Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 124 The Gift I Want Most Is You

Chapter 124 The Gift I Want Most Is You

Ye Jiaqi was very happy. She hadn't seen Xiao Fanfan for many days.

Although she will have to wait another week, as long as she sees the little guy, she will be happy.

She didn't know why, but the figure of the little guy kept dangling in front of her eyes, lingering.

Josnian: I'm on a business trip.

Ye Jiaqi: Huh?Is Xiao Safan alone at home?

The corners of Josnian's mouth twitched, where did all these questions come from.

Josnian: There is a nanny at home.

Ye Jiaqi: Oh, then Mr. Ye is busy, so I won't bother you.

Josnian: Yes.

Putting down the phone, Ye Jiaqi felt a little distressed. The little guy had no parents, and Mr. Ye was so busy.

She remembered her own childhood situation.

Xiao Safan is even more pitiful than her.

Since she likes the little guy so much, she must spend more time with him in the future.

What's more, she also saved the little guy.


Saturday, at the gate of the amusement park.

For a week, Ye Jiaqi lived like a year.

After finally making it to next Saturday, Ye Jiaqi got up very early.

She prepared gifts for Xiao Safan, a beautiful knitted hat, and some new clothes.

About the high heels, she planned to find a time to ask Xiao Safan again.

Autumn is crisp and the weather is pleasant.

The sun was hanging high in the sky, and the amusement park was very lively with people coming and going.

Ye Jiaqi arrived at 08:30, and she stood at the door waiting for Xiao Fanfan.

Excited, anticipating, looking forward to.

I don't know whether Xiao Safan has gained weight or lost weight, or if she is obedient.

Looking forward to it, she kept walking up and down in place.

"One, two, three, four, five..."

When counting to "66", the familiar and crisp voice "Qiqi, Qiqi" sounded in my ears!
Ye Jiaqi looked up and looked for the little guy in the crowd.

Sure enough, a car stopped, and Xiao Fanfan opened his arms and rushed towards Ye Jiaqi.

"Qiqi, I need a hug!"

Qiao Chengfan stretched his short legs and rushed towards Ye Jiaqi quickly.

"Fanfan, slow down!"

Ye Jiaqi was really afraid of what happened last time, so he ran towards him quickly.

As soon as she squatted down, Qiao Chengfan ran up to her, opened her arms, and threw herself into Ye Jiaqi's arms.

He rubbed against Ye Jiaqi vigorously, making a fuss.

Qiao Chengfan's small face was full of excitement, and his heart was as if he had eaten candy, it was so sweet.

Ye Jiaqi put his arms around him and kissed the little guy twice on the face.

The little guy's body still has the familiar milky scent, and his little face is tender and smooth.

Unable to hold back, she kissed a few more.

Qiao Chengfan giggled: "Qiqi, Qiqi, I miss you so much."

"Qiqi misses you too, so much that I can't sleep." Ye Jiaqi smiled and patted his head.

She thought that children are forgetful, and they will forget her in a few days.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Fanfan always remembered her.

"Hug, I want to hug."

Qiao Chengfan and Ye Jiaqi acted like a baby, pouted their buttocks and opened their arms.

"Okay, hug! Little Sail is the cutest."

Ye Jiaqi picked him up from the ground. The little guy wasn't too heavy, so it didn't take much effort to lift him up.

Qiao Chengfan's chubby hand grabbed Ye Jiaqi's hair, leaned over and kissed Ye Jiaqi.

In the sun, the smiling faces of Ye Jiaqi and Qiao Chengfan were brighter than flowers.

"Xiao Fanfan, Qiqi has prepared a gift for you, you can take it home later."

"Thank you, Qiqi, but the gift I want most is you." The little guy had a babyish voice and a smile.

The corners of Josnian's mouth twitched not far away.

Damn, can't you see him?

(End of this chapter)

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