Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 149 This man is despicable and shameless

Chapter 149 This man is despicable and shameless

Ye Jiaqi is so angry, she just needs to make it clear to her senior, why does he want to intervene?
Also married young woman!
How does she look like a married young woman? !

Chuhe took a look at Josnian, feeling apprehensive.

"Sir, may I ask, who are you from Jiaqi?" Chuhe asked, "Jiaqi told me that she is not married."

Josnian pressed down again, getting closer to Ye Jiaqi's face.

His face as deep as a knife was indifferent, and one hand dropped down, secretly pinching Ye Jiaqi's buttocks.

"Tell him what is our relationship."

Ye Jiaqi blushed!
Oh shit!

He scolded Josnian a thousand times in his heart.

In public, hands and feet?
Chuhe's eyes fell directly on Ye Jiaqi's face, and he only believed Ye Jiaqi's words.

"He's chasing me." Ye Jiaqi said to Chu He in a cold voice.

With Josnian's status, status, and temper, it was absolutely impossible for him to take the initiative to chase a woman. It was always women who chased him.

When she said that, it was undoubtedly to save his face.

The mighty Master Qiao would also take the initiative to chase women, and if the news spread, wouldn't it make him lose face.

In this way, Josnian would definitely be furious.

Chuhe smiled indifferently: "It's the first time I've seen someone so confident. You're chasing the best date, and I'm also chasing the best date. How about fair competition?"

"Qiqi, today I'm here to help Mr. Ye discuss Xiao Fanfan's custody rights. You're making it difficult for me to be a man."

Josnian lowered his voice and whispered into Ye Jiaqi's ear.

The voice is not loud, but there is a cold threat, evil and dangerous.

"Senior, I've agreed to his pursuit, I'm sorry." Ye Jiaqi changed his words.

Ye Jiaqi knew that Josnian was mean and shameless.

Use Xiao Safan to threaten her.

Hehehe, if she doesn't agree, will he just tell Mr. Ye that the talk is over?

How could she be Josnian's opponent in the negotiation!
Chu He stood up abruptly: "Jiaqi, did he threaten you? Also, how did you know each other?"

Chuhe could tell that this man was worth a lot.

It stands to reason that Ye Jiaqi would not know such a man.

"No, he didn't threaten me." Ye Jiaqi explained, "I've known him for a long time, senior, I'm sorry."

"You really like him?" Chuhe asked.

Ye Jiaqi moved his lips, not knowing how to answer.

On the contrary, Josnian cast his cold eyes like a knife -

"If you are sensible, get out."

Ye Jiaqi looked at Chuhe: "Senior, you go first, I have something to talk to him."

"wedding day……"

Chuhe still had something to say to Ye Jiaqi, but just as he opened his mouth, two of Josnian's bodyguards came over, ready to throw him out.

The two bodyguards were like two Buddhas, motionless, with serious and cold expressions.

Chuhe's face turned red and white, picked up the bag on the sofa, and left.

As soon as Chuhe left, the two bodyguards also walked out.

Only then did Josnian stride over to Ye Jiaqi and sit down opposite Ye Jiaqi, with his long legs raised and his face covered with dark clouds.

"I told you not to communicate with him, and you ignored my words?"

"Why do I have to listen to what you said?"

"Disobedient?" Josnian narrowed his eyes, full of danger.

Ye Jiaqi patted the table angrily: "Stop threatening me with Xiao Fanfan! He's not your son!"

"Okay, you're promising, dare to challenge me." Josnian said casually, "Since you have such a bad temper, I don't think it's suitable for you to adopt a child. I will suggest it to Mr. Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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