Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 195 Pregnant for more than 2 months

Chapter 195

After taking a shower, Ye Jiaqi went to the rooftop of Qiao residence.

She likes it here.

Summer is the most beautiful here, you can see countless stars when you look up, and you can see the beautiful garden when you look down.

It was a bit chilly on the rooftop in autumn, she wrapped a coat and sat silently.

When I was a child, I was silly and always liked to look at the sky and make wishes.

Because her mother told her that the wish she made would come true one day.

The reclining chair was very comfortable. She sat on it, swayed slightly, and looked at the moon in the sky with her head up.

In the middle there is a shallow Milky Way.

"Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, bear to look after Queqiao's way back."

She read it softly, thinking of her mother again.

The hair is still not dry, the wind is blowing on the body, there is a kind of sultry comfort.

The Qiao residence in autumn is also very beautiful. The garden is full of hibiscus and begonias.

Under the night and light, the flowers are delicate and beautiful, adding a bit of hazy beauty.

It would be great if her baby was still there.

She can take him to see the stars and tell him that his wish will come true one day.

It will always come true.

Only sometimes, it is in a dream.

The corners of her lips overflowed with bitterness, and her throat was tight.

"Little bastard..." she cried softly, crying.

That little bastard who loved to kick her... never came back.

She remembered that the little guy was very fussy, and when she was more than two months pregnant, she vomited so faintly.

But even so, she still likes him.

Love it, love it, love it...

It's been three years, and her little bastard has been away from her for three years.

Her hand couldn't help but move to her lower abdomen, here... there is no heartbeat anymore.

The evening wind was blowing on her face, and her hands and feet were icy cold.

Close your eyes and let the wind blow quietly.


A pair of warm hands covered her hands!

Ye Jiaqi was startled, opened his eyes suddenly, and trembled slightly.

"Aren't you going back to sleep?"

Josnian opened his mouth lightly, and covered her with the suit jacket in his hand.

It's really capricious.

The weather is not like summer now.

Ye Jiaqi glanced at him and curled his lips sarcastically, "Spy on me? Afraid I'll steal something?"

"Ye Jiaqi, are you crazy?"

"Yeah, I'm crazy..."

During the time when she lost her child, she didn't come out for a long time.

Don't eat or drink, lie in bed every day.

I can't fall asleep, it's just a nightmare.

Later, she was lying on the bed in a daze, almost thinking that she was dead, and You Pianran finally found her.

She took her to the hospital and took her to see a psychiatrist.

You Pianran even asked her why, but she didn't say anything.

That incident became her own eternal pain.

Even if she saw Josnian again three years later, she didn't want to mention it.

Josnian's heart seemed to be strangled by a rope, almost suffocating.

He bent down, picked her up from the chair without any explanation, and walked downstairs.

"Josnian, let me go, there are too many people in Qiao's residence, don't hug me."

"If you're not afraid of waking up a room full of people, just shout!"

It was impossible for Josnian to be afraid of her.

Ye Jiaqi shut up.

His embrace was very warm and stable, but unfortunately, it couldn't protect her from wind and rain.

She can't afford it.

Josnian's face was cold, expressionless, and his jaw was tense.

He walked slowly, carrying her down from the roof step by step.

After a while, Ye Jiaqi suddenly laughed.

"Master Qiao, can you show me a picture of your little cutie?"

(End of this chapter)

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