Reborn Primitive Age

Chapter 91 Still Lonely

Chapter 91 Still Lonely

At night, it seemed very quiet.

Looking up, the dark blue sky is so charming.

There are bright little stars flashing in the sky, and they gather more and more, as if dancing on the blue silk, and talking to people with blinking eyes.

A bonfire, burning blazingly under the towering giant tree, surrounded by a lifeless world covered in snow and mist, only the passionate stars in the sky are telling unknown words.

Gong Liang sat on the animal skin by the campfire, with Yuan Gun Gun and Chick next to him.

He followed the previous shaman's records, all the way to the east, and he walked eastward for an unknown how long. He forgot the year and month, and only knew that it was dark and dark.

Along the way, there is snow everywhere.

The earth is covered with silver and white, and the sky and the earth are connected into a line, blurring the boundary. Only the string of footprints behind him, like fine flowers, are dotted on the corner of the ground, becoming a quiet comment.

Such a world is like a representative of loneliness and despair.If it was another person, he would probably have already gone crazy.Fortunately, Gongliang is not that kind of person.On the contrary, he kind of likes this cold and lonely world.In this cold world, he seemed to feel the most burly existence in the world, the eternity of life.

To be honest, he is not a cheerful person, he is a bit introverted, so he is not good at talking to people, usually he just likes to watch quietly, sit quietly, and ponder some things quietly.

To put it in common language, he is actually a kind of boring and coquettish man.

It seemed that mother was in a bad mood today, and the chick raised its head and called out "tweet, tweet, tweet" in concern, and Gong Liang patted its head to show that it was fine.

Looking at the stars in the sky, for some reason, Gong Liang suddenly wanted to chant a poem, so he read it aloud:

"Whoever abandons me shall not stay in the day of yesterday;

Those who disturb my heart are so troubled today.

Changfeng Wanli sent Qiuyan, which can be a tall building.

Penglai's article was Jian'an Bone, and the middle Xie was clear again.

Ju Huaiyi, thriving and thinking of flying, want to go to the blue sky and embrace the bright moon.

The water will flow even more when the knife is cut off, and the sorrow will be relieved by a toast.

Life is unsatisfactory in the world, and the Ming Dynasty spread out boats. "

It seems that he is still lonely.

Early the next morning, after packing up his things and looking at the direction of the sun, Gong Liang continued to set off.

The roads are not all white. Some giant trees are covered in green by snow and become pure white silver. If you are not careful, you will not be able to find them at all.

Gongliang's all the way to the east is based on the sun.If there is no sun, he can only stop and wait until the next time the sun comes out, or if he strays off the road, he does not know how long it will take to walk back.

Along the way, he climbed over mountains and ridges, waded through frozen creeks, and crossed icy streams.Occasionally, when encountering a fierce beast, he would kill it conveniently.If you encounter a tyrannical one, you can only avoid it.Fortunately, in this cold weather, most of the ferocious beasts were hiding in their lairs, and not many were encountered.There was only one most dangerous time, when I encountered a group of hungry and crazy earth mole that came out to look for food.

These things, like sheep, have four horns, thin bodies, but white all over, they run extremely fast on the snow, and there are many of them.

That battle was really easy to kill.

Blood was everywhere, and intestines were flying.The snow was covered with blood marks of plum blossoms.

That time Gongliang was injured a little, and he had to rest for a week to recover.

These soil mole are not considered powerful, but they are flexible and fast, and they attack as fast as lightning, and there is no trace at all.He also took them one by one based on feeling. If he was wearing an armor made of ten thousand forging steel, his life was in danger that time.However, in the end, they retreated due to the large number of casualties.After all, he is not easy to mess with.

Another morning.

Climb up a hill and take a deep breath. The cool air makes you feel refreshed, refreshed, and extremely comfortable.

Looking around, Gong Liang was about to go down, when he suddenly found that the slope of the hill was slightly sloping, and below it was a wide and deep ditch covered with snow, with few trees beside it.

Isn't this a natural ski resort?

Gongliang felt so stupid, why didn't he think about skiing?If you can slide all the way down, you don't have to walk so hard, you are so stupid.


Yuan Gun Gun shouted at the side, why didn't he leave.

Gongliang knelt down and hugged Yuan Gungun, and said, "I'll show you something fun to play with, you'll definitely like it."

Looking around, he found a giant tree, and Gong Liang ran to chop it down.

There happened to be enough nails left over from making tables and chairs in the space, not to mention an ax and a chisel, so he made a simple sled.It is nothing more than a chair with two large wooden boards added underneath.However, he also added a wooden board in front of the sled to keep out the wind and snow, and there was a wooden wheel under the front, which was connected to the steering wheel, and was intended to be used to control the direction.

It looks like a tricycle with no roof and no wheels.

There is no one who can make this kind of sled.

When it was finished, he also spread a layer of animal skin on the seat of the sled so that it would not be too hard to sit on.

When everything was ready, he sat on the sled with Yuan Gungun in his arms. Feeling that this was not possible, he took something to tie him and Yuan Gungun together, and the chick was stuffed in the clothes on his chest.

"Go, watch me take you flying."

After Gong Liang finished speaking, he leaned forward with a chubby body, and the sled suddenly tilted forward and slid down.

A gust of wind hit his face, shaved his skin cold.The chubby hair is fluttering, looking so chic and elegant, extraordinary.But in fact, Yuan Gungun was a little scared in his heart, and the more he looked at it, the more scared he became.The sled slid forward quickly, and small mounds flew behind him. Gong Liang felt extremely refreshed. This is the right way to go.

A hill suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was about to hit it, Yuan Gungun was so frightened that he almost peed.

Gongliang looked at it, turned the wooden steering wheel in his hand, and the sled slowly shifted direction, sliding to the left.

The chubby little heart expressed that it couldn't take it anymore, and didn't dare to look any further, so it simply turned around and hugged Gongliang.

It's fine for you to hug him, but why put your panda head on Gongliang's face?

"Get out of the way, don't block my face." Gong Liang yelled.


No, I don't want to let go.Yuan Gungun expressed that he was going to pee in fright, and he did not let go of his paws, but hugged him even tighter.

The sled was still gliding forward at a high speed, Gong Liang had no choice but to dodge the chubby panda's face and carefully look at the direction ahead.But the more he hid, the more nervous Yuan Gungun became, and finally he hugged Gongliang tightly with his feet.

This time, it completely blocked Gongliang's line of sight.

A hill in front of him, while dodging like a game with Yuan Roll, Gong Liang quickly turned the steering wheel and slid over.

Yuan Gungun moved his face closer again, and now Gong Liang was furious, and shouted loudly, "Can't you move your face away a little?"


no.Yuan Gungun hugged Gong Liang tightly.

Damn, when I stop the sled, I'll see you.

Suddenly, a mountain forest appeared in front of his eyes, because he was talking to Yuan Gungun, Gong Liang didn't pay attention, and he was about to bump into it.

It didn't look good, and he stepped on the sled quickly, and instantly soared into the sky.The sled moved forward quickly, and with a "bang", it slammed into the giant tree in front of it, and it was shattered beyond recognition.

Gong Liang fell to the ground, the inertia of his body made him fall forward.Yuan Gungun was pressed down by him, and screamed miserably.

(End of this chapter)

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