Chapter 874 One Hundred Thirteen Thousand 610 Four Mu

Obviously, Gongliang was thinking too much.

After the dragon absorbs water and is formed, affected by the strong wind and the swirl of dark clouds in the sky, it keeps getting thicker and bigger, forming a terrifying hurricane whirl.The sea water was continuously sucked up into the air by the hurricane, forming a thick water column, and the fish, animals, and debris on the sea surface were also swept away from the water, spinning rapidly.

The rapidly expanding hurricane brought the supreme wind force, from far to near, approaching Xiao Island.

On the sea surface, gusts of wind pushed the waves, and they kept rushing to the shore, one wave after another, one wave after another, and each wave was higher than the other.

The huge waves set off a raging wave of hundreds of feet, washed up on the beach, flowed through the woods, and rushed towards the island.

Suddenly, a huge shell was swept by the hurricane and flung towards Lingxiao Town, but just as it approached, it was smashed to pieces by a sword flying from the town's inn.

The hurricane is getting closer, and the huge wind is blowing from a distance, bringing the sound of hunting wind.

Seeing the approaching hurricane, Gongliang felt that he could no longer stay in the station, so he wanted to take Migu and the others to hide in the cave where Zongmen's salt was mined.Suddenly, a light and shadow on the mountain flew towards the hurricane.

As the light and shadow approached the hurricane, a bright and cold light erupted, turning into a huge sword, and slashing towards the hurricane from top to bottom.


With a loud noise, the hurricane was smashed by the giant sword and disappeared without a trace.

The sea water, fish and beasts in the sea, all kinds of coral stones and dead branches that were swept up by the hurricane also fell from the air, and piled up a hill not far from the shore.

The hurricane disappeared, but the strong wind on the sea remained, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and frightening thunder flashed.

Gusts of wind pushed huge waves one after another, like thousands of horses and horses, rushing towards the beach continuously, making an overwhelming bang.

Some leaves and dead branches were blown towards Lingxiao Town by the strong wind, falling everywhere.

At some point when the sect's resident was stationed, a mask was raised to tightly protect the station.

Gongliang originally wanted to hide in the seabed caves where the salt was mined, but seeing this, he was relieved a lot.

The dark clouds in the sky in the distance became thicker and thicker, and in an instant, a huge thundercloud fell down, making a terrifying "empty rumble" sound, shaking earth and rocks from the mountain, shaking the ground, like the end of the world.

Gongliang looked at the huge thunder that struck down, felt the radiant power of heaven, his mind was moved, and he entered the unfathomable realm, as if he had enlightened.

Huge lightning strikes the sea surface, a large number of fish and beasts died and surfaced, covering a sea area.

After the thunder, thumb-thick raindrops fell from the sky, and the rain poured down.

The garrison was guarded by formations, but it was not rained at all and was blocked outside.

But the sound of the huge rain still woke Gong Liang up. When he came back to his senses, the lightning in his eyes had hurt him, and his cultivation had improved a step.

Seeing the heavy rain outside, Gongliang knew that he couldn't go out today, so he took Migu and the others back to the house.

The storm lasted for a day and a night, and when I woke up the next day, there was still some light rain, and it was not until Gong Liang and Mi Gu finished their breakfast that the sky cleared.Thinking of yesterday's hurricane and big waves that would bring fish and animals ashore, Gong Liang felt that there should be something to gain from the sea, so he took Migu and them to the sea.

In a short while they came to the place where the hurricane was split by the great sword.

Those fish, beasts, reefs, corals, wood and other things that were rolled up from the sea by the hurricane fell everywhere, and the rolled up sea water formed a small lake on the ground.Because after a day and night, many fish and beasts that were rolled up had died, so Gong Liang put them away and threw them directly into the small black pool to decompose, and the fruit space expanded rapidly.

Of course, among the things swept up by the hurricane, there are also some fish and beasts that have not yet died.

He chose some larger and more delicious meat to eat for the people of the Longbo country, and pickled the rest to eat slowly.

In addition to fish and animals in the sea, there are also some aquatic products and sundries in the sea such as corals and sea urchins.Because it was useless, Gong Liang didn't keep it, and threw it all into the small black pool to decompose.

Yuan Gungun came to the place and looked around curiously.

Migu even flew on a pile of things with Optimus Prime as he wished, poking left and right, but he didn't know what he was poking.

Xiuran, when the little guy saw a strange fish moving under a pile of dead fish, he immediately flew over and grabbed his tail to look at it, then he flew over excitedly and showed off to Papa: "Babababa, look, I caught it A weird fish."

Gong Liang, who was busy collecting things to expand the space, heard the little guy's words, turned his head and saw a palm-sized manta ray in the little guy's hand.

The manta ray has a trace of aura on its body, its color is like creamy white jade, its abdomen looks like a smiling face, its head is slightly raised, and its innocent eyes are blinking, it looks very cute.

When Gong Liang saw the manta ray, his heart moved. If he could raise this manta ray, wouldn't he have something to ride on in the water?

So, he said to the little guy: "This is a manta ray, it can grow very big, can I be your spiritual pet?"

Mi Gu took a look at the manta ray, and said disgustedly: "Fish is ugly, I don't want it."

Gong Liang rolled his eyes, turned his head to Yuan Gun Gun and asked, "Do you want this manta ray to be your spiritual pet?"

Yuan Gungun stepped forward to have a look, and shouted, "No, it's too small to eat."

Gongliang didn't even know what to say about this idiot. Could it be that the purpose of keeping spiritual pets is to eat?If this is the case, the spiritual pet of the sect is too sad.

Since neither of them wanted spiritual pets, Gong Liang accepted them himself.

To be honest, if the manta ray hadn't grown up with a broad back for riding and a fast swimming speed in the water, he might not have caught his eye.

Immediately, he collected some fresh blood from an undead sea beast nearby, and engraved the psychic pattern on the forehead of the manta ray.

This manta ray was obviously just born, ignorant, and had no desire to resist, so it was easily subdued.If it encounters resisting beasts, the psychic flame pattern cannot be engraved so smoothly.At that time, it is very likely to cause damage to the inscribed beasts, and it will also injure the inscribed person.

However, according to Gongliang's current strong spiritual consciousness, this kind of situation is impossible to happen.

After the inscription was finished, the manta ray became close to Gongliang, fawning over him constantly by wagging his fleshy tail.

Gongliang found a rock and hollowed it out, filled it with some sea water, and put it in the space for raising.As for what to do, we will talk about it later.

There are many sea animals swept up by the hurricane, including more than a dozen manta rays, huge sea animals that look like seals and pigs, and some water rhinos, sea turtles, and big fish begging for food in the sea.

If these things were completely dead, Gong Liang threw them directly into the small black pool, and if they were still bleeding or alive, they put them in the space for the people of Longbo to eat, and the rest were pickled and stored.

After collecting the things that were swept up by the hurricane, Gong Liang took Migu and them to the beach, and was shocked by the things on the beach.

At this time, the beach was completely gone from the smoothness, softness and delicateness of yesterday, and it was a mess, with figures of fish and beasts in the sea everywhere.

Looking around, the beach is covered with huge abalones and spiny lobsters, sea animals, sea fish, starfish, sea cucumbers and other sea creatures are everywhere. The most amazing thing is that there is even a dragon whale. The huge body of the dragon whale directly occupies a large area. section of beach.

The dragon whale seemed to have been struck by lightning, its body was scorched black, with bloody wounds everywhere, and it was unknown what happened yesterday.

Gongliang looked at it and put it away.

You know, these are treasures that expand the space.

Just like collecting the sea objects swept up by the hurricane before, he threw all the dead sea objects and sundries into the small black pool to decompose, and received the fresh ones in the space for the Long Bo people to deal with.

Looking at the seafood flying into the space, the people from the Longbo Kingdom and those who were captured were all happy from ear to ear. Today they can eat seafood again.

Today, Gongliang can be said to have harvested a lot. The sea food pushed up by the huge waves was terribly dense, covering the beach densely, so that he wanted to store seafood in one step, and he didn't have to go to the sea to find it.

There are really many things on the beach. He collected more than 500 abalones in three arms alone, more than 2000 in two arms, more than 4000 in one arm, and countless small ones.But the ones that were too small were thrown into the sea by him, and let it multiply.

In addition to abalone, there is also a kind of spiny lobster that is more deadly, but most of them are dead, and few are alive.

After the small black pool was decomposed with a lot of things, the spatial decomposition expanded rapidly, from 7 mu to 610 mu, to [-] mu, and then to [-] mu before stopping. It can be seen that Gongliang What an amazing harvest this time.

(End of this chapter)

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