Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 157 High power, none other than Qiao Ye

Chapter 157 High power, none other than Qiao Ye
"Mom, they look down on people with a dog's eyes. Your daughter is not the kind of person who forgets things easily." Zuo Qianqian picked her hair, "And in the future, I will climb up slowly and step on them in time." Underfoot!"

"That's right, they are not worthy to carry my daughter's shoes!"

He Dangui spat again!
The mother and daughter looked disgusted and indignant.

Ye Jiaqi's heart was filled with anger, but listening to their conversation was really funny.

It turns out that the mother and daughter's defiant and domineering characteristics have not changed at all.

Should she be glad that she was kicked out?
Otherwise, sooner or later he would be disgusted to death.

"Mom, cheers, your daughter is the best."

Zuo Qianqian raised her hand and clinked glasses with He Dangui.

"I see that all the women in the room have fake breasts, no brains, or vulgar fans. I don't like any of them." He Dangui sneered.

"No, these men and women are probably able to climb up, I am afraid they all rely on selling!"

Zuo Qianqian covered her mouth and giggled.

"Qianqian, don't be discouraged, gold will shine wherever it goes, you have to believe in yourself, you have to give yourself confidence, you are the best."

"Mom, when did your daughter get discouraged? I become more and more courageous as I get frustrated!"

"That's right, this is just like my daughter."

"Mom, this Bei Ying is just a heroine. It may not be useful to find her. We managed to come to this place, so we should find a bigger backer."

"Then Qianqian, look here...Who has a high status? High status?"

He Dangui and Zuo Qianqian head to head.

The eyes of the two turned around on everyone.

"Mom." Zuo Qianqian lowered her voice, "I've inquired a long time ago. In this capital city, the most powerful person must be Master Qiao. When he coughs, the capital city will tremble three times."

"Master Qiao? Who is Master Qiao?"

He Dangui looked curious, obviously he didn't know yet.

It wasn't long after she and Zuo Qianqian came to the capital.

"Mom, you are too ignorant!" Zuo Qianqian lowered her voice, "You just need to know that Master Qiao is the most powerful person in the capital, and that's fine."

"Then Master Qiao, isn't he very old?"

"Of course not. I've heard people say that being young and handsome is ruthless, and no one dares to offend you."

Zuo Qianqian was obviously a little apprehensive, her voice was very low.

Ye Jiaqi had earplugs in her ears, but she didn't turn on the music.

Therefore, she heard everything Zuo Qianqian and He Dangui said.

"Young man, how cruel can you be?" He Dangui didn't believe it.

"It's because you're young that you are so hot." Zuo Qianqian said, "For example, once at an auction in England, Master Qiao saw an antique table lamp. Some people had no eyesight and insisted on bidding with Master Qiao. .”

"And then..." He Dangui listened with gusto.

"Not long after that, a fire broke out in that man's house. The house was destroyed and everyone was killed. The whole family was burned to death."

He Dangui broke out in a cold sweat: "Really?"

"More than that, I also heard that Master Qiao was hunted down abroad. When he had nowhere to go, he managed to survive the hail of bullets with one against ten, and killed his enemies with his own hands."

He Dangui was obviously shocked.

"Qianqian, is this person so cruel?"

"Mom, I heard about it too. After all, it's all rumors abroad."

"This Master Qiao has stayed abroad?"

"That's right, he has been staying in London for the past three years, and he just returned to China recently." Zuo Qianqian was mysterious.

 (Thanks to "Mu Ling ヾ", "July Allure", "Xia Ran", "Drag", "Professor SUN" and so on for the rewards~)

(End of this chapter)

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