Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 186 This man is really domineering

Chapter 186 This man is really domineering

Ye Jiaqi didn't know until this time that the highest level of shamelessness is——

He looks expressionless, righteous, and very serious, but...he can say extremely, very, very shameless words.

This is probably the highest level of shamelessness, the pinnacle of shamelessness!

Ye Jiaqi has seen it, and seen it severely.

Obviously, Josnian had already reached the highest level of cultivation.

Even after saying these words now, he can keep his face blushing and heart beating, expressionless, as if nothing happened.

It seems that what he said just now is not the same as what he said!
How can there be such a person in the world?
special! ! !
Ye Jiaqi choked and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Yes, she was pissed off, terribly pissed off!
My heart was pounding, beating fast, as if my breathing had stopped.

She takes it, can't she take it?
Ye Jiaqi stepped on Josnian, his gaze like a knife.

"Josnian, where's your face?" She stared into his eyes and gritted her teeth.

"My face? It's not good."

After finishing speaking, Josnian turned around, the corners of his lips curled up, and he strode downstairs.

Ye Jiaqi's hand holding the railing wanted to pinch it into the railing. At this moment, she really wanted to strangle this arrogant man to death.

It grabbed his neck and strangled him severely.

When Josnian reached the first floor, Ye Jiaqi was still on the second floor.

He glanced upstairs, his eyes covered with a gentle mist.

"Come down."

The tone is like speaking to a child.

coaxing, pampering.

Ye Jiaqi's heart skipped a beat.

This voice, this feeling... very familiar.

When she was a student, she hated going to school and often dawdled down the stairs.

Sometimes Josnian would go downstairs, but she was still muttering on the third floor.

At that time, he would stretch out his hand, raise his head slightly, and shout, "Come down."

The exactly the same as now.

Her heart stopped beating.

It turns out that memory will not be erased.

It has existed, it has existed, like a brand, lingering.

The so-called forgetting is just deceiving oneself.

She lowered her head, looked at the road under her feet silently, and walked down step by step.

This time, she walked extra carefully.

The surrounding area was very quiet, only the sound of her footsteps could be heard.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Master Qiao, I should go." She walked up to him.


"You have to tell Xiao Fanfan to take the medicine on time." Ye Jiaqi was worried, but still told him.

"Then you promised the children?"

"I'll be over tonight."

"I'll pick you up."

"No need." Ye Jiaqi quickly shook his head and refused, "I'll take the car."

"This is a declarative sentence, not an interrogative sentence!"


Ye Jiaqi choked, this man is really domineering.

Just pick it up, he doesn't think it's good to be high-profile.

She is indifferent.

Ye Jiaqi picked up his things and was about to walk to the door.

When brushing past him, he opened his mouth lightly.

"What happened the night before yesterday was my bad temper, sorry."

Is Josnian apologizing to her?
If she remembers correctly, three years later, he has apologized to her several times.

It is absolutely impossible to put this in the past.

What an arrogant and cold person he is, how could he apologize to a woman.

However, no amount of apology can bring back the baby's life.

What he owed her would never be repaid in this life.

Ye Jiaqi stopped and said calmly, "Master Qiao, you are right, everything you do is right."

"Blame me?"

(End of this chapter)

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