Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 198 Drinking a glass of wine

Chapter 198
Ye Jiaqi was Huo Jingyi's opponent.

After being watched by him for a few seconds, she avoided her eyes: "Sir, let's talk about cooperation first."

"You don't even know my name, how can we talk? Also, am I not an insignificant person to you? Miss Ye is willing to cooperate with insignificant people? "

What he said left Ye Jiaqi speechless.

This man, did it on purpose?
The first time I saw him, I thought he was a gentleman.

But the second and third time, her intuition told her that he was a fox!The shrewd and cunning kind.

"Sir, may I have your surname then?" Ye Jiaqi looked at him politely.

"Too reluctant." Huo Jingyi was very dissatisfied, but his eyes were playful, "I don't like to force others, and of course I don't like others to disrespect me. Since Ms. Ye doesn't even know my name, and she's 3 hours late minute……"

He stopped talking and stared at Ye Jiaqi.

Ye Jiaqi was terrified by him, and he was afraid that cooperation would spoil things.

She had no choice but to stand up: "tell me what to do."

"Well, Ms. Ye, you are very lucky. I have no other advantages, but I am very democratic. I will give you three choices. First, punish yourself with three glasses of wine; second, I will feed you a glass of wine; third , the two of us have a cup of wine. Miss Ye, how are you?"

Ye Jiaqi gave him a gouging look.

Oh shit! ! !

This is called democracy?Are you sure you're not bullying the weak?
Damn capitalist!

However, she was still the one who was wronged.

"Sir, let's talk about cooperation first. After the talk, I'll take the initiative to take the punishment, okay?" Ye Jiaqi could only smile apologetically.

"After the conversation, you will be punished twice, and you have no choice." Huo Jingyi smiled, "Miss Ye, think clearly."

Ye Jiaqi looked at the man with a smile on his face, but there was cunning in his eyes.

"Know people, know face, but not heart." Ye Jiaqi muttered, and said indifferently, "I'll choose the first one."

"Huh? Knowing people, knowing face, but not heart?" Huo Jingyi heard it, "Do you want me to cut out my heart and show you?"

Ye Jiaqi dodged: "..."

Huo Jingyi stopped teasing her, and took out a bottle of red wine from the wine rack.

Then he took out a very large goblet.

Ye Jiaqi opened his eyes wide and pinched the table with his fingers.

"You didn't say it was such a big cup!" Ye Jiaqi was very angry!
Huo Jingyi poured red wine into the glass, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

The red liquid slowly flows down the wall of the cup, blooming charming colors under the light, like a ruby, deep and deep.

In an instant, the only sound of red wine being poured into the glass could be heard in the empty lounge.

Huo Jingyi poured a full cup and brought it to Ye Jiaqi.

"Miss Ye, I didn't say how big the cup is."

Ye Jiaqi was very angry: "You are sophistry!"

And, he poured a full glass?
After this one cup, she might die, let alone three cups!

No wonder she was asked to come by name, premeditated?
This man... who is it?

"Then Miss Ye doesn't plan to drink anymore?"

Huo Jingyi's hand lightly stroked the red wine bottle, his eyes shone slightly, a little more sharply.

"It's such a big cup, I can only drink one cup."

"There is no room for bargaining here." Huo Jingyi shook his finger.


"This is my territory, I have the final say." The corners of Huo Jingyi's lips curled up in pride.

He just liked the way she looked down on him but couldn't get rid of him.

"What if I don't drink?" Ye Jiaqi looked at him.

(End of this chapter)

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