Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9107 1 Family will always be reunited

Chapter 9107 The family will always be reunited (4)

The speed is steady and the sun is everywhere.

After driving all the way, in the afternoon, Qiao Chengfan's car stopped in front of a private piano training class.

This is a small training class located in a small private courtyard with an elegant environment. When you open the door, you will find a neatly maintained garden.

Just as the car stopped, Qiao Chengfan heard the intermittent sound of the piano, playing it very seriously, but it couldn't make up the tune.

He got out of the car and stood at the door and listened for a long time.

Not long after, the teaching assistant from the training class spotted him and stepped forward to ask: "Sir, which child are you looking for?"

"Can I go in and have a look?"

"of course."

Qiao Chengfan followed the teaching assistant through the courtyard and walked to the small classroom.

The small classroom is not big, with several pianos placed and two or three young teachers. Most of the children are practicing the piano.

The whole house is bright and transparent, with tall grass and trees outside the windows. It is still green in this season, and the warm breeze is blowing.

Qiao Chengfan glanced at the child who was playing the piano with his back to him. He had grown taller and looked more elegant and elegant. He was sitting on the piano bench wearing cute overalls and pressed the keys carefully with his little hands.

Qiao Chengfan walked over and stood behind the child to watch him play the piano.

The child didn't play particularly well, but he was not impatient and played every note seriously.

After watching for a while, Qiao Chengfan's hand covered the child's small hand, bent slightly, and led him to play the rest of the tune.

With Qiao Chengfan taking the lead, the music gradually became better and smoother.

When the song ended, the children suddenly turned their heads.

At first, the children thought it was the teacher, but then they thought it was not the teacher.

Sure enough, no!

Although Qiao Chengfan was wearing sunglasses, the children still recognized him at first glance, with a look of surprise in their clear big eyes!

"It's uncle!" The kid climbed down from the stool, threw himself into Qiao Chengfan's arms, and shook his little head in his arms like a baby.

If there weren't many children and teachers here, he would have asked his uncle to hug him and hold him high!

Qiao Chengfan took off his sunglasses and rubbed his furry little head: "You still recognize me? Huh?"

"Uncle Xiao."

"Yeah." Qiao Chengfan hugged him, "But your uncle Xiao is called Devin now, and he will be called Uncle Devin from now on."

"Okay, Zheng Bao is no longer called Zheng Bao now, his name is Donald."

"Okay, little friend Donald."

"Yeah!" Zheng Bao nodded seriously, as happy as a doll, hugged Qiao Chengfan's calf and rubbed it again and again.

Qiao Chengfan asked him gently: "Kid Donald, where is your cell phone? My uncle called you, but you didn't answer."

"Zheng Bao's cell phone is broken." The child regretfully took out his children's cell phone, "But it's still good enough to play with."

With that said, Zhengbao showed him how to play with his mobile phone.

Zheng Bao explained while pressing the button: "Look up the dictionary for the selected department, and call 110 for the selected department."

Qiao Chengfan was quite patient and watched the child's demonstration carefully with a gentle expression on his face.

The child was also serious, thinking that his uncle did not know how to play with mobile phones, and to prove that he was not lying, he showed his little mobile phone to him seriously, and even showed all the little secrets in the mobile phone to his uncle.

"Uncle will buy you a new mobile phone when you have the chance."

"Zhengbao saw a nice little mobile phone last time, it looks great!"

"Okay, let's wait until next time. Uncle will take you to buy it."

Zheng Bao shook his head again: "Mama said, it's not enough to show off."

"Um...where's your mommy?"

"Mommy is in school, and she has to work to support Zhengbao, but Zhengbao doesn't eat much, so it's easy to feed him."

Qiao Chengfan raised the corners of his lips, with a slight smile in his eyes.

This little child is very cute, well-raised, not only polite but also sensible.

At this time, the teacher came over and touched Zhengbao's little head affectionately: "Kid Donald, do you have any questions?"

"Teacher, I want to talk to my uncle."

"no problem."

Qiao Chengfan had a casual chat with the teacher in the training class and learned that Zheng Bao would be delivered every Saturday. The person who sent him was a very young girl. At first, the teacher thought she was Zheng Bao's sister.

The little girl didn't talk much, but she was very kind to Zheng Bao and answered all his requests. Zheng Bao wanted to learn piano, so she sent Zheng Bao over.

The teaching quality and environment of this piano institution are very good, and the fees are a bit expensive, but the girl still sent her children here and paid the tuition for a semester without saying a word.

Qiao Chengfan asked about the fees. It was indeed expensive, and she could only choose the courses with the lowest fees.

After hearing this, Qiao Chengfan lowered his voice and chose the most expensive course: "I will pay for the remaining fees. You don't have to tell Donald's mother."

"Sir, what is your name?"

"Just call me Devin."

"Mr. Devin, you are a child..."


The teacher believed it because she saw that the child and this man did know each other and were very familiar with him.

Zheng Bao tugged on Qiao Chengfan's pants, like a well-behaved cat, a little anxious.

Why doesn't uncle talk to him?

"Uncle, can you play the piano?" Zheng Bao asked obediently, blinking his big eyes.


"How about you teach Zheng Bao how to play the piano?"

"Uncle has a condition."

"What are the conditions?"

"Don't tell your mommy about uncle coming here today."

Zheng Bao nodded without thinking!

Afterwards, Qiao Chengfan sat on the piano stool and held Zheng Bao in his arms.

He helped Zheng Bao adjust his posture, put his big hand on his small hand, and led him to play the entire song.

The song he played was a very simple Christmas song, but this was the first time Zhengbao played the entire song smoothly. He clapped his hands excitedly.

The little guy leaned affectionately in Qiao Chengfan's arms and shook his calves, looking very happy.

"Uncle, Zheng Bao is so happy today."

"Is it because I met my uncle?"

"Yes, Zheng Bao misses you every day when he can't see his uncle. He misses you so much that he can't sleep."

"Why do you miss uncle?"

"Because Zheng Bao loves uncle."

It was the first time a girl confessed his love, but Qiao Chengfan didn't get used to it. He pinched Zheng Bao's face and looked into his big black eyes.

Before Qiao Chengfan could express anything, Zheng Bao asked again, "Does uncle love Zheng Bao?"


"How much do you love me?"

"Love like you love your uncle."

"Then Zhengbao will love uncle a lot from now on, and uncle will love Zhengbao very much."

"Okay, you can try to love uncle more."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Bao hugged Qiao Chengfan's neck and kissed him on the cheek, his soft little hands like little sponges.

After a kiss, Zheng Bao kissed Qiao Chengfan again: "Zheng Bao only kisses Uncle Devin."

"Don't kiss other uncles?"

"No!" Zheng Bao said righteously and refused.

Even though he didn't believe what a child said, Qiao Chengfan still found it useful.

Zheng Bao lay on Qiao Chengfan's shoulder, pressing against him and talking nonchalantly.

(End of this chapter)

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