Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 901 Insect Pests

Chapter 901 Insect Pests

"Not good, not good."

Suddenly, a barren man ran out of the lush green rice field grabbing a clump of spiritual rice and shouted in panic.

Gongliang, Mr. Gongjia, Mr. Chengyuan, Mr. Ji and others heard the words and looked over.

Ji Lao asked calmly: "What's going on?"

"Look." The barren man respectfully offered the spiritual rice.

Ji Lao took the Lingdao and began to observe. Gong Liang, Mr. Gong Jia and others also came to watch.

Looking carefully, they found that although the clump of spiritual rice still looks green on the surface, in fact, the inner vitality has been lost, and the body and spirit are withered, gradually showing a haggard look.In just a short while, the leaf tips of this clump of spiritual rice lost their vitality and became withered, as if being burned by fire.

Ji Lao frowned, based on his experience in dealing with Linggu for countless years, he couldn't see what was going on with Linggu?

It is said that it is a disease, but there is no sign of disease; it is said that it is a pest, but there is no trace of pest;

"Is there a lot of spiritual rice in this situation?" Ji Lao asked.

"Not much, just a small piece." The barren man replied.

"Then go pull it out and burn it, so as not to spread and destroy the spiritual rice in the field." Ji Lao commanded calmly like a veteran in the army.


The barren man was about to turn around to pull out the spiritual rice, but he saw a barren man running from the side in a panic and said, "It's not good, a large piece of rice seedlings in the field are dying for some reason. Spreading side by side, the speed is very fast."

When Ji Lao heard the words, he immediately flew up in the air, and flew in the direction of the dying spiritual rice that the barren man said.

Gong Liang hurriedly soared into the air with Mr. Gong Jia and others, and chased after him.

Looking down from the sky, ten thousand mu of rice fields can be seen, and not far from where they were just now, there is a piece of withered and yellow spiritual rice spreading in all directions at a rapid speed.

Ji Lao took a look at the sky, then flew to the spiritual field, pulled up a stalk of spiritual rice that was about to wither and turned yellow, and inspected it.

Mr. Gongjia, Mr. Cheng Yuan and others also pulled out a plant and stood up to look at it.

Gong Liang also casually pulled out a Lingdao plant from the side and looked at it.

Mr. Ji checked for a while, and found that it was still the same as before, and there was no disease or pest, and a horizontal line with the word "three" wrinkled on his forehead.Look again, seeing that the cause of the disease cannot be found, I tore the rice seedlings from the middle, checked bit by bit, but still couldn't find anything.

"Oh!" Ji Lao sighed.

This sound seemed to take away all his strength, his body was shaking, and he was on the verge of falling, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

Gongliang hurried forward to support him, and said concernedly: "Old Ji, are you alright?"

Ji Lao rubbed his eyes, waved his hands and said, "It's nothing, but the little old man is ashamed of you! After dealing with Lingtian for so many years, I can't see what kind of disease this Lingtian is suffering from!"

"Why did Mr. Ji say that? There are endless pests and diseases, and who dares to say he knows all of them? You don't need to feel guilty at all. According to the inventory in Guzhong, even if the Lingtian fields in Guzhong fail to harvest several times, you won't be afraid of not being able to eat them. You can rest assured."

"Sigh, it's the little old man's lack of ability. It would be great if Mr. Gu Liang was here. If he was still in the Miaodao Xianzong, even if he couldn't see the disease, he would definitely be able to eradicate it. We don't have to lose so much spiritual rice? "

"Who is Mr. Gu Liang?"

"Mr. Gu Liang created the lineage of Lingzhi masters, he can be regarded as the ancestor of Lingzhi masters."

"Is he still alive?"

"I don't know. I haven't heard from him for a long time. It should be Shengxian!"

When Mr. Ji said this, he stopped quickly and told the barren man, "Quickly go and pull out those diseased spiritual plants, so as not to infect other spiritual plants."

After hearing his words, the desolate people rushed to the fields to pull out the diseased spiritual rice.

It's just that Gongliang is not optimistic about this. According to what he saw in the air, this season's Linggu should be a failure.

Because the spiritual rice disease spread so fast, barren people couldn't pull it out.

Mr. Gongjia and Mr. Chengyuan are still watching the diseased rice seedlings carefully, intending to help find the disease.Seeing them like this, Ji Lao pulled up another rice seedling to check.There is no way to rely on external forces for this disease, because once the spiritual fields outside encounter this kind of disease, they can only wait for the spiritual rice in the spiritual fields to wither slowly, there is no other way.

At first, Mr. Ji and the others went to see it several times when the disease came, and they were well aware of the situation, so now they can only rely on themselves.

Gong Liang also picked up the rice seedlings and continued to look at them. After observing for a while, he found that the Lingdao disease was not like other diseases, only spots and dead leaves appeared, but was caused by the slow loss of vitality in the body.The cause of this situation is nothing more than the fact that the roots cannot absorb nutrients from the soil, or there is something parasitic in the rice seedlings that absorbs the aura, otherwise this situation would never have happened.

It's just that he took a look, and there are no such two situations in Lingdao, so what's going on?

Gong Liang felt strange, and unconsciously sank his spiritual consciousness into the spiritual rice.

In an instant, he seemed to be inside the Lingdao, and looking around, he saw streams of vitality continuously flowing down the Lingdao like blood vessels.

This is strange, generally, the roots absorb the vitality and aura from the earth veins to support the upper part of the stalk and leaf veins.When did the vital aura that became the veins of the upper stalks flow to the roots?This is not dead.

Gongliang was very surprised, so he walked down along with the vital aura flowing to the roots.

Walking and walking, when I came to the root, I suddenly found that all the vitality and aura had merged into a small black spot like fine sand in the center of the root of the Lingdao.

What is this?

Gongliang grabbed it casually, but found a greedy desire to eat him coming from the little black grain.

In fact, Xiao Hei Li did the same, a devouring force constantly biting at his spiritual consciousness that had entered Lingdao.

Gongliang quickly threw the little black grain out and returned to his body.According to what we saw just now, the rice seedling should have been infested by insects.Because the little black grain has a will to devour his consciousness. Although this will is weak, it is at least a symbol of life.

Find the source and things will be easy to handle.

Gong Liang looked intently at the rhizome of Lingdao, and after searching for a while, he finally found the insignificant pest that was smaller than a grain of sand and wanted to devour his consciousness.

He took out a jade spoon as white as jade and picked up the worms for Mr. Gongjia and others to see.

They didn't expect that the thing that ruined Miaodao Xianzong's spiritual field was a bug that couldn't be smaller.

But after watching for a while, he frowned.Because this thing is so small, it is almost invisible to the naked eye.It's not easy to deal with such a small thing.Ji Lao used his familiar insect-killing techniques to kill the insects, but found that there was no way to kill them.

Because the bugs are too small, even the insecticide can't be aimed at the target.

If you can't even get rid of insects, then you will be in trouble.

Because it is not allowed to spray medicine on the spiritual field, it will not only harm the spiritual valley, but also destroy the spiritual field, so magic spells are generally used to eliminate insects.But it is difficult to control the Fajue to kill insects so finely without destroying the spiritual rice.

Mr. Gongjia and Mr. Chengyuan also tried to kill the insects by their own methods, but unfortunately they were unable to do anything.

Gongliang tried it, but it didn't work.Because he has not been able to control his skill to such a fine level, and he has to kill the bugs without harming the rice seedlings.Even Yanhuo couldn't help it.Because this thing is not only not afraid of flames, it can even devour it.

For a moment, everyone was helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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