Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 127 The face is hot!

Chapter 127 The face is hot!
Qiao Chengfan clapped his hands: "Let's shoot together!"

Ye Jiaqi stood far away from Josnian, which always felt weird.

The passer-by smiled and said, "Beauty, you should be closer to Mr."

Xiao Fanfan said to Josnian, "Uncle Qiao, hug me."

Josnian really had to pick Qiao Chengfan up from the ground and get closer to Ye Jiaqi.

"Okay, one, two..."

Just as "three" was about to fall, Josnian freed up a hand and wrapped it around Ye Jiaqi's waist.

"Okay!" The passer-by returned the phone to Josnian.

Josnian took a look, yes.

Ye Jiaqi walked away awkwardly. He was very uncomfortable after being hugged by Josnian just now.

If his wife and son are not in the capital, does he mess around?
Qiao Chengfan leaned on Josnian's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "Dad, praise me."

"IQ follows me."

Josnian hooked his lips and put him down.


Qiao Chengfan looked up at the sky, old Qiao was praising him?Are you sure you are complimenting him?


Qiao Chengfan chased after him and continued to hold Ye Jiaqi's hand.

It was the first time Ye Jiaqi saw Josnian holding a child, and his posture was very skillful.

"Qiqi, take the pirate ship later, you have to hold me tight." Xiao Fanfan said, "I'm afraid."

"That's for sure, Qiqi is here, don't be afraid."


Ye Jiaqi got into the pirate ship with Qiao Chengfan in his arms, and Qiao Chengfan chose the three-person boat.

"I won't go up." Josnian said flatly.

"Uncle Joe, you come up, you come up, I will be scared."

Qiao Chengfan lay prone on the boat, looking at Josnian eagerly.

"You have to seek advice from your family Qiqi," Josnian said.

"My Qi Qi is not so stingy." The little guy blinked.

Hearing what Qiao Chengfan said, Ye Jiaqi seemed petty not to let Josnian come over.

"Come up."

Josnian looked reluctant, and after thinking twice, he opened his legs and sat up.

Ye Jiaqi asked Qiao Chengfan to sit in the middle, and Qiao Chengfan shook his head: "Qiqi, let's change seats, I can't see it in the middle."


Ye Jiaqi looked troubled.

"Qiqi..." The little guy felt aggrieved.

"Okay, you sit by the side and don't move around." Ye Jiaqi felt distressed when she saw the little guy being wronged.

Qiao Chengfan sat beside him, and Ye Jiaqi and Josnian were close together.

After fastening the seat belt, the pirate ship set off.

Ye Jiaqi held the little guy's hand tightly, afraid that he would be afraid.

The cabin was small, and she and Josnian sat close together with their thighs close together.

Ye Jiaqi was very uncomfortable, but Josnian looked calm.

The boat bumped from time to time, and when it bumped, Qiao Chengfan let out an "ah" and closed his eyes in fright.

Ye Jiaqi was also a little scared.

Suddenly, a powerful arm came around from behind and hugged her waist tightly.

As soon as Qiao Chengfan opened his eyes, he understood immediately. He immediately pretended to be afraid and closed his eyes.

The pirate ship sails into the dark.

Josnian kissed Ye Jiaqi's neck precisely, and wrapped his big hands around her waist.

In an instant, Ye Jiaqi's face was burning hot!

She elbowed him!
Little Sail is still nearby!

After a while, the ship sailed into the bright area again.

Josnian sat in his original posture.

Ye Jiaqi gave him a sideways look, really good at pretending.

She said lightly: "Does Mr. Qiao often take his son to play abroad?"

Qiao Chengfan immediately said, "No, never!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the little guy realized something was wrong.

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(End of this chapter)

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