Chapter 93

A thick layer of fog shrouded the dense forest.

Rain, like silk threads, poured down from above.

Inside the house, a ball of flames was burning hotly, and an animal bone on it was continuously burned by the flames, turning from dry blood red to pale, and after a while, it turned to black again.

Gong Liang sat by the fire, staring closely at the Yanhei animal bones, and spit out a sentence of mysterious ancient sayings with inexplicable notes, ups and downs, and the sound of the surrounding rain became silent at this moment, leaving only a burst of Sound waves rippled out from the room.

The hot flame danced enchantingly, continuously roasting the animal bones.燚 (read: Italy)

Gradually, Yanhei's animal bones turned into flame red.

It seemed to be extremely hot, and the animal bones finally couldn't bear the ravages of the flames, and suddenly burst open.


It seems that the ancient Taoist sound resounded in the depths of the soul.

Gong Liang entered an indescribable state, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. In a misty space, the mountains were undulating, the jungle was dense, and the sky was pouring with heavy rain.The rain was so heavy, raindrops as thick as an egg splashed down from above, and the water in the jungle surged, and streams of water rushed in from outside, drowning half of the giant trees in the jungle.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he saw a wooden house on a giant tree in the jungle, which seemed to be where he lived.

The more intense the rain, the greater the force of the water, submerging the giant tree little by little, and it was about to reach the foot of the wooden house.

The rain suddenly stopped, and in a blink of an eye, the sun appeared in the sky.

The sun shone through the clouds and mist below.The flood that was about to submerge the forest washed away the waves, and when it was illuminated by the light, it immediately glowed with bright and colorful colors.

The scene ended there, Gongliang woke up from the indescribable state, and before he had time to recollect, he saw the animal bone in his hand turned into a pile of ashes.A sense of hunger came from his body, and before he had time to think about it, he quickly took out the ferocious beast meat boiled in the space ten thousand forging stainless steel furnace, and ate it ferociously.After eating a whole furnace of animal meat, he was relieved from this hunger.


Gong Liang hiccupped, turned his head, and saw Yuan Gun Gun and Xiao Ji Yuan staring at him with wide eyes.

It's not because of how he ate so much, but because they originally ate this furnace of beast meat together.Now he ate it alone, what did the two of them eat.

Sensing the doubts in their hearts, Gong Liang said, "Don't worry, I'll get you something delicious later."

Hearing that there was something to eat, Yuan Gungun went back to lie down on the animal skin without any worries, while the little chicken was walking around there curiously, not knowing what it was looking at.

Gong Liang put away the Wanduan Steel Furnace, and sat quietly by the campfire, thinking about the scene just now.The scene was so mysterious that he didn't know what to say.There has never been such a scene in the bone divination before. Most of them are through the cracks of the animal bones. Compared with the contents of the animal skin scroll of the way of bone divination given to him by the witch, what does it indicate?There is absolutely no such situation today.

Could it be that his bone divination ability has been strengthened to cause this situation?

Or is it true that the bone divination was wrong in the past?

No brains, no idea at all!

The witch is the same, it is better not to pass it on, let yourself enlighten yourself without saying anything, enlighten yourself!

Leaving other things aside, the energy consumed by the bone divination this time was really astonishing. Not only did it shatter a high-level animal bone, but it also consumed a lot of the pure Qi and blood in his body.Even after eating a batch of ferocious beast meat, I still feel empty and weak in my limbs.It seems that if there is no strong animal bone support in the future, or there is a huge amount of Qi and blood essence in the body, it is really impossible to easily bone divination.

Because this feeling is really uncomfortable.

The picture that appeared in my mind just now is also amazing, the heavy rain is really unheard of.

But the heavier the rain, the less sustainable it is.It used to be like this when it rained in my hometown. He has experience in this.

Just seeing that after the heavy rain, the water flooded the ground and almost flooded under the wooden house, which is a bit unbearable.It seems that I have to change the place, so as not to be really flooded.

After thinking for a while, Gong Liang walked out, ignoring the oncoming drizzle, and looked into the distance.

It was rainy and foggy, and I couldn't see too far away, but I could vaguely see a tall and straight mountain in front of me. The terrain over there should be able to avoid the heavy rain in the picture in my mind.Thinking about it, Gong Liang put away the things in the wooden house, as well as Yuan Gungun and the chicken, and took off the Wanduan steel armor he was wearing.

He must rush to the front mountain as soon as possible and build a wooden house before dark.

In fact, he can also live in the fruit space, but who knows how long it will rain, and he can't see the outside situation from inside.

Jumping off the giant tree, Gongliang quickly shuttled through the rain and fog, and was drenched by the rain after a while, but he still moved forward regardless.

I thought that the high mountain in front of me was not far away, but I didn’t know that after running for a few kilometers, I didn’t arrive. It seems that the ancients’ saying “Watching the mountain and running a dead horse” is not unreasonable. When I finally rushed to the mountain, it was already dark.

When he reached the mountain, he quickly took out the giant tree he cut down on the road from the space, and quickly built the wooden house.

Recently, he has gained experience in building a wooden house. He is familiar with his hands and feet, and he is very fast. When it is completely dark, he will build the wooden house.Like the one I just lived in, it is also a house with two floors of wooden walls.Because it is on the ground, it is specially built in the style of a stilted building to prevent the moisture below from rising and wet the ground of the wooden house.

Gongliang also dug a few ditches around the wooden house to drain the water down the mountain.

After everything was ready, he took a shower in the rain, and then went back to the house, took out the iron pan, lit the bonfire, and grilled the beast meat.After a while, a smell of meat filled the cabin.

Yuan Gun Gun and Xiao Ji immediately surrounded him.

Yuan Gungun screamed even more greedily, the little chicken is better, but he is just pecking at a piece of unroasted animal meat beside him, there is no way, it is all greedy.

When he woke up the next day, Gong Liang saw that the weather was not as heavy and majestic as he had predicted. Instead, it wasn't raining, but a misty white mist shrouded the world.

Could it be that the bones are wrong?Gong Liang scratched his head, thinking it was impossible! The picture of the bone divination yesterday was too real.

By noon, the fog cleared and the weather cleared.But without the sun, the weather became sweltering hot.

In the afternoon, the sky suddenly darkened.It was a kind of darkness, and it was almost impossible to see the surrounding things.This darkness continued into the night, and it began to rain.It was very small at first, then gradually grew bigger and bigger, and finally became the egg-thick rain line shown in the Gongliang bone divination.

The majestic torrential rain poured down crazily like the Milky Way, without stopping for a moment.

Moreover, the rain was not what Gong Liang thought it would be, it stopped after a while, and then it started to rain endlessly, until he woke up the next day and it continued to rain.

The water in the jungle below slowly rose, gradually submerging the grass, submerging the low shrubs, submerging the small trees, and slowly submerging the big and giant trees.

As shown in the bones, the flood came from afar and slowly submerged to the foot of the wooden house where he lived yesterday.

At this time, there is a vast ocean in front of you, except for the unsubmerged hills and the tops of giant trees, there is water everywhere.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gong Liang reckoned that there should be the sea not far ahead, and the scene in front of him was a bit like the astronomical tide in his previous life, when the sea water poured back.I didn't expect to live here for a few days, but I didn't know that the sea was so close to me.He was also glad that he didn't get to the beach so soon, otherwise, if he encountered such a heavy rain, it would happen to be astronomical high tide.

It was fine during the day, but if it was night, and I happened to sleep in a wooden house, and the sea water poured in at night, I would still be alive.

(End of this chapter)

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