Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 144 I love you, please tap

Chapter 144 I love you, please tap

Ye Jiaqi's hands fell on the keyboard, not knowing how to type the first word.

The other end replied: "Ms. Ye will send me a message after she has considered it. I will be busy first."

Josnian put down his phone and straightened his tie.

"Father, you're so handsome today." Qiao Chengfan smiled at Josnian.

"Tell me, what else do you want?"

Joss walked downstairs without looking up.

He was in a good mood today and planned to send Qiao Chengfan to school himself.

"Baby is not that kind of person, dad is so handsome."

"You don't need to say it."

"That, that... Dad, when can I see Qi Qi again?"


"Dad, look, it's been one, two, three... eight days since I went to the amusement park last time." Qiao Chengfan wrung his fingers pitifully.

"Why do you like her so much?" Josnian couldn't help asking.

"There is a kind of liking, which is called liking at the first sight. Dad, do you understand?"

"don't know."

Josnian walked towards the garage with his long legs.

He doesn't understand.

"Dad, haven't you ever liked a girl at first sight? You like that very, very much."


"..." unable to communicate.

Josnian grabbed Qiao Chengfan by the collar and threw him onto the passenger seat.

"Dad, I love you, please take it easy."



"Can you shut up?" Josnian roared.

"..." Qiao Chengfan pursed his mouth.

It's so pitiful, he won't let you speak, why is Old Qiao so fierce?

The ears finally calmed down, and Josnian started the car.

Why is this little thing talking so much?

Except for IQ and looks, nothing else is inherited from him!

Qiao Chengfan was disgusted, turned his head away, hum, ignore old Qiao.

No wonder there are no girls chasing, and girls can't be chased!
As soon as Josnian's car drove away, the Qiao residence became quiet again.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the autumn colors are alluring.

Butler Tang watched Josnian leave and return to his room.

As soon as she came in, her cell phone rang. It was Fang Ya.

"Butler Tang, good morning."


"How are Master Qiao and Chengfan doing?"

"It's all good, miss, don't worry."

"Oh, okay, I just want to ask, so I can rest assured."

"Miss, how is your health? I heard that you need an operation?"

"No, I've been taking medicine for a while, and I'm much better. I may not need an operation." Fang Ya smiled.

Butler Tang nodded and sighed.

Fang Ya has cardiomyopathy, she knows it.

God is not fair to kind girls, Fang Ya is such a good girl, really...

"Miss, you can take care of your health at ease, you don't have to worry about it here at Qiao's residence."

"Okay, thank you Tang Butler."

Fang Ya and Tang Butler exchanged a few more pleasantries before hanging up the phone.

"Cough cough." Fang Ya coughed lightly.

"Are you feeling unwell?" A sweet male voice rang out.

Fang Ya raised her head, it was Fang Cheng.

She took out a book of Russian literature from the bookshelf and shook her head lightly: "It's okay, just a little cold."

Fang Cheng took a white knitted coat and put it on her shoulders: "Don't catch a cold."

"Thank you."

Fang Cheng was none other than her adopted son before her parents died. He was three years younger than her and the same age as Fang Lan.

At that time, her parents were in poor health and felt that no one would take care of them in the future, so they adopted a boy from the orphanage.

Later, Fang Cheng went to medical school with excellent grades.

(End of this chapter)

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