Play coquettish with Joe

Chapter 9111 1 Family will always be reunited

Chapter 9111 The family will always be reunited (8)

Zhou Li circled around Qiao Zhixing, trying to please and flatter him.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Zhixing was cold and indifferent, as if he didn't hear her words. He bent down and asked Zhengbao: "How old are you?"

"Four years old."

"Oh, this puppy is older than you."

"Dog." Zheng Bao concentrated on tying the puppy into pigtails, "Okay."

Only then did he let go and let Qiao Zhixing take the puppy away.

Zheng Bao was reluctant to leave, his big eyes looking at the puppy and his uncle.

Then, he held Mom's hand and found that there was a layer of sweat on Mom's palm.

Xiao didn't seem to say anything and hurriedly said goodbye to them: "I'm going to take Donald out for dinner, so let's go first."

"Where to go? I just want to leave the campus." Qiao Zhixing hugged Tudou and followed him out of the laboratory.

"Junior Brother Zhixing!" Zhou Li grabbed him, "Let me see you off. Did you drive here by yourself? I was about to go out!"

"Senior sister, you asked me to send the report over in a hurry, didn't you say it was urgent? Are you going out now?" Xiao Sisi gave her a faint look.


Xiao Si didn't say much, she just didn't want to suffer this loss.

She had always known that Professor Crutcher was a very fair person and would not expel Zhou Li just because of her little actions. She had just come to school, and if she allowed Zhou Li to bully her, what would happen in the future?

She only mentioned it lightly, and then led Zheng Bao into the corridor.

"Aw." Tudou, who had beautiful pigtails, cooed and moved around in Qiao Zhixing's arms.

Qiao Zhixing did not respond to Zhou Li, but lowered his head to coax the potatoes in his arms: "Little one, are you hungry?"

"Mom, slow down, the baby can't keep up." Zheng Bao opened his short legs and ran forward with a squeak.

Wow, I can't catch up.

Why did Mommy suddenly walk so fast?

Xiao Sisi just walked forward, she picked up Zheng Bao and left with him in her arms.

Qiao Zhixing soon fell some distance away from her, and he fell into deep thought. Did he look terrible? As for meeting a ghost?

"Where are you from?" Qiao Zhixing suddenly asked her.

They were the only ones in the long corridor, and Xiao seemed to pause for a moment, as if he wanted to pretend not to hear.

"Fix the dog." Zheng Bao lay on Xiao Xi's shoulder, looking at the little dog in Qiao Zhixing's arms behind him, reluctant to let go.

The puppy was also looking at him, with very friendly eyes.

Qiao Zhixing patted Xiaotuo's head gently: "I'm usually afraid of strangers. Why do you like this kid so much today?"

"Xuanzhou." Xiao seemed to respond casually.


This is not a very famous place, but how could Qiao Zhixing not know about it.

This place involved the pain of their family, and the pain from many years ago resurfaced in front of his eyes.

At this moment, Qiao Zhixing's heart felt a dull pain.

Four years have passed, and everyone in the Qiao family seems to have lost all sadness, but they all know each other well, and those heavy and sad past events are buried deep in their hearts.

No one will mention it, and no one will open the wounds to each other.

"Dr. Qiao, I'll take Donald first."

Xiao Sisi didn't talk to Qiao Zhixing anymore, but walked quickly to the school gate.

Qiao Zhixing watched her hurried away and smiled faintly. Is he that scary?

It seems that no one is so afraid of him yet.

Qiao Zhixing teased the potato in his arms and walked to the parking lot with it in his arms.

Opening the door, he placed the potato on the passenger seat.

Tudou sat like a little baby, good and obedient.

Since his brother left, the potato has become their family's treasure. When you see it, it's like your brother is still around. He proposed to bring Tudou over to raise him some time ago, and his mother agreed. Little Tudou is also obedient, not noisy or fussy in a foreign country, and is very well-behaved.

One time, he happened to find a photo of him and his brother. Just when he was fascinated by it, Tudou saw it and used his little paws to pull the "brother" in the photo. He later spent a lot of effort to coax him back.

Unexpectedly, Tudou would still recognize his brother after so many years.

This little guy is really smart.

While waiting at the red light, Qiao Zhixing saw how cute Tudou was sitting in the passenger seat and couldn't help but take a photo to show Qiao Muyuan.

Qiao Zhixing: Please check the potatoes for today. Princess.

It was early morning in China, and Qiao Muyuan had just woken up.

Qiao Muyuan was very happy when he saw Tudou's latest photos early in the morning. He held his phone and replied to Qiao Zhixing——

Qiao Muyuan: Potato is such a cute duck~~ He is so well-behaved!

Qiao Zhixing: He is well raised, please rest assured, princess.

Qiao Muyuan: Did you tie it into pigtails? Didn't you say before that this is a childish trick that only children can do?

Qiao Zhixing:...

Qiao Muyuan: Open the video and let me talk to Baby Potato.

Qiao Zhixing: Drive.

Qiao Muyuan: Oh! Have you had dinner?

Qiao Zhixing: After eating, now go to the hospital.

Qiao Muyuan: Then you drive and take good care of the baby potato. If it has any shortcomings, the whole family will not spare you.

Qiao Zhixing didn't reply and drove seriously.

Occasionally, he would turn his head and glance at Tudou, who was sitting obediently in the passenger seat, and Tudou would also make a milky sound.

Qiao Zhixing curled his lips and his heart melted.

How did his brother raise such a little thing?

Suddenly, the little baby in the laboratory just now appeared in his mind. That little baby looked very cute.

Xiao Sisi brought Zheng Bao to the seafood restaurant.

Her heart was still pounding, and she couldn't calm down at the moment. Even her back was covered with a layer of cold sweat.

After ordering the meal, Zheng Bao drank water from the glass in front of him, his legs dangling.

"Xiu Dog is so cute, Mommy, when will Baobao Sen see Xiu Dog again?"

"Uncle doesn't come here often, and mom doesn't know."

"Okay." Zheng Bao was a little disappointed.

Xiao Sisi smiled slightly and touched Zheng Bao's little head.

After coming to New York, she told Zheng Bao that she was not his aunt, she was his mother, dear.

Zheng Bao was still young and didn't understand anything else. He was very happy to hear that his "aunt" was Mom, but he didn't ask anything else.

Since then, Zheng Bao has been calling her "Mama", which made her heartbroken. She finally waited until Zheng Bao called her "Mama" openly.

For so many years, she had never dared to recognize Zheng Bao. After coming abroad, she could finally be reunited with the baby she gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy.

From now on, in a foreign country, she will protect Zheng Bao well and watch him grow up safely.

"Shrimp." Zheng Bao grabbed the biggest shrimp and put it in a bowl, "Give it to Mom."

"Thank you, honey." Xiao looked at him lovingly, "Mom, can I peel the shrimp for you?"

"it is good."

Xiao Si seemed to peel some of Zheng Bao's favorite shrimps and put them in his small bowl as usual.

Mother and son were sitting head to head, talking and laughing.

Zhengbao is very funny and seems to be very happy. He has a good temper and lets out giggles from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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