Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 405 leave him forever

Chapter 405 leave him forever
Ye Jiaqi's breathing was intermittent, like a gossamer.

Josnian picked her up from the ground and hugged her tightly.

This little fool, why didn't he go, why did he take the last blow for him, he would rather be him dead than her.

"Qiqi, don't sleep, don't sleep..."

Josnian's eyes were red, and he hugged her into his arms, pressing her close to his generous chest.

The blood on Ye Jiaqi's neck couldn't stop at all, it kept flowing, and his hands and feet gradually became cold.

Josnian was terrified. If this continued, before he took her out, she would die from excessive blood loss.

"Qiqi, don't sleep, I'll talk to you, huh?"

Josnian's voice was trembling.

Because of the game just now, his arm had already been sore, but now, he didn't notice it.

In his heart, eyes, and eyebrows, there was only Ye Jiaqi left.

Ye Jiaqi was in a daze, feeling someone was talking and calling her name next to her ear.

But she seems to have seen her mother...

Her mother was waving at her, smiling.

She hasn't seen her mother for many years, and it turns out that her mother is still so good-looking.

She was very happy, and walked towards her mother step by step.

"Mom..." Ye Jiaqi called.

There was a gleam of light in Josnian's dull and obscure eyes.

His voice was tired, panicked, and choked up.

"Qiqi, I'll take you out, don't you like that ring? I brought it here."

"Qiqi, don't sleep, Xiao Fanfan is still waiting for you at home."

"Don't sleep..."

"Promise me, don't leave me..."

Josnian called in her ear over and over again.

In the dream, Ye Jiaqi only saw her mother waving. Just as she was about to approach her mother, she suddenly heard a child's voice.

"Qiqi, the baby is waiting for you to come home." It was Qiao Chengfan.

Ye Jiaqi paused and turned his head.

But where is the little guy?

She was in a hurry and looked for it in a panic.

She hasn't seen the little guy for a long time, and misses him so much.

On the other end, my mother kept calling: "Jiaqi, Jiaqi, come here, come here, mom."

Ye Jiaqi's hands and feet were cold, and his breathing became more and more intermittent.

Josnian kept walking towards the exit.

The heart seemed to stop beating, and the blood all over his body was flowing backwards, icy cold, like a cold wind.

This was the first time in his 29 years of life that he felt so powerless.

He...has nothing to do.

This feeling of being out of control is very bad.

"Ye Jiaqi, if you die, I'll find you a stepmother, Qiao Chengfan, do you hear me? Huh?"

"Ye Jiaqi, I didn't bring you home 15 years ago to let you die like this, do you understand?"

However, Ye Jiaqi didn't respond in the slightest.

Her body is limp, thin and light.

Panic rose from all around, and Josnian was surrounded by a surge of fear.

If... If Ye Jiaqi died like this, what should he do?What should I do?
Fingernails pinching her body, he could not imagine that one day she would leave him forever, when he was still young.

In his heart, she is still the lively and lovely girl who loves to sit on the sofa and wait for him to come home.

How can I die...

how come……

Josnian's brain was about to explode, and he had a terrible headache.

He couldn't accept this fact, he couldn't accept it.

Obviously the lively and cheerful girl is still in front of her eyes, why is she lifeless in his arms...

(End of this chapter)

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