Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 870 Small Spirit Vein

Chapter 870 Small Spirit Vein

Gongliang kept picking up the blue lobsters entrenched on the coral reef.

At first, because there were a lot of lobsters on the coral reefs, and it was done secretly, it was not noticed by the surrounding lobsters.But as he collected more and more lobsters, the lobster colony entrenched on the coral reef vacated a large area and became very eye-catching, and was immediately noticed by the largest lobster in the middle.

The huge blue lobster looked down, but found nothing. After observing for a while, it looked away.

Gongliang is not a fool, he realized that something was wrong, so he hurried to the other side where the lobsters were densely packed to collect lobsters.

He didn't know that although there were mirage beads covering his breath and hiding his body, the number of lobsters on the coral reefs disappeared every moment, but it was real.

The huge blue lobster seems to look away, but in fact it is staring at the surrounding situation all the time. Seeing another lobster disappearing on the coral reef, it jumps instantly, and the blue light moves in an instant. place to stab.

Gongliang sensed that something was wrong, and the divine thunder moved, and immediately fled to the distance with the little Migu in his arms.

When he stopped and looked back, he saw a huge blue lobster appearing where he was just now. A pair of sharp horns stabbed fiercely into the ground, and white light flew out, plowing a deep ditch in the ground.

Gong Liang was dumbfounded, he didn't expect the giant blue lobster to be so powerful.

Come and go without a trace, you can be an assassin.

The huge cyan lobster turned around for a while, and after finding no one, it returned to the center of the coral reef and lay down on its stomach.

Gongliang watched from a distance for a while, and waited for the giant blue lobster to relax his vigilance before running back to the coral reef to collect the blue lobster.There are so many lobsters here, if you don't take them back to eat, how can you be worthy of your conscience?

The people from Uncle Long and the captured people in the space were all beaming with joy as they ate the seafood he took in.

Especially those from the Long Bo Country, they feel that the master is too kind to them, knowing that they have big stomachs, so they specially catch such a big lobster for them to eat.

Master, this kind of lobster tastes so good!

The giant blue lobster soon found that the number of lobsters on the coral reef decreased. After careful observation, Xiu Ran jumped up and stabbed out his sharp horns, like a swordsman stabbing an incredible sword. No one can imagine the beauty of this sword , This sword is peerless, this sword is gentle and lonely.

Thunder flash.

A flash of thunder flashed, and Gong Liang disappeared from where he was.

The sharp thorns on the top of the giant lobster's head separated the heavy water waves, pierced into the bottom of the sea, and plowed out a wide and deep groove on the ground.

In an instant, the silt surged, and the blue sea water became black at this moment, but as the current surged, the black sea water gradually became clear again.The giant cyan lobster didn't find the elusive enemy, so it returned to the coral reef to lie down.But the swarm of blue lobsters who had been quietly staying on the edge of the coral reef began to become uneasy.

I saw lobsters jumping up and shooting at each other from time to time.

After landing at the place where the opponent jumped up, he jumped up to shoot again and returned to the original position.

This is obviously to prevent the blue lobster from being caught again, but unfortunately this kind of defense is of no use to Gongliang.

After staying by the side for a while, seeing the huge blue lobster quiet down, he ran over to collect the lobster again.In order to prevent the giant blue lobster from making trouble again, he took out the demon-binding rope, tied the huge blue lobster tightly, and then quickly harvested the blue lobster on the coral reef.

Qinglan Lobster had been ordered to shoot at each other by the giant Qinglan Lobster, but was disturbed by him at this time, and fled in all directions in fright.

Gongliang hurriedly collected the blue lobsters, but many escaped.

Fortunately, there are huge blue lobsters, which can be regarded as a small gain.

Although the huge blue lobster was bound by the demon-binding rope, it was not willing to let it be bound, and kept struggling.But what kind of thing is the demon-binding rope, and how can it be a small crayfish that can break free.Gong Liang came to its side, saw its ferocious appearance, pointed at its head, and started his Ben Lei finger. With a sound of "嘙", a big hole appeared in the head of the huge blue lobster, and it seemed that it could not die anymore. .

Gong Liang originally thought that using the Thunder method in water would conduct electricity, but he didn't expect to use Shen Lei Dun, Thunder Flash and Ben Lei Finger in succession. He didn't know the principle, but electricity can conduct electricity in water.

It seems that a lot of physical knowledge from previous lives is useless in this world.

Also, is this world still cultivating immortals?If it was placed in the previous life, it is estimated that he would be arrested and taken to a mental hospital for a while before being released.

This huge blue lobster is full of aura, which is different from other lobsters, so when Gong Liang took it in, he specifically told the people of Long Bo country not to eat it, otherwise those stupid big ones would have to dismember this thing.

Putting away the huge blue lobster, Gong Liang suddenly discovered that the place where the huge blue lobster lay on its stomach turned out to be a small spirit vein. Although it was extremely weak, there was also a spirit gushing out, no wonder the lobster group would be entrenched here.

It's a pity that he can't take it away, so he can only look at it for nothing.

After looking at it for a while, I wanted to turn around and leave, and suddenly remembered that last time Ji Bo said that he had the power of merit.Although not many, it shouldn't be a problem to receive such a small spiritual vein.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, so Gong Liang took Mi Gu into the fruit space and asked Ji Bo if he could accept it.

In the space, the people of Uncle Long and a group of arrested people happily ate the seafood that Gongliang collected. Although the twin brothers and sisters Shuangzhi didn't eat it, they liked to join in the fun.Zhu Ji was also at the side, stroking his long beard and watching with a smile.

When Gong Liang entered the space, the Longbo people and a group of arrested people saw it, and called out "Master" loudly.

The twin Shuangzhi brothers and sisters found their good friend coming in, and immediately ran over, holding the good friend's hand, screaming and dancing, "Yi Ya Ya, Yi Ya Ya", very happy.It's no wonder they are like this, it's because Mi Gu hasn't come in for a long time.

In the Miaodao Xianzong, Gongliang was afraid that someone would find out that the fruit space existed, so he usually communicated with the space with his spiritual consciousness and never entered it.

Gong Liang pressed his hands and let the people from the Long Bo Kingdom and a group of captured people continue to eat, and then they stopped their shouting.

After looking at the abundant seafood on the table, he also grabbed a half-meter-long prawn and ate it. While eating, he told Zhu Ji about the little spirit vein.

Zhu Ji thought for a while and said, "I've never seen it before, and I don't know if your merits and virtues can offset the backlash from accepting that small spiritual vein."

"It's not easy, and you can't go out, what do you think?" Gong Liang scratched the back of his head, not knowing what to do.

"Can you see the outside scenery from the inside?" Zhu Ji asked.

"Tried it before, it didn't work."

Gong Liang shook his head. Before entering the space, he also thought about whether he could see things outside, but it was a pity that he tried, but it was useless.But with the imprint of the mind, he can communicate with the little guy.

"Have you tried it recently?" Zhu Ji asked again.


"Then try it."

I can't watch it, what else can I try?

Gong Liang muttered, still following Zhu Ji's words, and looked out intently.Suddenly, he found that this world seemed to be different, he was like the master of the fruit space, he could get whatever he wanted, and he had never felt this way before.

It felt weird, but very real.

Gongliang was surprised, so he tried to grab the big colorful rooster that was pecking the fallen green mulberries in the green mulberry forest. This thing was very arrogant before and almost caught him, but now it just happened to take revenge.

The colorful big rooster and Bazhen chicken led a group of small Bazhen chickens to peck green mulberries in the forest. Suddenly, they found that their feet were caught, and they immediately pecked down, but they pecked in vain.What's horrifying is that my feet were caught and lifted upside down, but no one was able to see the person catching it.

Such a weird situation scared it to "cluck and giggle" loudly.

Gongliang didn't expect it to be able to do it, his eyes are bright, and with this function, it will be much more convenient to do things in the future.

He remembered that he couldn't do it when he was in a low realm, and he probably only appeared when he entered the Hualing realm.

After scaring the colorful rooster for a while, Gong Liang let it go, and turned to look out.In an instant, the scenery in the sea came into view one by one.

"Ji Bo, I can see outside now." Gong Liang's eyes widened, as if he was stating the facts, but at the same time he seemed to be unable to believe what he saw.

"Okay, then I will communicate with you with my spiritual thoughts and observe the spiritual veins. You must not resist, otherwise I will be fascinated."

"Ji Bo, don't worry, I know."

After Gongliang finished speaking, he let go of the sea of ​​consciousness and let Zhuji's spiritual thoughts come in.But Zhu Ji didn't enter the sea of ​​consciousness, but communicated with his eyes with an inexplicable magical method, and looked out.

(End of this chapter)

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