Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 115 Let Me Be His Mother

Chapter 115 Let Me Be His Mother
When did Master Qiao believe this?
In her impression, he never believed in these things, and he never went to temples either.

"Put it away." Josnian's tone was very solemn.

"Oh..." Ye Jiaqi had no words to refute for a moment.

So, she touched it, so it's hers?

"Yeah." Josnian hung up the phone, his lips twitching.

Meng Chen, who was driving, heard: "Master Qiao, it doesn't seem very good for you to lie to Miss Ye like this. That bracelet is obviously..."

"Anyway, she's stupid."

The corners of Meng Chen's lips also twitched, and he continued to drive.

Ye Jiaqi looked at the bracelet that had returned to her side with mixed feelings.

With reverence for the Dharma, she could only accept it.

If I had known, she would not have taken it out of his pocket that night.

He was going to give it to Fang Ya, right?

I was touched by her, so I can't ask for it.

Blue sea and blue sky...

Bihaiqingtian Yeyexin.

It turns out that this bracelet has such a nice name.

Actually speaking, she likes this bracelet very much, she really likes it.

The jade beads exude faint light, like little elves, smart and pure.

It's just that she didn't want to wear something that wasn't sincerely given to her.She found a small box and put the bracelet in it.

Such a shame, such a beautiful bracelet.

She turned and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

For some reason, the image of Josnian taking a bath inside kept popping up in his mind involuntarily.

The picture was exactly the same as that year.

The water flowed down his sexy abs, and his muscular body exuded the wildness of a man.

Every time she thought about it, her heart beat faster.

Her face was getting redder, and she bit her lips tightly.

To divert her attention, she took a quick shower.


Josnian had just arrived home. After taking off his suit jacket, he went to check on Qiao Chengfan first.

The little guy had fallen asleep, but was very restless, and the quilt fell to the ground.

Fang Ya heard the movement and walked out of the guest room.

"Sinian, you're back."

Afraid of waking Qiao Chengfan up, Josnian said "Yes" and closed the door behind him.

"I want to sleep with Chengfan, but... he insists on sleeping alone." Fang Ya said embarrassingly.

"It's okay, Chengfan is precocious and obedient than ordinary children," Josnian said flatly.

"Si Nian, Chengfan and I are very close, you...will you let me be his mother?" Fang Ya asked cautiously.

It was the first time she had the courage to ask this question.

In England, no one dared to mention Qiao Chengfan's mother. Everyone thought that Qiao Chengfan was adopted by Josnian.

Tomorrow she was going back to London, and she mustered up her courage to ask.

"He is familiar."

Josnian turned his head and was about to go downstairs.

"Hey." Fang Ya chased after her. Did Josnian avoid her question?
"Si Nian!"

Fang Ya shouted several times.

Qiao Chengfan's room was on the third floor, where Ye Jiaqi lived in the past.

Josnian walked from the third floor to the second floor, preparing to go back to his bedroom.

"Sinian, are you angry? I'm just asking, if you don't agree, I won't force it. I just like this child, very much. Besides, Chengfan also likes me. I know, I may never I can't have a baby..."

Fang Ya's eyes were red, and she covered her face while talking.

Her shoulders twitched, tears welled up in her eyes, and she tried her best to hold back.

Josnian stood still, looking forward with his deep and deep eyes.

"Sinian, I'm sorry." Fang Ya realized that she had said too much.

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(End of this chapter)

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