Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 118 You must not know this secret

Chapter 118 You Must Not Know This Secret
She has always been very enthusiastic, and she crawled out of the warm blanket before dawn.

After finally finishing the interview, she remembered that she hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

She wrapped the silk scarf tightly and was going to buy a cup of milk tea.


She stopped.

Raising her gaze, she saw Josnian's figure, and Fang Ya was walking beside him.

They walked towards the VIP passage, and she only saw the back.

But she and Josnian have known each other for 15 years, and she will not recognize his figure.

The wind is blowing on the body and it is a bit cold.

"What's the matter, Ye Jiaqi, you didn't chase my brother-in-law to the airport, did you?" Fang Lan got out of the car.

Ye Jiaqi narrowed his eyes, it was really lively, the whole family came.

"That's why you care about your brother-in-law." Ye Jiaqi said flatly, not wanting to pay attention.

"Ye Jiaqi, what do you mean, don't you blush? If my brother-in-law waved at you, you'd probably have stripped naked and climbed into his bed, wouldn't you?"

Fang Lan had a mocking smile on his face.

"It's just that he might not be interested in a woman like you who has already slept with her." Fang Lan added.

"Fang Lan, you look at your brother-in-law with your sister, do you feel very uncomfortable? So, take your anger out on me?"

"Joke, what are you?"

"Fang Lan, don't have such a poisonous mouth."

Ye Jiaqi didn't want to pay attention to her and went straight to the milk tea shop.

After buying a cup of milk tea, she seemed to remember something.

She turned her head again and waved at Fang Lan: "Fang Lan, come here, I'll tell you a secret about Master Qiao."

Doubt flashed across Fang Lan's face, secret?
What secret does Ye Jiaqi have to tell her?
Ye Jiaqi knew that she would definitely catch up.

She went straight forward and came to a fountain pool.

She took a sip of her favorite red bean milk tea, and stood silently by the pool waiting for Fang Lan.

A woman like Fang Lan must be very curious, especially about Josnian.

Sure enough, Fang Lan walked over.

This is the airport, she didn't believe that Ye Jiaqi dared to mess around!

There are not as many people here as there are in the square, but there are also quite a few.

"What secret?" Fang Lan stood in front of Ye Jiaqi.

Ye Jiaqi took a step back and narrowed his eyes: "You must not know this secret."

Fang Lan's face was full of suspicion, what was the secret?About Josnian?

Ye Jiaqi saw curiosity and doubt on Fang Lan's face, she smiled slightly, and bit the straw: "Want to hear it?"

Fang Lan is furious!
Ye Jiaqi was playing with her?

She was so angry that she took a step towards Ye Jiaqi!
Ye Jiaqi had sharp eyes and quick hands, and with a hard push, Fang Lan was pushed into the cold fountain pool!

With a "plop", Fang Lan screamed!

For a moment, all eyes were focused on the fountain pool, with surprise, contempt, and indifference.

Ye Jiaqi bent down and looked at Fang Lan who was struggling in the pool, still smiling.

"Ye Jiaqi, you bitch! Why are you so bitch!"

Fang Lan was so angry that she wanted to crawl out of the pool while cursing!

Her clothes were already soaked, her hair was also full of water, and the chilly chill penetrated directly into her heart.

Unfortunately, the fountain sprayed high at this time.

"One, two, three, drop!" Ye Jiaqi hid back with a smile.

There was a loud "wow", water poured from top to bottom, spraying Fang Lan all over again.

"Ye Jiaqi, you fucking wait for me, you bitch, you have things your mother did not teach you! Despicable! Despicable! Shameless!" Fang Lan scolded angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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