Chapter 129
"Seven seven."

His deep voice sounded behind him.

Ye Jiaqi was startled, and his long eyelashes moved, but he didn't turn his head.

Secretly, she clenched her hands tightly.

"Do you have to be so unfamiliar with me?"

She still didn't speak, just looked at the sky outside the glass.

Inside the small pupils is the most splendid appearance of fireworks.

"The 12 years of being together day and night are so worthless in your eyes?" Josnian asked.

Qiao Chengfan pricked up his ears, what? 12 years?

Did he hear something great? ? ?
Silence, quiet silence.

Qiao Chengfan tried his best to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep. In order to overhear some information, he managed to trick Old Qiao.

If Qi Qi doesn't speak again, he won't be able to pretend anymore.

"I have nothing to repay Master Qiao." Ye Jiaqi said flatly, "I only have one life."

Josnian sneered: "What if I let you go back to Qiao's residence?"

"I won't go back." Ye Jiaqi was decisive.

"Ye Jiaqi, you are the most ruthless woman I have ever seen, bar none."

Josnian's gaze fell on her face like a knife!
"In terms of cruelty, I can't compare to one ten-thousandth of Master Qiao's."

Ye Jiaqi turned his head slowly and met his cold gaze.

"Are you blaming me for leaving without saying goodbye three years ago?"

"Master Qiao is going to get married in London. How can I blame you. Besides, what qualifications do I have? I'm just a pet that Master Qiao adopted when he was soft-hearted. I'm no different from a servant. "

"Ye Jiaqi, don't be weird!" Josnian scolded.

"Master Qiao, your cutie misses you, why don't you call me?" Ye Jiaqi's tone was cold and mean.

As a man with a wife and children, why bother with her, an abandoned child who was brought home?
The atmosphere was extremely cold.

Even the air can freeze!

Qiao Chengfan's body trembled, frightened.


Although he didn't understand much, Qiao Chengfan came to the conclusion that they knew each other a long time ago!

Moreover, Qi Qi was also picked up by Old Qiao!

Old Qiao still has this hobby? ? ?

Who the hell is Old Qiao's Qi Qi?

"Ye Jiaqi!" Josnian was annoyed.

"Hungry, hungry..." Qiao Chengfan opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he met Old Qiao's fire-breathing eyes, and he trembled again.

Can he... can he close his eyes again?
very scary!
Ye Jiaqi saw that Xiao Fanfan woke up, so he didn't want to quarrel with Josnian in front of the children.

"Little Sail, are you awake? Come here, let me hug you." Ye Jiaqi waved.

Josnian held Qiao Chengfan down to prevent him from moving!

Qiao Chengfan looked at Ye Jiaqi pitifully...

Ye Jiaqi gave Josnian a contemptuous look, as for?A stingy man, so vengeful.

It's a good thing Qiao Chengfan isn't his son, otherwise, wouldn't she be able to see him?
Of course, if it was his son, she wouldn't like it either!

How could his son be any better!
It's not like him, boring!boring!
Surely there will be no Xiao Safan who is so smart, so cute, and so likable.

"What to eat."

Josnian lowered his head and looked at the little guy in his arms.

Qiao Chengfan blinked: "I want to eat fried eggs made by Qiqi."

"How delicious that kind of thing can be." Josnian dismissed it.

"Uncle Qiao, you don't understand. If you like someone, you will think that everything she does is good."

Ye Jiaqi's heart melted when he heard it.

Xiao Safan is really cute.

The bad mood just now disappeared in no time, and I am very happy.

Josnian frowned. Who taught him?Ye Jiaqi? !
(End of this chapter)

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