these institutions are arranged on Luming Mountain, it is convenient for the disciples of the sect to handle affairs, so there are many people coming and going, and disciples pass by Gongliang almost every second, but he still walks up the mountain at a leisurely pace. .

It wasn't the first time for Mi Gu and Yuan Gungun to see such a lively scene, but they couldn't help looking curiously at the sect disciples running past Gongliang and the tall palaces in front of them.

"Come here, the sect stipulates that large-scale spiritual pets are not allowed to go up the mountain, otherwise they will be severely punished."

Not long after passing the archway, Gong Liang and Mi Gu heard a cry from the side.

Turning his head and looking, he saw a large open space on the left, full of spiritual pets such as birds, beasts, fish, reptiles, and the like.

These spiritual pets were a little chubby, and they shouted loudly to remind them.

Among the sects, there are indeed many places where spiritual pets are prohibited from entering and leaving, and the same is true of the various institutions on Luming Mountain.So Gongliang asked Yuan Gungun and Xiao Xiangxiang to wait here.As for Mi Gu, she is not very old, nor is she a spiritual pet, but his darling, a caring little padded jacket.

The Duzhi Hall, which is in charge of all kinds of missions, is not far from Heming Mountain, and it is also the busiest place of Miaodao Xianzong.

The Duzhi courtyard is very large, shaped like a mouth, the highest point is the Duzhi hall, and there are halls in charge of various matters on the left and right sides.

When Gong Liang came to the hall where he received the task, he saw a huge jade screen hanging on the outer wall of the hall. There were a bunch of people standing in front of the screen, and messages kept scrolling across it:

"The Garnet House needs three spiritual planters and ten apprentices."

"Snake Hill needs several snake catchers."

"Meixi Valley needs several people for flower picking and wine making."

"The Yanhuo Cavern needs a few miners."

"A hundred herring demon guts are required."

"Need the high-grade elixir Purple Pearl Grass."

"Need top-grade elixir white-faced water chicken."

Gongliang stood outside for a while, and finally saw the news that Xiaodao needed someone to dig the salt mine, and hurried inside, but almost collided with a girl who turned around in front.

"Hey, why are you here?" Gong Liang asked in surprise when he saw the girl.

This girl is Ying'er who came to Miaodao Xianzong with him in the giant tortoise pavilion on the way. Originally, there were two attendants by her side, but for some reason they were not there today. She is in her arms.

The reason why he was surprised was because he felt that the new entry disciple should still be in the Twelve Immortal Mansion, how could he come out?

He didn't even think about how long it had been since the sect's assessment, so how could he not come out.


Ying'er glanced at Gongliang, but ignored her, and proudly raised her chin, walking forward, but Yan in her arms looked up.

Gongliang didn't know what was wrong with her, so he didn't answer her questions, which was really rude.He ignored her at the moment and continued to walk towards the main hall.But when he entered the main hall, he looked back at the square outside the hall and found some familiar faces.It seems that the assessment disciples have already started and can receive the mission of the sect.

Entering the main hall, Gong Liang found that the left and right sides of the main hall where the tasks were received were empty, with only a row of half-height counters in the middle and a row of cabinets behind.

There were a lot of people who came to the main hall to receive the task, and they all lined up. Fortunately, there were several people working behind the counter, and the speed was very fast.

After a while it was Gongliang's turn, and the middle-aged man behind the counter asked, "What task do you want to receive?"

"I want to mine on Xiaodao." Gong Liang replied.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man glanced at him, "Your cultivation level is enough, but the salt mine is located in the cave under the sea, it is extremely cold, and you need a fire talisman to protect you, can you bring it? "

"Bring it." Gong Liang took out the red-red wooden card given to him by his master and said.

"A talisman made of flame wood? I didn't expect you to have such a good thing, so you can go to Xiaodao and take out your identity token."

Gong Liang quickly took out the token and handed it over.

The middle-aged man pinched the seal with his hand, printed a message on it, and returned it to him, "I have already printed the task information on it, you can go back and check it yourself. Although this task is hard, the rewards are rich. Not only can you get top-grade Spiritual salt, you can also get contribution points, which can be said to serve multiple purposes. But you must do what you can, high-grade spiritual salt is not easy to dig. I have printed the route information to Xiao Xiao Island together, how to go to see it yourself, now you can Let's go, next one."

"Thank you senior for your pointer."

Gong Liang cupped his hands and walked out of the hall.

He hadn't been to Luming Mountain before, so he walked around to familiarize himself with various institutions, so that he wouldn't be able to find the door next time he came over for something.

After strolling around, he walked down the mountain, but he bumped into Ying'er again on the way.

Seeing him, Ying'er turned her head away, hugged the rabbit-shaped Yan, and walked away proudly.

Gong Liang didn't even know what was wrong with her, so he didn't bother to talk to her and continued walking.He also didn't think about it, when he came to Miaodao Xianzong Road, he also ignored people, why did they ignore him?

He called Yuan Gun Gun back to the place where the spiritual pets were placed, and Gong Liang took them back to the valley, and then released a divine sense to probe the token.

In an instant, a message came into his mind, which recorded the mission he had received and the route to Xiao Xiao Island.

After Gongliang saw it, he was not in a hurry to go to Xiaodao to dig salt, but to arrange various matters in the valley first.

First of all, I told Mr. Gongjia, Mr. Chengyuan, Mr. Ji, and others that I have to do tasks during this time, and asked them to help take care of the valley; in addition, I told Kou Ziyi that I can hand over the machine directly to Mr. Ji in the future In addition, he also told the three sisters of the Yan family that when he was away, they could go to the home of Elingyu's sister-in-law to practice, instead of staying in the valley all the time.He also asked the three of them if they wanted to go there, and if so, he could send them there.

Unexpectedly, none of the three of them wanted to go there, they only wanted to practice in the valley.

Firstly, E Lingyu had approved them to practice here, and secondly, although E Lingyu was kind to them, other people's home was not their home after all, and it felt like being dependent on others, which was very uncomfortable, and the three of them didn't want to go at all.

Seeing that they persisted, Gong Liang didn't try to persuade them any more.

Because he had to go out and didn't know how long it would take to come back, he made a bunch of food as food.Part of it was reserved for the three sisters, and some spirit stones were given to Mr. Gongjia and the others so that they could buy whatever they wanted, so that no one would say that his master was harsh.

After finishing everything, he took Mi Gu, Yuan Gun Gun and Xiao Xiang Xiang to the beach to take the boat leading to Xiao Island.

Miaodao Xianzong is a large island, surrounded by the sea on three sides, and although one side is close to the land, there is a wide Wangyuan River in the middle.

The boat to Xiaodao only needs to sit at the pier outside the mountain gate. Last time, Gong Liang was brought here by the ferryman senior and did not pass by the pier. This time, he had a taste of the scenery of the pier.Looking around, a straight stone road leads to the river.

Along the river, large boats docked in an orderly manner on the sea surface and on the pier. There were people going up and down, and a burly and powerful warrior kept moving goods from above and putting them on the pier.On the pier, another famous warrior moved things onto the backs of beast carts, birds, giant tortoises, etc., and drove them towards the Zongnei.There are huge people who directly carried it on their backs and ran into the sect.

The pier was busy, the sea breeze was blowing gently, a few beautiful birds were flying against the blue water, it was so beautiful!

 No appointment, only one chapter.There will be a power outage during the day tomorrow and an update at night.Starting the day after tomorrow, see if there are 15 this month.



(End of this chapter)

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